Ioanna Khmelevskaya. Biography in novels

Ioanna Khmelevskaya. Biography in novels
Ioanna Khmelevskaya. Biography in novels

Ioanna Khmelevskaya is widely known in the post-Soviet space, since it was she who opened the concept of “ironic detective” to readers of that time. Her heroine always got into such incredible alterations that the readers were breathtaking from her indefatigable energy and ability to extricate themselves from them without risk to he alth. Crimes uncovered along the way and great humor made Pani Khmelevskaya's novels long-awaited and loved.

joanna khmelevskaya photo
joanna khmelevskaya photo

Childhood of a writer

Many facts from the life of the main character are connected not only with the writer herself, but also with the people around her and the places she has visited. This gives the novels an extraordinary believability and evokes genuine feelings for Joanna's life.

Ioanna Khmelevskaya, whose biography begins on April 2, 1932 in Warsaw, with a great sense of humor and love talks about her noble origin in the novel "First Youth". One of her novels ("Wellsancestors", 1979) is directly connected with the family archive, which is difficult to understand due to the huge number of family ties. The great-grandmother of the writer had 14 children, of which 9 survived and continued a noble family. In the novel "Wells of the Ancestors" almost everything is true, except for a huge inheritance, as Joanna Khmelevskaya herself admits.

The childhood of the writer passed under the supervision of 4 women at once: mother, grandmother and two aunts - Teresa and Lucina. Because of the war that began in 1939, Ioanna received her education at home, and Aunt Lutsina, a journalist and source of many useful knowledge, studied with her.

The beginning of a literary career

In 1943, John was sent to a monastery boarding school, and after graduating from high school, she entered the Academy of Architecture, which she successfully completed. Thanks to her sanity and sense of humor, Joanna Khmelevskaya came to the conclusion that architecture is not her path. So it was influenced by the old chapel in Orly in France. Seeing this architectural masterpiece, she realized that she would never create anything like it in her entire life, and decided to try her hand at literature.

joanna khmelevskaya
joanna khmelevskaya

Thanks to the old building, millions of readers have been able to enjoy the writer's work. Joanna Khmelevskaya (a photo of the writer playing roulette is posted above) awarded the main character of her novels not only with her name, but also with character traits and addictions.

Thus, her love of gambling, horse racing and playing bridge formed the basis of many novels, and numerous friends and relatives became the prototypes of bookcharacters. The first novel was published in 1964 under the title "Wedge by Wedge" and immediately made the writer famous.

Private life

Ioanna Khmelevskaya did not hide her personal life, but successfully transferred it to the pages of her novels. They include two sons, and an ex-husband, and lovers, friends and enemies - everyone who surrounded her in real life.

By and large, each author's novel is a piece of autobiography in a certain age period and in those countries where she actually visited. The detective story dilutes the real events in Khmelevskaya's life, which creates additional intrigue, seasoned with wonderful humor.

joanna khmelevskaya biography
joanna khmelevskaya biography

For example, the insidious blonde named the Devil, who brought the main character to white heat, really existed and lived with Joanna in a civil marriage for several years. She was once in an official marriage, in which she had two sons, who are featured in every novel by the author.

All of her colleagues, while still working at the architectural bureau, also became "victims" of her literary talent. As the author herself says in her autobiography "First Youth", most of her friends and acquaintances have a good sense of humor to forgive her interference in their personal lives. Those few acquaintances who were not endowed with the ability to appreciate the humor in her works, again, according to the author, are unlikely to please her by suing her.

The author and her heroine

Khmelevskaya Joanna, whose autobiography is estimated in 7 volumes, in factShe managed to turn each of her detective novels into the story of her life. The qualities that she endowed the main character, the writer herself possessed: she famously drove a car, smoked, played sweepstakes, went to horse races, traveled often, knew several European languages, had an irrepressible imagination and unlimited curiosity. The main feature inherent in both the author and Joanna in her novels is the attitude towards oneself, others and events with a he althy sense of humor and indestructible optimism.

joanna khmelevskaya reviews
joanna khmelevskaya reviews

Books by Joanna Khmelevskaya

Mr. Khmelevskaya's bibliography includes more than 60 works, including not only detective novels, but also works for children, journalism and biography, deserving no less attention than any fictional story.

If you decide which detective Joanna is better, it will be difficult to make a choice, since they are all unusually easy to read, sparkle with humor and are swallowed in one breath. But not all of her novels are dedicated to Joanna and her adventures.

For example, the main character of the works "Big Piece of the World", "Blind Happiness" and "Prose of Life" is a high school student Tereska Kempinskaya, who finds herself in either terrible or funny situations with her friend Spoolka. A series of books about this amazing girl will appeal to people of all ages, as they are full of humor, have a twisted detective story and are imbued with romance, inherent only in youth.

Khmelevskaya joanna autobiography
Khmelevskaya joanna autobiography

Biography books

Because John Khmelevskaya (reviewsthose who read her biographical novels confirm this) was not going to grow old, but she was very tired of the constant questions of journalists and fans, so she decided to personally write her biography.

Most of all, the writer was scared that someone else would do it for her and mix everything up. Thanks to this fear, a cycle of autobiographical novels appeared, written in different periods - from 1994 to 2006. They are distinguished by the same unchanging sense of humor and positive attitude to life, like other works of the author.

Ioanna Khmelevskaya died on October 7, 2013.
