Anatoly Pristavkin: biography, creativity

Anatoly Pristavkin: biography, creativity
Anatoly Pristavkin: biography, creativity

Anatoly Pristavkin is a writer, most of whose works were published in Soviet times. His books have been translated into thirty languages. The main idea in his work is the assertion that the world has no right to exist if children die in it. This article is devoted to the life and creative path of this writer.

Anatoly Pristavkin
Anatoly Pristavkin


Pristavkin Anatoly Ignatievich was born in Lyubertsy near Moscow in 1931. Often he drew from memory stories from his unhappy childhood. One of them was connected with a family tragedy. The grandfather of the future writer once, long before the birth of his grandson, returning from the capital, began to colorfully tell his family and neighbors about the strikes in St. Petersburg. This was in 1905. And a few days after his return, the man was arrested. His fault was only in the desire to tell the latest news to his friends. But after his release, the nickname "revolutionary" was firmly entrenched in him for many years.

Also, Anatoly Pristavkin never forgot the shoe lasts that his father made so skillfully. Thanks to the skillful work of the parent of the future writer, all family members were fed, dressed and shod, which for the pre-war period wasa rather rare occurrence. But soon the mother died, the war began. And life took on sad shades.


Anatoly Pristavkin lost his parents at the very beginning of the war. Mother died in 1941, and almost immediately father was sent to the front.

The boy was destined for the hard fate of a homeless child. He became one of the many children orphaned by the war. Like other boys deprived of parental care, he wandered around the country, he was thrown into the most diverse corners of the Motherland. He visited the Urals, traveled all over the Moscow region. And finally he ended up in the North Caucasus, where homeless children were evicted in the last years of the war. This decision, which was taken at the state level, was preceded by the deportation of the local population. The territory was deserted as a result of the swift operation. Perhaps Anatoly Pristavkin would not have become one of the best writers of the Soviet period if he had not had such sad facts in his biography.

Pristavkin Anatoly Ignatievich
Pristavkin Anatoly Ignatievich

Young years

Pristavkin Anatoly Ignatievich began to work very early. Already at the age of fourteen, he worked at one of the Caucasian canning factories. Then there was an aircraft factory, which Anatoly Pristavkin later recalled with spiritual awe. His biography also includes years of study at the evening department, the army, participation in amateur performances. However, a small radio laboratory at the aviation plant became almost home for Pristavkin.

While serving in the army, the artistic fighter was noticed and began to be used with might and main asreciter of poetry. And it was during this period that Pristavkin first decided to create something of his own.

First works

Anatoly wrote his first play, and then began to compose poetry. At first, he acted only as an author-reader. It was enough for him to pronounce his poetic works from the stage. The desire to expand the circle of listeners arose later. However, when, after the publication of the first works, Anatoly saw his lines typed in typographic type, he decided to devote himself to writing once and for all.

Literary Institute

After demobilization, Anatoly Ignatievich decided to get a literary education and in 1959 he entered the Gorky Institute. As a student, he studied at a poetry course with one of the famous authors of those years. The teachers appreciated Pristavkin's literary gift even when he was a freshman. However, his talent, as professionals believed, was not in writing poetry, but in writing works of small prose. The first stories were published in a literary magazine in 1959. These works have been translated into many languages over the years. Their theme is children's fates crippled by war.

Taiga essays

Anatoly Pristavkin biography
Anatoly Pristavkin biography

After graduating from the institute, the writer went to the Irkutsk region, to the construction site of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station. Even in his student years, Pristavkin visited these parts, and people living in harsh taiga conditions made an unforgettable impression on him. Taiga essays were created here.

The next period in Pristavkin's life is devoted to his work as a journalist in Literaturnaya Gazeta. And soon he received the honorary title of a member of the Writers' Union. “Country of Lepia”, “Bonfires in the taiga”, “Notes of my contemporary” - the author dedicated these works to the taiga. And even after returning to the capital, Pristavkin did not lose touch with the Siberian open spaces dear to his heart for many years and regularly flew there.

A Childhood Tale

anatoliy pristavkin photos
anatoliy pristavkin photos

The real literary success came to Anatoly Pristavkin in 1988, after the publication of the story, which took almost ten years to create. “A golden cloud spent the night” is a work that the author began to write in the early eighties. This book is full of tragedy and truth. It is a reflection of the reality that the writer happened to see in his childhood. The story has been translated into many languages. The film of the same name was shot in the same year when Anatoly Pristavkin finished work on his work. Photos and frames from this film are located above. Later, the story "Cuckoo" was written, the plot of which is no less tragic.

At the end of his life, the writer gave a lot of strength to social activities. He was awarded several prizes. Died in Moscow in 2008.
