Supernatural Bestiary: Wraith

Supernatural Bestiary: Wraith
Supernatural Bestiary: Wraith

One of the most successful projects of our time, the series "Supernatural", from the 1st season, released in 2005, does not leave the top lines of the ratings. Over the years, the creators of the project have developed a full-fledged and very extensive cinema universe, to which entire sites and dozens of various resources are dedicated. The show has its own unique bestiary, and in this article, we're going to take a look at one class of creatures that the brothers see repeatedly in several seasons of Supernatural: the Wraith.

Monster Characteristics

photo session "Supernatural"
photo session "Supernatural"

So, the Wraith in Supernatural is a monster created by Eve herself, feeding on the human brain. This food attracts the Wraith for its abundance of dopamine, adrenaline, and other hormones that are considered a delicacy by monsters. Most often, these creatures are found in psychiatric clinics. This is very convenient, since few people will believe a mentally ill person who claims thathe met a monster. The Wraith are cunning enough to feed quietly and not draw attention to themselves. As a result, their victims are most often recognized as suicidal. At first glance, monsters are indistinguishable from ordinary people, but their true nature can be seen in the mirror. Since Supernatural Wraiths are similar to other monster clans such as vampires and werewolves, it can be assumed that there is an Alpha Wraith. However, it was most likely destroyed by Crowley during his hunt for alphas.

The strengths and weaknesses of the Wraith

A typical Wraith is characterized by 5 superpowers:

  • extraordinary strength (the creature is many times stronger than a human, so even a Wraith woman can easily defeat an adult man);
  • regeneration (wounds disappear after a few hours, it takes up to half a day to recover from serious injuries);
  • psychosis (can cause mental disorders and obsessive visions in people);
  • super speed (several times faster than a normal person);
  • Invulnerability (Wraith cannot be shot down with a regular bullet, even a shot to the heart).
encounter with a monster
encounter with a monster

Wraith also has 5 weaknesses, they are the only ways to kill these monsters:

  • decapitation (100% option for almost any monster);
  • silver (a silver bullet can hurt a Wraith, a hit with a silver knife in the heart guarantees the monster's death);
  • mirrors (they reflect the true essence of the Wraith);
  • psychics (they see the aura of a monster and can easily figure it out);
  • damaged spike (not fatal, but can cause pain shock).

Wraith in Supernatural

Season 11 Dean and the Dark
Season 11 Dean and the Dark

In the series, the Winchester brothers will repeatedly have to confront these insidious monsters. They first encounter the Wraith in Season 5, Episode 11, "Sam, Girl, Interrupted". The monster then appears in seasons 9 and 13. By the way, even more monsters are expected in the final season of Supernatural, and the brothers will have to make much more efforts to resist them. Castiel and the witch Rovenna, the Nephilim Jack and the reaper Billy, already familiar to us, come to the aid of the Winchesters. The demons and angels will not stand aside: Lucifer, Michael, Asmodeus and Barthamus will delight us with their presence and incredible confrontation. The adventure continues on February 1st with the release of episode 12.
