How to draw an apple tree: an easy way

How to draw an apple tree: an easy way
How to draw an apple tree: an easy way

In order to create a beautiful picture with a simple pencil, it is not necessary to be born a genius. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the technique of creating a drawing. Thanks to a step-by-step description, each person will be able to understand how to draw an apple tree. And most importantly, you can teach your child this simple skill.

how to draw an apple tree
how to draw an apple tree

Easy way to learn how to draw an apple tree

In order to start creating, you will need two simple pencils, an eraser, paints and some free time. Drawing an apple tree in stages is not difficult. We create a tree trunk. We need to draw a beautiful apple tree.

You need to work hard to create a mighty tree silhouette. First, one curved side of the trunk is drawn. Then we draw the second part. It is always necessary to remember that the trunk is the first and important step in creating our drawing. Therefore, how it will be depicted will depend on what kind of apple tree will come out. It is very important to use a pencil with a soft lead - in order for the lines to be light.

Apple tree roots

When willthe "heart" of the tree is ready, we proceed to the roots. From the trunk are wavy and smooth lines down. Our roots belong to the old tree. They are rooted deep into the ground. They became a good support for the plant. But over time, the roots grew and began to break out. And the drawing conveys this impulse.

Tree branches

Branches are drawn up from the trunk. First, we depict large, like snakes. Then from each line there is a branching in different directions. And together they resemble the big antlers of an old deer. The more branches are drawn, the stronger and more powerful our apple tree seems.

draw an apple tree step by step
draw an apple tree step by step


In order to create a crown for an apple tree, you need to remember how the clouds look in the sky. Represented? Next, we will transfer the memories of them to the branches of our tree. And to create the effect of leaves, the upper part of the crown is drawn wavy.

This easy way makes it possible to understand how to draw an apple tree with your child. The resulting masterpiece will be able to replenish the baby's home collection of creativity.


Already when a tree is drawn, every young artist will want to complement it with ripe fruits. And the child involuntarily asks the question: “How to draw an apple tree with apples to decorate a picture?”

To begin with, small strokes are evenly applied throughout the crown. These will be the stems. Juicy apples will be placed on them. Then, under each stroke, round fruits are depicted.

how to draw an apple tree with apples
how to draw an apple tree with apples

Final stage

When the drawing is complete, it shoulddecorate. But at this point you need to be creative. To begin with, all the lines of the trunk are carefully removed with an eraser, and only then watercolor is applied. This applies to every drawn part of the tree. First, the pencil is removed, and only then the paint is applied. On the sunny side of the painted tree, the paint will be a couple of tones lighter. To the center of the apple tree, the color evens out. If you paint in this way, you will get the impression that one side of the apple tree is warmed and caressed by the sun.

When a person draws a picture in stages, it is much easier for him to understand and remember how to draw an apple tree. And the step-by-step instructions will become an indispensable assistant when creating your first masterpiece.

As a result, I would like to add: drawing is like mental therapy. It relieves stress and gives complete relaxation to a person. And for a child, this is the best thing to do, because this skill teaches children to notice all the minor details.

Well, if a beginner artist asks his parents about how to draw an apple tree, then this article will always come to the rescue and will be a good hint. Experiment yourself and teach this truly wonderful skill to your children.
