Inversion in literature: features

Inversion in literature: features
Inversion in literature: features

How is inversion used in the literature? Not everyone knows the answer to this question. The modern Russian language in its richness and diversity uses various methods of expressiveness, which the science of language has transformed into various terms. You might have come across such literary terms as anaphora (repetition of a word at the beginning of a phrase), antithesis (sharp opposition of images, sharp contrast), hyperbole (exaggeration). Let's talk about inversion.

inversion in literature
inversion in literature

Literary terms such as "inversion" have Latin roots (from Latin Inversia - permutation or reversal). But the English will answer the question of what inversion is easier and more willingly, since in English interrogative sentences are created with the help of inversion.

Inversion in language

Inversion in a language means that the direct word order in a sentence has been reversed. In Russian, in a sentence, when the subject comes first, then the predicate, and then the secondary members of the sentence, the direct word order is used. This word order is used for scientific literature, as it preserves the neutral coloring of the entire narrative. Inversion is used to give emotional coloring to the content of a speech or work. In the languageespecially verbally, inversion is created by rearranging the subject and predicate or transferring minor members of the sentence to the beginning of the sentence.

Inversion in Literature

Fiction often uses inversion. In literature, for example, the minor member of the sentence is placed in the center of the sentence, where it receives logical stress, which helps the reader to pay attention to small details that can play a decisive role in the work. In D. Granin's sentence: "I do not believe in the good intentions of today's new Russians", the predicate is placed before the subject, the logical stress is thus transferred to the predicate. The author emphasized his distrust of the plans of the new class. In order to remember all the information associated with the object, it must be moved to the end of the sentence. We read from M. Bulgakov: "Into the large restroom from the corridor, where signal bells were already crackling, curious people looked in under various pretexts." All additions are placed at the beginning of the sentence to focus our attention on the environment.

terms of literature
terms of literature

Inversion in literature has a special weight when we talk about poetry. We can say that inversion in literature is specially invented for poetry. Even in the most common non-common sentence, by rearranging the subject and predicate, one can achieve the effect in which everyone can say that he is reading poetry. In the sentences: “waves run” (direct order), and “waves run” (inversion) - “more poetic” - the second sentence. A prime exampleinversions in poetry can serve as the lines of J. S. Nikitina:

Clear morning. Quietly breathes

Warm breeze.


Soon the slopes will be covered with light grass

And the December storms will lie down like wolves.

V. A. Lugovskoy

inversion in language
inversion in language

In poetry, the need to use inversion is determined by the size and rhythm of the poetic line. The use of inversion creates a special unique pattern of poetic intent.

At Pushkin we read:

Shining skinny lantern, Deaf vaults of illumination, Coming…

Inversion gives the passage a sense of tension and mystery.

Using Inversion in Life

The use of inversion in everyday life is not always justified and can be difficult to understand. If the text used for everyday needs is replete with sentences in which inversion is applied, this will hinder its understanding.
