Which hand is better to stir tea and other tricky riddles

Which hand is better to stir tea and other tricky riddles
Which hand is better to stir tea and other tricky riddles

Now riddles for logic and attentiveness have become very popular. If earlier it was necessary to compare the facts indicated in the riddle and select appropriate answers for them that meet the criteria indicated in it, then in those that we are talking about now, the answer is hidden in the wording itself or somewhere on the surface and in another part of the logical reflections. Sometimes you have to look for meaning on the surface, and not at depth. Let's analyze such riddles using the following as an example: “Which hand is better to stir tea?”


The work of thought
The work of thought

Anyone immediately rushes to think like this. Yeah, which hand is better to stir the tea? Well, if I'm left-handed, then it's easier for me to stir, of course, with my left. Although, the question, apparently, is not related to this. Then with what? In a glove? Who has five fingers? But everyone has five on their handfingers … And, probably, there is some kind of hitch here!.. But what is it? Probably with a clean hand. But what about hygiene? The question is which hand is better to stir the tea, and not which hand is he althier or safer for the body … Probably, nevertheless, the one that is closer to the glass of tea at the moment. Or with that hand in which at this moment there is no cup of tea. After all, with the hand in which the cup, you will not be able to stir the tea. It means that the answer to the riddle “which hand is better to stir the tea” will be “free”!.. No? Here it is. Well then, I give up. I don't know what else to think of here.

Correct answer

And the answer was not in the field of picking up hands, but in the field of what you can generally get into tea to stir it. Hand tea does not interfere. Mix tea with a spoon. Of course, one can argue with this, because the spoon is still clamped in the hand, a person operates with his hand when he stirs the tea. But all the same, a spoon is clamped in the hand, and the hand does not climb into the drink itself. Here are the things. Will have to reconcile. No hand is easier. It's easier with a spoon. You, as they say, lost.

How good are these riddles?

in thought
in thought

Riddles with a trick like: "Which hand to stir the tea?" are good because they remarkably help to develop logic and think more broadly and on a larger scale. It is especially good to load small children with such riddles. Their thinking has not yet become ossified in its single direction, as in adults. Although it is not too late for anyone to change and learn to think more deeply and at the same time look for the answer on the surface, no matter what age the person is.

Similar riddles

Therefore, for those who have a desire to exercise a little and “stretch their brains”, we suggest guessing the following set of riddles. The answers to them will be published below, in numerical order:

  1. Seven black grouse are sitting on a tree. The hunter shot one. How many left?
  2. How do you jump from a standing 10-meter ladder without breaking your bones when you land?
  3. Vanya is walking past the house. There are 3 windows in it, each with 3 cats, each with 3 kittens, the kittens have mice in their mouths. How many legs?
  4. How many peas are in a 250ml glass?
  5. How to catch a tiger cub in a cage?
  6. Can you beat your mother-in-law to death with cotton wool?
  7. Hanging on the wall and crying.
  8. Why can a titmouse eat a handful of grain, but a horse cannot?
Very surprised
Very surprised

Answers: 1. None, because the rest scattered after the shot. 2. You need to jump from the bottom step. 3. Two. Only Vanya has legs. The rest have paws. 4. Peas can't walk. 5. Nothing. All tigers are striped. 6. Of course. Only you need to wrap a dumbbell in it. Or iron. 7. Climber. 8. Birds don't eat horsemeat.


The riddle “which hand to stir the tea” and others from this opera are great not only for training your child’s broader thinking style, but also for raising the mood among friends. After all, sometimes it’s interesting to “be smart” and watch how adult uncles and aunts puzzle over the simplest truths hidden on the surface. And it does not matter that before all these riddles, along with the answers,memorize, you yourself could not answer a single one. The main thing is that you are now on a horse. Isn't it?
