Restless Gustav Emar. Adventure writer

Restless Gustav Emar. Adventure writer
Restless Gustav Emar. Adventure writer

To get a complete picture of the culture and life of Native American tribes, it is enough to read the novels of a French writer named Gustav Aimard (Oliver Glu, 1818-1883). The characters and circumstances are mostly based on real stories.

Anxious Frenchman

Such a lover of North America, surprisingly, was not even a colonist in the usual sense of the word and remained faithful to the fatherland. At a young age, Oliver Glu (real name of the writer) leaves France on a merchant ship. And for more than 10 years he has been traveling not only on the seas and oceans, but also on land. Apparently, in the world it was best received in the Indian tribes. It is known for sure about his residence among the Native Americans and close friendship with many of them. In any case, the Frenchman firmly connected his literary career with the description of this particular page in the history of North America.

As a result of the writer's risky expeditions from 1858 to 1870, dozens of popular novels are published to the delight of lovers of adventure literature. Almost all of them are composed of real stories and destinies. Moreover, no one liked to visit the unexplored andoutback places like Emar Gustav. The books under his name were also of great importance, and probably many adventurers in America at that time could not travel by map, but by the novels of the restless Frenchman.

Adventure Collectors

Of course, his stories were not limited only to the color of Indian life and described in general the misadventures of the conquerors of the continent. As you know, the conquest of the New World at all times was one continuous adventure. Here it is difficult for any writer to keep his ink dry. Before Gutstave Amar and after him, many more writers will describe the romance of American freedoms. But the native of France and at home had something to write about. In fact, he survived two wars on European soil (including the revolution), and still wrote more about America.

Gustav Emar
Gustav Emar

Oliver's contemporaries, despite the writer's long wanderings, had every right to call him a true Frenchman and a patriot of France because of the events of 1848.

At the age of 30, already a grown man, he takes part in the revolution. Such a chronology allows us to judge the character and life priorities of this person. While everything is relatively calm at home, he simply has nothing to do there - and with any unrest, he is already right there. For a man named Emar Gustav, a biography was compiled on a ship deck or as part of expeditions. In the future, his life only confirms this conjecture. Suffice it to recall at least his participation in the Franco-Prussian war. And in the status of a cabin boy on a merchant ship, and in long wanderings around the world as an already eminent writer underpseudonym Gustave Aimard novelist was not indifferent to France.

So in the world literature there was a unique example of descriptions of American culture not only by a representative of the Old World, but also by a fierce patriot of his historical homeland.

Emar Gustav books
Emar Gustav books

Real America

The Indians remained heroes in all the works of Gustave Aymar in the full diversity of their culture with nobility, courage and generosity. In the eyes of the writer, they have always been the receptacle of the warrior spirit with firm notions of honor. But do not take his novels as one continuous laudatory ode. Emar was devoted to realism in every line, with a willingness to also describe the darkest nooks and crannies in Indian culture. It's about glorified violence and brutality. The French from the merchant ship was not just in love with the Native Americans, but created the most truthful encyclopedia of the New World in a fascinating literary form.

Perhaps, in an attempt to study American history, it is really worth re-reading the novels of Gustav Aymar - in particular, the detailed descriptions of life in a realistic way are striking.

Emar Gustav biography
Emar Gustav biography

He himself could serve as a good prototype for one of his heroes. During the Franco-Prussian war, in 1870 Gustav gathered a rifle detachment to fight against the German troops. But the main thing is that the detachment consisted of only writers. In terrible battles, as before in the next French revolution, the writer not only fought bravely, but also survived. After that, about 10 more novels were written.

Adventure Author

It is noteworthy that Gustav Aimard had a lot of adventures on European soil and could write a huge number of stories about it. But he transferred to the pages only the American travel experience. For a writer named Emar Gustav, a biography could have ended in death or injury many times, but all dangers whistled past. It is difficult to judge at what age this man acquired a love of danger. Perhaps it was like this from birth, or maybe as a boy in the service as a cabin boy, on a long voyage, he brought up courage and determination in himself. These qualities were in abundance. And in an ordinary quiet life, Gustav, apparently, could no longer remain as before.

Emar Gustav photo
Emar Gustav photo

Like all leading adventure writers, Gustav Aimard has amassed an audience of readers of all countries and ages.

Citizen of the world

Gustav Aimard was not one of the writers who received their recognition only after death. He fully felt the reader's popularity. His "Golden Castile" about the misfortune of pirates in the Caribbean has gathered a huge number of enthusiastic readers. The protagonist of "Golden Castile", one of the pirate leaders, nicknamed the Destroyer, learned about the we alth of the Mexican city of Maracaibo and is now obsessed with the intention to capture it. He can not do without the full support of filibusters. And the seasoned pirate desperately convinces his crew to take part in his plan. Montbar the Destroyer intends to pose as a pompous count in an attempt to earn trusta city governor named Fernando d'Avil. And this is the only way to count on a successful assault on the city walls.

Of course, Gustav's book fees would be enough for a prosperous life. But the fierce adventurer was not eager to settle down in a cozy house on the coast of France.

For people like Emar Gustav, a photo of a family in a happy environment is not as important as a military excitement in battle. And the writer with particular ease exchanged a quiet settled life for travel and adventures on the road. Work on books alternated with travel and battles without rest.
