Michael Sullivan: books and biography

Michael Sullivan: books and biography
Michael Sullivan: books and biography

Sometimes a future writer is separated from world fame only by the unwillingness of publishers to rely on a new author. Michael Sullivan could well have joined the crowd of talented, but, alas, unknown authors, if not for one circumstance - he decided to publish his works himself. They soon became bestsellers, and a new name appeared in the fantasy world.

michael sullivan
michael sullivan

About the author

Michael J. Sullivan was born on September 17, 1961 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He began writing at the age of 10, after he found a typewriter in the basement of his house. The first lines he typed: "it was a dark and stormy night." It seems that even then Michael Sullivan decided on the business of his life - writing books became his favorite thing.

michael sullivan books
michael sullivan books

This is not to say that the aspiring writer took it as a hobby. He studied the work of such masters as Stephen King, Ernest Hemingway and John Steinbeck for a long time, and honed his own style. However, having written 13 novels in 10 years, Michael never received recognition.

Then he did two things at the same time - quit smoking and quit writing. And I promised myself that this would be forever.

Michael Sullivan worked as an illustrator, and in 1996organized his own small business - an advertising agency. In 2005, he closed the case and devoted all his free time to writing books, breaking his word to himself. He did this in order to instill a love of reading in his thirteen-year-old daughter, who suffers from dyslexia.

michael sullivan theft of swords
michael sullivan theft of swords

The author was already well over forty, he was not looking for popularity and did not plan to give his work to print. He was dissuaded from such a step by his wife after reading the third book of the Riiriya's Revelations series. Acting as his business partner, the writer's wife organized the printing of the first two novels in a small edition, then they received recognition in the electronic version (2008). Only after that Michael Sullivan became interesting to publishers, not only in the USA (2010), but all over the world. Today, his works have been translated into 14 languages, including Russian.

The author is married with three children.

Michael Sullivan Books

The author wrote six works of the "Riiriya's Revelations" cycle, which were first published in parts, and then were published in three volumes. There is also a parallel series, The Chronicles of Riiriya. They can be read at the same time.

Michael Sullivan recommends reading his books not by the time of events in the works, but by the way they were published:

  1. "Sword theft". This part includes Plot Against the Crown and Avempartha.
  2. "Rise of an Empire". This includes Rising of Nyphron and Emerald Storm.
  3. "Heir of Novron". Consists of books titled "Festival of Winter" and "Perceplikis" (or"Persepliquis" and "Winter" - there are different options).
  4. Crown Tower.
  5. Rose and Thorn.
  6. "Death of Dulgat".

No Episode: Hollow World.


What kind of books does Michael Sullivan write? "Theft of Swords" is the work by which you can evaluate all the work of the author and understand whether it is worth reading or not. The book is about a pair of talented thieves - Royce and Adrian, who are accompanied by extraordinary luck in their craft. But one negligence - and now, they are already bogged down in royal intrigues, and the fate of the country depends on their actions.

In the US, Michael Sullivan is compared to George Martin, but without explicit sex scenes, as well as to classic fantasy writers such as John R. R. Tolkien. But Sullivan's books are not so epic, and elves, gnomes and other fabulous races are introduced only as scenery - if they were replaced by people, the book would not change at all.

And in our country they draw an analogy with Alexei Pekhov and his "Chronicles of Siala". The characters and the idea are similar, but our compatriot is ahead of Sullivan in the ratings of readers.

In general, the works of this author can be called successful, one might say - a four plus. What was missing from the ideal? Dynamics, more elaboration of the details of the world, or maybe just played by personal taste preferences.

Everyone can read Michael Sullivan's books, fans of fantasy with a detective bent are a must.
