Creativity of Grigory Chkhartishvili. Aliases

Creativity of Grigory Chkhartishvili. Aliases
Creativity of Grigory Chkhartishvili. Aliases

In the nineties, detective novels about Erast Fandorin began to appear on the shelves of bookstores. Over time, the character gained wide popularity, to which, of course, Russian filmmakers could not but respond by making several films based on the books of Grigory Chkhartishvili. The pseudonym of the prose writer is B. Akunin. However, he is not the only one. The writer also writes under other names.

The article names Chkhartishvili's pseudonyms and his most famous works. In addition, a brief biography of a modern Russian author is presented.

pseudonyms chkhartishvili
pseudonyms chkhartishvili

Early years

Grigory Shalvovich Chkhartishvili was born in Georgia in 1956. His father was an artillery officer, his mother was a teacher of Russian language and literature. In 1958 the family moved to Moscow. Since then, the hero of our article has been living in the capital. Love for literature in the future prose writer was awakened by one of the novels of Alexandre Dumas. Reading, according to the writer, is the best adventure.

Grigory Chkhartishvili's childhood passed incenter of Moscow. In 1973 he graduated from a school with an in-depth study of the English language. After receiving the matriculation certificate, he entered the Institute of Asian and African countries. Anyone who has read books published under Chkhartishvili's most famous pseudonym knows that the novelist devoted much time and energy to the study of Japanese culture. And this is not a hobby for him at all. By profession, the writer is a Japanese historian.

Boris Akunin
Boris Akunin

Translation activities

After graduating from the institute, Chkhartishvili was engaged in literary translation, and he worked not only with the works of Japanese authors. Grigory Chkhartishvili translated from English books by such writers as P. Ustinov, T. K. Boyle, M. Bradbury. From Japanese - works by Yasushi Inoue, Kenji Maruyama, Masahiko Shimada, Shinichi Hoshi, Kobo Abe, Shohei Ooka.


Even before the pseudonym Chkhartishvili became known to all reading Russia, a series of works by modern foreign prose writers "The Cure for Boredom" was published. These books were published by Foreign Literature. Grigory Chkhartishvili was the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the publishing house for six years. Under his leadership, books from the Anthology of Japanese Literature series were also published.

Grigory Shalvovich periodically publishes documentary and critical works, but he does it under his own name. Boris Akunin is the most popular literary pseudonym of the 21st century. It originated in 1998. What does this alias mean?

Boris Akunin

At the endIn the 1990s, Chkhartishvili published works of art under the pseudonym "B. Akunin". "Boris" appeared when the all-Russian fame came to the writer. The pseudonym of the prose writer, of course, was taken from the Japanese language. However, there is no exact translation into Russian. "Akunin" means "worldwide villain".

Boris Akunin's books can be read in any order. Each of the works published under this pseudonym is an independent detective story. However, in order to find out the full biography of the famous detective, it is worth reading all the stories from the series "The Adventures of Erast Fandorin". And you need to start with the book "Azazel", published in 1998. This story tells a story that happened to Fandorin in his youth.

Akunin's books tell about the adventures of a detective and his Japanese assistant. However, they cannot be called the same type. So, in the "Jack of Spades" we are talking about scammers whom an experienced investigator fails to expose. This is a fairly light story, which can be attributed to the genre of adventurous detective. It is included in the collection "Special Assignments". The same book includes "The Decorator" - a work that tells about a series of terrible murders that took place in Moscow at the end of the 19th century.

Other books about Erast Fandorin: Leviathan, Councilor of State, Death of Achilles, Turkish Gambit. Works published under the pseudonym Akunin - "Flying Elephant", "Children of the Moon", "Blackcity", "The Falcon and the Swallow" and many others.

The novel "F. M.", published in 2006, tells about the adventures of Fandorin. However, the action takes place mainly in our time. The fact is that the main character of this work is a descendant of a well-known character.

Nikolas Fandorin is investigating a rather interesting case - the loss of Fyodor Dostoyevsky's manuscript. Separate chapters are devoted to events taking place in the 19th century. They tell about Raskolnikov, who committed a premeditated murder. Writer Grigory Chkhartishvili proposed his own version of the outcome of the famous Russian classic novel.

writer grigory chkhartishvili
writer grigory chkhartishvili

The plot and structure of the novel "The Quest" is rather unusual. Each chapter of the first part ends with a question to be answered by the reader. The second is an independent work. Along with fictional characters, the novel contains such historical figures as Kutuzov, Napoleon, Rockefeller.

Anatoly Brusnikin

Under this pseudonym, Chkhartishvili has published only three novels to date. In 2007, the book "The Ninth Spas" was published. The historical background of the novel is the years of the reign of Peter I. "Hero of another time", "Bellona" - other books published by the prose writer under the pseudonym of Anatoly Brusnikin. The last one was published in 2012, and four years before that, Grigory Chkhartishvili surprised his fans by publishing another novel under a female name.

Anatoly Brusnikin
Anatoly Brusnikin

Anna Borisova

The novel "There" is not detective or adventure prose. The author in this book fantasizes about the other world. What happens to a person after death? What is the wages for sins committed on earth?

grigory shalvovich chkhartishvili
grigory shalvovich chkhartishvili

The book "There" has a rather interesting point of view. There are several people in the airport waiting room - representatives of different social strata, nationalities, professions. There is a terrorist attack, they all die. But each of the heroes has his own route through the afterlife. Other books published under the pseudonym Anna Borisova - "The Creative", "The Seasons".
