Tsybin Alexander Markovich: biography and publications

Tsybin Alexander Markovich: biography and publications
Tsybin Alexander Markovich: biography and publications

Tsybin Alexander Markovich is a doctor of technical sciences, while writing in an accessible language about complex things, for example, about mathematics.

Author biography

Alexander Markovich Tsybin was born in the Soviet Union in 1937 (May 23) in the city of St. Petersburg (at that time it was still Leningrad).

Graduated from St. Petersburg State Institute of Railways.

Tsybin Alexander Markovich: books
Tsybin Alexander Markovich: books

He worked at the Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering, where in 1998 he defended his doctoral dissertation in the speci alty "Hydraulic Engineering". Title of the work: “The temperature state of dams being built in permafrost regions.”

Published 47 scientific papers on the topic of the dissertation, as well as one monograph.

Creator of a site where users can count their anniversaries (for example, 30,000 days from a birthday, etc.). The page is available in English, Russian, German, Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese and more.

Currently resides in the United States of America (Philadelphia).

Tsybin Alexander
Tsybin Alexander

Tsybin Alexander Markovich: books

The main part of the author's work is devoted to hydraulic engineering. But his only work aimed at a wide audience is aboutapplied mathematics.

Tsybin Alexander started writing in 1962. These were scientific articles and publications.

In 2012, his first popular science work was published: etudes about mathematics, where serious scientific terms and thoughts are expressed in an accessible form.

The name of the work - "Etudes" - very accurately reflects its essence. After all, this is not a textbook and not a scientific work, but rather a literary work dedicated to mathematics. The book contains both humor and intrigue, and various turns of events. The genre can be called popular science.

According to the author, in this monograph he set himself two goals: to present mathematics in an entertaining and popular science language. Also at the end of his story, the author talks about another goal - to make the reader fall in love with mathematics.
