Atticus Shaffer: the difficult life of a popular teenager

Atticus Shaffer: the difficult life of a popular teenager
Atticus Shaffer: the difficult life of a popular teenager

Atticus Shaffer is an 18 year old American actor who has been nominated for and won several awards. His full name is Atticus Ronald Shaffer.

Atticus Shaffer
Atticus Shaffer

Atticus Shaffer: biography

The young American actor was born in the United States of America in California on June 19, 1998. Since childhood, the American actor has been living with his parents Debbie and Ron Shaffer. An interesting fact is that the parents named Atticus after the protagonist of the wonderful literary work "To Kill a Mockingbird".

Atticus Shaffer was homeschooled throughout his school years due to his illness, but more on that later. His favorite pastime, in addition to filming a movie, is reading. According to him, there was not a day that he would have spent without a book. Atticus Shaffer's favorite works are: Star Wars (all parts), the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, and he also admires books about World War II and studies the history of this war.

The American actor is also a fan of animated films. For example, he admires The Clone Wars, likes to watch Channel Stories, Pawn Stars,"Grab Without Looking" and "American Collectors".

Roots of the famous actor

Atticus Shaffer's family tree is quite branched. For example, his paternal grandmother was of Italian descent, while his maternal grandmother was Polish. But that's not all. Atticus is of German, Swedish-French, French-Canadian and English descent.

atticus shaffer movies
atticus shaffer movies

Atticus Shaffer: illness

When the boy was born, unfortunately, doctors immediately discovered a congenital bone disease. This severe disease is called osteogenesis imperfecta type IV. The disease was inherited from the mother, who is also sick with this disease, namely, has its first type. However, it is possible to find its advantages in everything, although sometimes they can be very doubtful. Of course, he alth is the most important component of a happy life, but not always a person gets what he would like. Thanks to his sad illness, the boy easily plays the roles of characters who should look much younger than Atticus Shaffer himself.

Consequences of the disease, for example, extremely small stature (and Atticus is only 142 centimeters), of course, complicate his life, but also help to earn money on interesting movie roles.

It is important to note the support of Debbie and Ron Shaffer - Atticus's parents. They help and guide their son on the right path. After all, what could be more important than an understanding and supportive family? This is undoubtedly the most important thing in the life of any person.

atticus shaffer biography
atticus shaffer biography

Films and awards

It is important to note that Atticus Shaffer began his acting career at a very young age: he was nine years old. This happened in 2006.

In 2006, Atticus was spotted by a well-known manager and cast in a guest starring role on the episode "The Class". This role led him to embody a more powerful role. He played the role of Brick Hack in the sitcom It's Worse.

Shaffer is also known for playing Matty Newton in the 2009 film The Unborn.

On wide screens, Atticus appeared in films: "Hancock" (2008) as a boy at a bus stop, "American Fairy Tale" (2008) as a little boy Timmy, "The Unborn", "Reverse Day" (2009 year), where his character was a detective boy.

The American actor has shown himself not only in big movies, but also on television. He has a huge number of roles in fairly large projects. The roles of Atticus Shaffer, the films in which he embodied them, are presented below:

  • "Class" (2007). John's role in the first episode.
  • "Days of our lives" (2007). Little Irishman.
  • "Motorists" (2008). Played a boy in the first episode.
  • "Out of Jimmy's Head" (2008). The role of Aaron.
  • "It can get worse" (2009 to present). Brick Hack.
  • "The Five Superheroes" (2013). In this film, Atticus Shaffer voiced the character Monk I.
  • "Dance Fever"(2011). Role of an outsider.
  • "I'm in a rock band" (2011). Eddie Nova Jr.
  • "My name is Earl" (2009). A boy from the astronaut camp.

Scoring of films and cartoons

Not every actor can boast of such achievements at such a young age. However, this is not all the accomplishments of Atticus. He also excelled in voicing famous cartoons.

Perhaps his most famous work is the voice of the hunchback boy in the cartoon "Frankenweenie". This is a bit of a villainous character, but he has a good heart. The actor in one of his interviews says that he is very similar to his hero. Atticus claims that, like his character, he follows the call of the heart and does not want to classify himself as a gray mass. He likes to think outside the box.

An interesting fact is that Atticus Shaffer loves Lego, just like his character in the cartoon "Frankenweenie". This is another similarity between an actor and a cartoon character.

Atticus Shaffer is also known for voicing the bass boy in Fishology, one of the twins in The Penguins of Madagascar, Ermic in ThunderCats, Peedee Fryman in Steven Universe, Seabass in Clarence.

atticus schaffer disease
atticus schaffer disease


  • In 2011, Atticus Shaffer received a Young Actor Award nomination for his role in the episodes "It's Worse".
  • Nominated for the 2013 Annie Awardfor voicing a character in the cartoon "Frankenweenie".

For his role in the film "It Happens Worse", the actor receives 12 thousand dollars for each filmed episode.
