Characteristics of Terenty Prostakov, landowner

Characteristics of Terenty Prostakov, landowner
Characteristics of Terenty Prostakov, landowner
prostakov's characteristic
prostakov's characteristic

The most capacious description of Prostakov, the hero of Fonvizin's "Undergrowth", is given by another hero of the work, the official Pravdin: "Countless Fool." Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin portrayed this image in his comedy in a very technical way. He just participates in the plot without developing it. However, he is a common type of stupid and lazy person. That is why Fonvizin considered it appropriate to introduce just such a mediocre and soulless person into his brilliant comedy.

Noble origin

In fact, he, who has not acquired any experience or professional qualities, despite his age, can be called a "undergrowth". The characteristic of Prostakov begins with a noble origin. He belongs to the category of people who own serfs, such people are sure that they will live life without putting any effort into anything, without bothering themselves with work, service, or household chores. The deep reason for the formation of such an amorphous personality is laziness. She prevented the landowner Prostakov from getting a decent education and making a career. According to his wife, he was raised "asred girl." He can't even read.

Uneducated and cowardly

characterization of prostakov undergrowth
characterization of prostakov undergrowth

Prostakov's characterization from his wife is also capacious: "Humble as a calf." The mission of daily organization and control over the work on the estate had long been taken away from him by an energetic and tough wife. Even the fact that she is prone to cruelty, is able to “flog” powerless and dumb serfs to death, does not bother him at all. The assault and swearing of the wife became common in this house. Mrs. Prostakova completely suppressed his personality, making him a "henpecked". Fonvizin's characterization of Prostakov is highly derogatory. Undergrowth Mitrofanushka, dear blood, and he despises his father. Thus, the landowner Prostakov is constantly in the position of "no fault of the guilty," as he himself says. Even if he could think and express his opinion, he would not be allowed to. In the presence of his wife, he cannot even say a word. He will be immediately interrupted and exposed as an idiot. Therefore, he speaks timidly, constantly “stammering.”

Self-withdrawal from raising a son

The illiterate and lazy Prostakov has practically no effect on the upbringing of his child. He was actually brought up by Eremeevna, having absorbed her "slave spirit". The worst thing is that the father does not even realize that his son is uneducated, ill-mannered and rude to people. He is touched by the "pranks" of the offspring, which, from the point of view of common sense, deserve indignation and teaching, and possibly punishment.

undergrowthprostakov's characteristic
undergrowthprostakov's characteristic


The author's negative attitude towards the image of the "henpecked" landowner is obvious. The characteristic of Prostakov draws before us a degraded, cowardly and lazy personality. Such is this man, who himself gave himself the most humiliating characterization of all, with which he was awarded in the course of the comedy - "wife's husband." The passivity of the owner of the estate becomes one of the reasons for the future troubles for his family: his wife turned into a cruel monster, his son grew up to be a dunce, and the estate itself will soon be requisitioned by the state due to the criminally cruel treatment of serfs.
