Books about submariners: review of the best, list, authors

Books about submariners: review of the best, list, authors
Books about submariners: review of the best, list, authors

Submariners are people with a very strong character and willpower. Some say they are heroes. That is why a lot of creative works are devoted to them. Books about submariners are especially popular. In them, the authors reflect the life and heroic stories of these people. Some literary works are even based on real events.

Best Book List

The authors believe that a submariner is not just a profession, but a person's destiny. Many heroes sacrifice their lives for the common good. Books about submariners (list of the best representatives of the genre) are described below.

  1. Oleg Myatelkov, "S alty Perimeter". This book contains stories about submariners. The author knows about this profession firsthand, since he himself was on a submarine for a long time. Oleg has visited all waters except the Caspian Sea. The book describes about twenty situations that happened to him. The author talks about each of his friend and friend. Only heroic events are associated with all the characters. There are both happy and sad stories among them.
  2. Alexander Dmitriev, "Submariners Attack". This workwill tell the reader about the exploits of sailors, officers and foremen. The book reflects the character and determination of the submarine crews who oppose the German Nazis. The work is a collection of stories about most of the Soviet commanders. Among them are recognized Heroes of the Soviet Union.

If the reader wants to get acquainted with the exploits that took place in real life, then these books about submariners will surely appeal to him. Oleg Myatelkov and Alexander Dmitriev wrote these works for several years. During this time, they have done a good job on their content.

Let's get acquainted with other equally interesting works.

The submarine goes to search

The submarine goes on a search
The submarine goes on a search

This work was released in 1966. The author of the book "The submarine goes in search" - Yuri Tarsky. Some people advise even children to read it. In the center of the plot is the Pike submarine. It is located in the Kronstadt harbor. From here she goes in search of Nazi ships. This voyage will be difficult for the entire crew, because the Nazis are always on the lookout. Near the shore, armed planes and boats of the Nazis are waiting for her. However, thanks to the heroes on board, the crew will overcome all difficulties. These include minefields, severe storms, and enemy submarines. This book about submariners combines all the good qualities of adventure fiction. Namely, a charismatic commander, courageous officers and dangerous situations.

Book "The Secret Fairway"

secret fairway book
secret fairway book

Written by Leonid Platov in 1965. In the novel, the writer tells about the courageous and heroic deeds of the sailors of the B altic Sea. The plot takes place during the Great Patriotic War. The heroes of the work unravel the great mystery of the fascist submarine "Flying Dutchman". The book "The Secret Fairway" is recommended for both children and adults. It is available in print or electronic form. It is also available to read online for free.

Documentary tragedy by Valentin Pikul

Requiem for a Caravan PQ 17
Requiem for a Caravan PQ 17

Written by its author from 1969 to 1973. Another title of the book is "Requiem for the PQ-17 Caravan". It is written in the genre of a historical novel. The story is dedicated to tragic events. They are connected with one of the convoys sent to the waters of the Arctic Set during World War II, the caravan was destroyed in 1942 by Nazi submarines and planes.

The author in "Requiem for the PQ-17 Caravan" described the defeat of the entire crew. All these events reflect the ruthlessness of the Nazi regime. In addition, Pikul showed how a person can be persistent and courageous in critical situations. On board were the British, Americans and Russians. All these people are real heroes who died for their Motherland.

Valentin Pikul wrote books about submariners and other genres. Everyone can find a book for themselves. The circulation of all his works is 20 million copies. Basically, his work is directed to the naval theme. special attentiondeserves "Moonsund" by Valentin Pikul. At the beginning of the plot, German ships attack the fleet of the Russian army. The action takes place during the October Revolution. The book shows the heroism and courage of the crew of the Russian army.

The work "Sea accidents"

Sea life
Sea life

The book was published in 1996. Wrote "Sea byvalshchiny" Anatoly Shtyrov. This is his third book. The author is a former Rear Admiral. For 20 years of his life he was on a submarine. He managed to see staff work, to feel the life of intelligence. He also served as a submarine commander for 8 years. It was Anatoly who developed maritime operations. Therefore, the author has something to tell the reader.

