How to draw a cobra? The easy way

How to draw a cobra? The easy way
How to draw a cobra? The easy way

When starting to draw a cobra in a fighting pose, it should be borne in mind that it looks threatening and dynamic. Perhaps this is the reason why many artists are so fond of depicting snakes preparing to attack.

From this article you will learn how to draw a cobra step by step simply and easily. Most beginners have difficulty working on a snake drawing. In order not to have difficulties in the process of work, use the step-by-step instructions below. You will certainly succeed in surprising not only yourself, but also those around you.

How to draw a cobra with a pencil step by step?

It is best to start drawing a cobra in a throw by marking the lines in four squares. Sketch with barely visible pencil strokes and draw the lower outlines of the snake.

Working order:

  1. Using the outlines obtained, draw the head and torso of the cobra laid in a ring.
  2. Display the visible details on the head of the snake and draw two lines for the open hood.
  3. Draw the mouth and fangs.
  4. Don't forget to draw the pupils and nostrils.
  5. Make a forked long tongue.

The main thing - pay attention to drawing moresmall elements of the snake skin pattern.

how to draw a korba with a pencil step by step
how to draw a korba with a pencil step by step

What will be needed in the process of work?

Before you start the drawing process, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • white sheet of paper (any size and shape);
  • hard and soft pencils;
  • eraser;
  • colored pencils.

Drawing a snake tail

Take a blank sheet of paper and place it horizontally on your work surface. Approximately in the middle of the sheet, draw a vertical and horizontal line. You have probably seen a cobra on TV or in a picture more than once - it tends to twist its body into several rings. This should be taken into account in the process of working on the drawing. At an angle, the circle of rings looks like an ellipse or figure eight.

how to draw a cobra with a pencil
how to draw a cobra with a pencil

The long axis of the ellipse should be parallel to the bottom of the sheet. The ellipse can be irregular and inscribed in any other shape.

how to draw a cobra step by step
how to draw a cobra step by step

The second way to draw a snake curled up in a ball:

  • Draw a polygon, then fit an ellipse into it. Draw the coils of the reptile's tail well, there may be several of them.
  • The widest loop is always closer to the observer.
  • Select the branch of the tail, resembling the figure of an acute-angled long triangle.
  • The neck of a cobra is not too difficult to draw. Select a couple of vertical lines drawn symmetrically from the middle line.

The head of a cobra can be depicted in two ways:

For example, you could start with a diamond pattern with the sharp corner pointing down. Round off the corners of the rhombus - this will be the head of the cobra. On it you will need to finish the eyes and the remaining elements

Second way:

Draw an oval with a long vertical axis. In this case, you will need to sharpen the arcs a little as you work

Third way (King Cobra):

  • Draw horizontal stripes on the head.
  • Next, draw the structure of the "squares" on the neck.
  • On the body (tail) ovals or other patterns, in case your snake is a fictional fantasy character. Using the suggested recommendations, you can get rid of the difficulties in the process. Do not doubt yourself, because using this instruction, you will no longer wonder how to draw a cobra with a pencil. The job will be easy enough.

Drawing a king cobra

Cobra is a unique snake. She is the only reptile to have a wide hood at the base of her neck.

how to draw a cobra
how to draw a cobra

Let's try to draw a snake in a simplified and accessible way:

  1. First draw a small circle - this will be the head of the snake. Then draw a long line from the head.
  2. Small sketch of the neck and nose.
  3. Add eyes and nostrils.
  4. From the previously drawn head, draw lines along the torso down to the very tip of the tail.
  5. To make the snake more voluminous, you will need to drawtwo lines on the neck that will add more realism.

The drawing is almost ready. If you want it to be more colorful, you can color the image with colored pencils.

Final stage

Now that you figured out how to draw a cobra, it remains to think about how to give a little naturalness to the drawing. If you decide to color the sketch with colored pencils, you can use a real image of a cobra in order to reproduce all the tones. A wonderful solution would be to draw the surrounding landscape and glue real sand and shells. We wish you good luck and creative success.
