How to draw a Christmas tree: easy ways for kids and adults

How to draw a Christmas tree: easy ways for kids and adults
How to draw a Christmas tree: easy ways for kids and adults

Spruce is a beautiful, slender plant with fluffy branches. It can be found in coniferous and mixed forests, as well as within the city. For the New Year, it is this tree, decorated with tinsel and shiny balls, that creates a festive mood. Children and adults are wondering how to draw a Christmas tree. Consider several ways.

Following the template

Toddlers love to be creative with mom or dad. However, scribbles most often come out from under the pencil. How to draw a Christmas tree for a two-year-old artist who is just learning to hold a brush in his hand? You can't do without the help of an adult.

Take a landscape sheet, draw a large triangle in the middle, cut it out with scissors. Attach the resulting template to the base on which the baby will draw. Give him a sponge, let him dip it in a container of green paint. Now we need to put a lot of spots so that the triangle becomes colored. When you remove the template, you will see a simple green Christmas tree that needs to be decorated with balls. For this you canuse dies cut from vegetables or fruits.

Drawing a Christmas tree with a preschooler

Older children can already draw a round sun, a house made of a square and a triangle, a little man made of sticks and ovals. How to draw a Christmas tree for a young artist familiar with geometric shapes? Let's take an ordinary triangle as a basis. Let the kid draw it in the middle of the landscape sheet with a pencil.

how to draw a christmas tree
how to draw a christmas tree

Now, starting from the top, draw the protruding wavy branches. They don't have to be symmetrical. However, the tree will look more elegant if the tiers of branches are made narrow. Having drawn the bends on the side borders of the triangle, do not forget to draw the bottom. Then the guide lines can be erased.

Draw a tree trunk protruding from under the lower branches, outline the location of garlands and Christmas decorations. When the sketches are completed, you can move on to the details. Outline the contours with bolder lines, draw garlands of small beads, outline highlights on the balls. Don't forget about the shining star on top of the spruce tree and the gifts carefully planted by Grandfather Frost.

Make it harder

The next option requires a developed eye. How to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil without auxiliary lines? Let's start from the top. First, we decide where the center will be, and then draw two lines from it - one to the left, the other to the right. Wavy lines denote the lower contours of the branches. Again we spread the lines to the sides, drawing the next tier. Remember that the crown is the thinnest, and then the branches grow wider and wider. The main thing here is to maintain symmetry.

simple christmas tree for kids
simple christmas tree for kids

When the tree is ready, the trunk is drawn. Now you can move on to decorations. Balls, stars, garlands, tinsel - it all depends on your imagination. To make the picture bright, it needs to be colored.


Let's continue the conversation about how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step. This time we will be transported to the summer forest. From the materials we need a landscape sheet, an eraser and a quality pencil of medium softness.

First mark the trunk. Mark the grass in which the tree grows. Starting from the top, draw branches. We fill them with needles in the form of sharp strokes. It is not necessary to make the branches even. There is practically no perfect symmetry in nature. But the needles should fit snugly against each other. Again, avoid overly straight lines. Enough general impression.

draw a Christmas tree step by step
draw a Christmas tree step by step

When you draw the branches to the very base, take care of the ground. Draw protruding blades of grass to make everything look realistic. The volume of the picture can be given with the help of darker shading. Apply shadows on the trunk, the lower part of the branches, go over the grass with a pencil. And enjoy the result.

Taking on the colors

How to draw a Christmas tree in stages with watercolor or gouache? Consider the easiest ways that are suitable even for kids. The first of them is conditionally called "panicle". We start drawing from the top, depicting fluffy bunches. The closer to the bottom, the more magnificent the tiers become,more sweeping strokes. If you are unsure of your abilities, first draw a straight line as a guide. It will become the trunk of the future tree.

paint a Christmas tree
paint a Christmas tree

You can apply strokes not only down from the trunk, but also up in a semicircle. In this case, they begin to draw from the lower branches, gradually rising up. When the tree is ready, the paint is allowed to dry. Then you can start drawing Christmas balls. To make the picture more believable, draw needles on top of the toys with thin strokes.

If you wish, you can draw a winter spruce. On the branches with white paint we denote snow. To make it look voluminous, shade the lower part with blue or lilac colors. There is no white tint in watercolors. In this case, snow can be depicted by mixing blue, lilac and blue colors in different proportions.

Magic of New Year's Eve

How to draw a beautiful Christmas tree that glows in the dark? Draw a triangle with thin lines. With short pencil strokes, mark the trunk and branches without drawing them in detail. The main thing is to create the impression of a lush crown. At this stage, it is still difficult to guess the future Christmas tree in the tree.

Christmas tree
Christmas tree

The next step is to work with paints. To create a feeling of glow, apply yellow color to the silhouette of the tree. When the paint is dry, apply horizontal dark green strokes. With their help, we display the wide paws of spruce. Then we add light green strokes for believability, blurring them with water. The result is a Christmas tree glowing from within. It remains to depict the evening landscape around, falling reflections on the snow.

How to draw a Christmas tree? In fact, there is nothing difficult in this. Even a two-year-old kid can cope with such a task, if he has a little help. Create beautiful pictures and let them remind you of a holiday on gray weekdays.
