Shepherd's horn - Russian folk wind instrument

Shepherd's horn - Russian folk wind instrument
Shepherd's horn - Russian folk wind instrument

Shepherd's horn can be called differently: "Vladimir", "Russian", "song". This is a unique musical instrument that belongs purely to Russian culture. This number of names depends on the territories. After all, the Russian lands are so vast that in every corner the people call the horn in their own way. Somewhere it is called a "pipe", and somewhere a "pipe". The "Vladimir" horn got its name after the popularity of the famous choir in the Vladimir region.

shepherd's horn
shepherd's horn

What is a shepherd's horn, what is it made of?

Shepherd's horn is a Russian folk wind musical instrument, which is usually made of maple, birch or juniper. Moreover, they say that the shepherd's horn, made of juniper, is the best and most functional instrument.

In the old days, horns were made from 2 parts, and then fastened with birch bark. Nowadays, they are made on specialized machines for making horns.

The shepherd's horn has a conical shape in the form of a tube and has 5 holes for playing and a couple of holes at the bottom and top. Also included in the hornbell and mouthpiece. The size of a musical instrument can be very different. It depends on its purpose. The length varies from thirty centimeters to ninety.

what is shepherd's horn
what is shepherd's horn

Varieties of shepherd's horn

The qualities of an individual horn directly depend on its intended purpose. There are two types of shepherd's horns. The first of them is called "squealer" or "bass" and its purpose is ensemble performance. These horns have a minimal size and a very low sound for ease of use. The second is called "half-basque", and it serves for solo performance. The size of these horns should be medium.

It is important to note that the musical instrument has a very strong sound, but rather soft and pleasant to listen to.

Today, ensemble and solo horns, unfortunately, are practically not used anymore, however, some orchestras introduce these instruments for national flavor in their performances.

The story of the shepherd's horn

The history of this musical instrument is not very ancient, because the first mention of the horn was found in the 19th century. However, it is important to note that such terms as "pipe", "trumpet" can mean the same thing as a modern horn. Perhaps "horn" is a newer name. And this means that the roots of the origin of this musical instrument are even deeper than we suspect.

The horn was widely used and is now used by guards, warriors andshepherds.

Rozhki became famous in the 19th century, after the performances of the famous horn choir led by Nikolai Kondratiev. The choir existed for about forty years, gaining immense popularity among compatriots. The choir consisted of 12 horn players, who were divided into three groups of four people. Each group was responsible for its own task. For example, the first group was aimed at the performance of high voices, the second - on the main melody, and the third - on the lower voices. This choir has gained immense popularity in Russia. They played in high circles. They also found their fans abroad.

And it got the name "Vladimir" horn because the famous choir originally performed in Vladimir.

The purpose of the shepherd's horn. How to play it?

The musical instrument horn can be used for different purposes and therefore there are several genres of horn tunes:

  • signal tunes;
  • dance;
  • dance;
  • song.
how to play shepherd's horn
how to play shepherd's horn

Signal horns are used to control a herd of sheep, dance or dance horns are used to conduct dance rites. And the most used and popular are the horn tunes.