The book has a lot of action-packed plots and interesting stories. Sometimes it contains jargon from the life of submariners, which gives the reading a special flavor. There are many events in the work that were previously classified. Therefore, it will be of interest to the reader.

Daily life of submariners


The author of the book is Nikolai Cherkashin. In his work there is a novel "Young Guard". It is known to almost everyone. In his book about submariners, he told unknown stories about the Russian fleet. Concerning the events of the last forty years. It was at this time that he managed to observe the constant confrontation between Russia and NATO troops in the oceans.

The book tells the daily life of ordinary submariners. Extreme and tragic things happen to them very often.situations. Also in the work there is a place for the real heroism of Russian sailors. The author described all the achievements of submariners who are never told in the media.

Nikolai Cherkashin has come a long way since he was a crew member in the Northern Fleet. Nicholas described the life and fate of his comrades, devoted to the fleet and their homeland. The book also contains unique photographs of submarines, diaries and letters from colleagues. All of them are dedicated to the times of the Cold War.

Lothar-Günther Buchheim, "Submarine"


This piece was released in 2005. Almost every word and sentence in the book is true. The author was a witness to all the events that he described in his work. While serving as a war correspondent, he repeatedly found himself in dangerous situations. Buchheim describes in detail almost every memorable day.

It's quite difficult for an unprepared person to be on a submarine. Lothar-Günther described all the experiences and difficulties that he had to face. The plot of the work is dedicated to the fierce struggle in the Atlantic. All events take place in the winter of 1941.

Dark waters above us


The author of this artwork is John Gibson. He had a chance to experience all the events of the book on his own experience. He saw what a huge contribution the British submarine fleet made to the victory over the Nazis. In this vivid story, John showed how a young sailor prepares for diving. He also described the whole daily routine of the crewsubmarines, where he himself served.

The author spoke about combat patrols, enemy attacks, the heroism of all members of the submarine and the tragedy of their destinies. He vividly and vividly described joys and sorrows. The author showed the whole life of sailors, from the beginning of hostilities to the victory over the Nazi invaders. This work is not freely available. The reader can purchase it in print or electronic form.

Steel shark. German submarine

The book immediately after the release became a world bestseller. It is dedicated to one of the most terrible weapons in the history of the human navy - the German submarine. Its author is Ott Wolfgang. He accurately recreated the picture of the Nazi submarine. Even the most complex subtleties of combat and strategy, the author tried to convey to the reader. This makes the picture very creepy.

Psychological experiences of the characters deserve special attention. German Nazis feel both anger and regret. Many soldiers are often in a state of nervous breakdown. The author conveyed a complete picture of the atmosphere reigning around. In addition, the reader will understand what a real war is. After all, this word hides a lot of dirt and filth.

Ott Wolfgang in his work showed all the events objectively, without referring himself to any side of the opposing armies. Because of this, his book is perceived differently.

Sea Dogs

This artwork was written by Frank Wolfgang in 1955. It occupies one of the leading places in the lists of the best books about submariners. This is due to the fact that he wrote the work immediately after the end of World War II. The events take place from 1939 to 1945. Frank Wolfgang also spoke about the period of the First World War. Along with this, the author described the emergence and development of German submarines.

The main character of the work is Karl Doenitz. He began to fight on a submarine since the First World War. However, the book practically does not deal with politics. The story is only about the fleet and the experiences of the protagonist.

The work is based on historical documents, magazines about submarines, news, oral stories of former soldiers. This makes the book feel very realistic. After publication, the work could only be found in German for a long time. However, later it was translated into English, and then into Russian. This practically did not affect the material presented in the work.

The author described most of the combat operations of the German fleet. The events that took place in the waters of the Atlantic deserve special attention. The writer also spoke about military operations on the Eastern fronts. All narration takes place in the third person, without any sympathy for one of the parties. It is thanks to this that the work of this German author is valuable to the reader. Some situations reflect the whole atmosphere and mood of the military operations of 1939-1945. The Nazis waged a very brutal war in which everyone suffered.
