Better the bitter truth than the sweet lie: proverb. Which is better: the bitter truth or the sweet lie?

Better the bitter truth than the sweet lie: proverb. Which is better: the bitter truth or the sweet lie?
Better the bitter truth than the sweet lie: proverb. Which is better: the bitter truth or the sweet lie?

If everything related to truth or lies were simple and clear, there would be no expression among the people “better the bitter truth than the sweet lie.”

Better a bitter truth than a sweet lie
Better a bitter truth than a sweet lie

However, this expression is found in almost all languages of the world. Let's figure out which is better and whether there really is the best of these two evils.

Better means "more profitable"

Alas, more often than not, when people talk about choice, the advice is solely to achieve their own benefits. Agree, it is absurd to somehow follow the advice that will leave you in the "fools". Is no exception and the statement "better the bitter truth than the sweet lie." What is meant here is not the moral side of the issue, but one's own interests. After all, it is certainly clear - having told the truth, you will remain "clean", not soiling yourself with the mud of lies. So what, that such truth can cause pain and suffering to someone?"I'm clean!" the ego will say. "Yes, it's unpleasant, but it was true!" It turns out that if we deviate from the principle known since childhood, nothing bad will happen? Moreover, lies can be saving, while the truth can hurt and destroy? Let's figure it out!

Fools and children always tell the truth

Children don't tend to lie. Toddlers are so truthful and natural in their rightness that they shamelessly poke their fingers at strangers, announcing the space with “unpleasant” questions: “Mom, why is uncle so fat?”, “Why is this aunt dressed like a parrot?”.

What's better than a bitter truth than a sweet lie?
What's better than a bitter truth than a sweet lie?

It is not difficult to guess who is the first to teach a child to lie - of course, the parents. It could be “Ssss!”, or maybe a gift in the form of a slap. And the kid understands that the truth, such as it is, can be very unpleasant and even painful. Growing up, the child notices more and more lies around him and himself is included in this mutually beneficial game. After all, the world is not a holiday, you don’t want to go to school, you don’t want to do your homework, you don’t want your parents to scold you for a bad grade. We ask ourselves: “What is better - the bitter truth than the sweet lie?” in early childhood. However, the issue of truth and honesty only gets worse with age.

The truth is one

You may have heard the expression: "The truth is she alone." This is a very often used saying when it comes to morality, good and evil, things "right" and "wrong". Meanwhile, it is worth digging deeper, and it turns out that everything is not so simple. For oneFor a person, evil is abstract, for another it is concrete. Someone believes in justice, and someone believes that everything is bought and everyone in the world is for himself. Imagine that there is a war between two nations. Ask a representative of one nation - who is right in this war? Of course, he will answer that his side is right, but the opponents are both evil and insidious. But his opponent will stand his ground, arguing that the truth is on their side. If such a thought experiment does not seem convincing to you, then conduct your own, real one.

Which is better bitter truth or sweet lie
Which is better bitter truth or sweet lie

Interview a few people (your parents, friends). Ask them questions such as: “What is truth?”, “What does it mean to act honestly?”, “What is untruth?”. You will see that everyone will give his own answer, related to his own life experience and baggage of experiences. Finally, ask: “Which is better, the bitter truth or the sweet lie?”, And again you will hear different answers. It's simple - a person judges solely from his past. Someone faced a lie, suffered from it and now does not accept it. And someone has become a victim of the truth, naked and merciless, and now prefers to close their eyes to the facts, to hear lies, but without pain. It turns out that the question: “Which is better, the bitter truth or the sweet lie?” doomed to go unanswered?

Everyone has their own truth

Sometimes it's hard to come to the truth. As the saying goes: "How many people, so many opinions", which means that everyone has their own truth. Meanwhile, deep down everyone knows the right answer to the question. And this, in spite of allaccumulated experience, on the traumas of the past and the wounds of the present. Everyone can deny something out loud, disagree with something in their minds, but deep down we all know the only true answer.

It doesn't matter what God you believe in and what religion you profess. You can be a convinced atheist and deny the existence of the Supreme. And you can have any position in life. But you must admit: in any situation, you always feel that it would be the right decision. Whatever happens, you can clearly tell at any given time what you should do. But we most often do what would be more profitable for us or as circumstances dictate.

What is this for? To the fact that every person always knows what is best. How to do the right thing so that it is good for everyone. Moreover, the inner voice sometimes puts the interests of others above their own.

For an inner voice to answer

Every time we face a situation called "better the bitter truth than the sweet lie", we also hear an inner voice. We have been told many times that the truth is always better.

bitter truth is better than sweet lies
bitter truth is better than sweet lies

We have heard that the most bitter truth is better than sweet lies, and sometimes blindly followed this rule. And tell me honestly - has it always led to good results? Was a person always happy to hear the truth, or would he be better off with a lie? It turns out that half the time you can lie - and it will be good.

Don't follow stereotypes

Forget the so-called rules if you want to live happily ever after on this planet!Who told us that a bitter truth is better than a sweet lie? Parents who themselves taught us to lie. Teachers who are not role models.

bitter truth is better than sweet lies
bitter truth is better than sweet lies

Other people who tend to err. All rules are invented by people, and what they invented does not work in almost half of the cases. Do not ask yourself: "Better the bitter truth than the sweet lie - is it?". Think back to situations in your life when you followed this rule. Did it lead to good results? Has the truth hurt you and people? Truth does not exist! There are a million circumstances and situations, and there are a lot of ways out of them.

The only truth is not to hurt yourself or others. If harm is the so-called "truth", then sometimes a sweet lie is better than a bitter truth.

When you can lie

You yourself know the answer to the question of the ethics of lying. You can lie when the truth can destroy and hurt. This is not about blissful ignorance. But the fact is that sometimes the truth can completely turn the course of human life, make it worse. A person may be so unprepared for the truth that it can literally kill him. In this case, the dilemma "better the bitter truth than the sweet lie" should not even arise.

Follow your inner voice

Even being brought up in certain traditions, we still always know the best option for our behavior or reaction. Man is not a machine, not a robot, and not an animal.

sometimes sweet lies are better than bitter truths
sometimes sweet lies are better than bitter truths

Yes, sometimes we are guided by instincts, sometimes by upbringing, but nothing can drown out the voice of the soul and heart. People who live in harmony with their inner instinct are the most calm - because they always act "in truth." Of course, not all actions in this case will be due to self-interest, and, nevertheless, they will be the best choice.

Forget the stereotypes. Don't worry about choosing anything - these are mental traps created by people for fun. Live according to what your heart tells you. This is the best compass in life.
