The best self-development audiobooks: a review of some publications

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The best self-development audiobooks: a review of some publications
The best self-development audiobooks: a review of some publications

Video: The best self-development audiobooks: a review of some publications

Video: The best self-development audiobooks: a review of some publications
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Continuous improvement is inherent in a person, in whatever corner of the world he may be. Literature, creativity of other people and life experience can help with this. Thanks to modern technology, you can develop while doing something, because you can use audio books. You can listen to them on almost all modern devices.

Top best audiobooks for self-development

Picture reflecting self-development
Picture reflecting self-development

There are so many ways in the world that a person can improve himself. People who want to become stronger in spirit and will need to listen to the best audio books on psychology and self-development. These should include:

  • "100 Ways to Change Life" by Larisa Parfentieva. This book inspires a person to new achievements and changes. Thanks to interesting stories, all events from it remain in the mind for a long time. After reading, a person will find many answers to his questions and will be able to change his life for the better. It deals with questions of motivation, laws of existence and purpose.
  • "Willpower" KellyMcGonical. Many people have problems with self-control. Many cannot even give up pleasure and entertainment for a more useful cause. The book will teach a person how to develop willpower. It has many exercises that will allow you to do this. It is also very popular with students, and its author is a psychology teacher.
  • "Resilience" (Sharon Melnick). The book is very relevant for a modern person, because in the world there are a lot of factors that depress and make life less joyful. Sharon tells how you can reduce the effect of stress on the nervous system. The author also shares exercises, thanks to which a person will come to peace.

This list is only a small part of all existing works in the world. However, these are practically the best audiobooks on self-development. Each of them will bring new and pleasant events to a person's life.

Financial Development

Busy man
Busy man

Not everyone can competently use their money and enrich themselves with it. In this case, the best audiobooks on self-development come to the rescue. Works will help you learn how to manage your finances:

  1. "The richest man in Babylon" by George Clason. This audiobook is considered one of the best in the world. It tells the secrets of owning money, as well as precautions in handling it, using the example of ancient Babylon.
  2. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. After reading, a person will learn ways to overcome all sorts of difficulties on the way to financialindependence.
  3. "Road to the Future" by Bill Gates. One of the most successful people in the world shares his secrets in a book. And also how he sees the world and ways to find happiness. The author assigns an important role in the book to financial success and dreams.

All these books are capable of laying a kind of foundation in the human subconscious. After reading, he will understand many life and financial principles. The world around can change dramatically.

How to listen to audiobooks

Phone for listening to audiobooks
Phone for listening to audiobooks

Doing two things at the same time is very difficult. It's easy to lose the thread of the story and misunderstand the material. It is most convenient to listen to the best self-development audiobooks during routine activities. Housewives can do this while cooking, cleaning the apartment, shopping and so on. For working people, it is most convenient to listen to them while driving home in public transport or while walking. Sometimes you can listen to books so much that a person will not notice how he gets home.


Every person has a need for self-improvement, but only a few can devote time to this. After all, the modern world is arranged in such a way that it is very difficult to allocate an extra hour for such an important part of life. The best self-development audiobooks solve this problem. After all, it is not difficult at all, besides, this format has many advantages. You just need to have a playback device and headphones.
