Demyan Poor: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

Demyan Poor: biography, personal life, creativity, photo
Demyan Poor: biography, personal life, creativity, photo

The biography of Demyan Bedny is of great importance in the history of Russian literature. This is a well-known Soviet writer and poet, public figure, publicist. The heyday of his work fell on the first years of the existence of Soviet power. In this article we will talk about his fate, creativity and personal life.

Childhood and youth

Let's start talking about the biography of Demyan Bedny from 1883, when he was born in the small village of Gubovka on the territory of the Kherson province. His real name is Efim Alekseevich Pridvorov. The poet's father was a peasant who went to the city to work. The mother, left alone, led a wild life, practically did not care about her son.

Yefim graduated from the four classes of a rural school, and then was drafted into the army. After being drafted, he studied at the military paramedic school in Kyiv, served in the infirmary in Elisavetgrad. He never returned to his village.

In 1904, Yefim received a matriculation certificate, with which he entered the Faculty of History and Philology of the University in St. Petersburg. He is in good faithstudies, pays 25 rubles a year, earning private lessons.

During this period, changes occur in the personal life of Demyan Poor. In the biography of the poet, there is a fateful meeting with Vera Kosinskaya, who was one of his students. She became his first wife. In 1911, their daughter Tamara was born.

First publications

Demyan Bedny's career
Demyan Bedny's career

In 1899 Pridvorov publishes his first poems. These works were written in the spirit of romantic lyrics or monarchist patriotism.

There are many future Bolsheviks at the university. In the biography of Demyan Bedny, acquaintance with Bonch-Bruevich is of great importance, after which his poems acquire a rebellious character. It was then that the pseudonym "Poor" appears. It was the nickname of his uncle, who was an atheist in the village and a public accuser. Telling a brief biography of Demyan Bedny, it should be mentioned that for the first time this name appears in the 1911 poem "About Demyan Bedny, a harmful peasant." And the hero of our article begins to subscribe to them with the fable "Cuckoo" of 1912. Poems are published in the social-democratic newspaper Zvezda. The publication was legal, but because of his works he was repeatedly fined.

In 1912 the poet became a member of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party. Since then, Demyan Bedny's sharply satirical fables have been published in Bolshevik magazines and newspapers "Nevskaya Zvezda", "Pravda", "Our Way".

In 1913 his first book was published. In the biography of DemyanIt was a difficult time for the poor, as the police kept a close eye on him. Issues of newspapers with his poems were confiscated, and houses were constantly searched.

The poet studied at the university for 10 years, but never graduated. He deliberately delayed the deadlines for passing the exams, because after that he would have lost the right to live in St. Petersburg and would have to go to serve in Elisavetgrad.

World War I

The work of Demyan Bedny
The work of Demyan Bedny

During the war, the writer came under mobilization. At the front, he was a paramedic in the sanitary-hygienic detachment.

He was awarded the St. George medal for rescuing the wounded from the battlefield. Since 1915 he has served in the reserve. Perhaps due to suspicions of unreliability, he was transferred to the reserve.

Since then it has not been printed anywhere, the poet gets a job as a clerk in Petrograd. In 1916, his youngest daughter Susanna was born.

October Revolution

Demyan Bedny and Lenin
Demyan Bedny and Lenin

After the February Revolution, Poor collaborated with the Bolshevik newspaper Izvestia, and then with Pravda. The poet's fables were liked by Lenin, who considered them to be true proletarian creativity.

They have been in correspondence since 1912, and in 1917 they met in person. Lenin often quoted Poor's poems during his speeches. The poet was even nominated as a delegate from the Bolsheviks to the elections to the Christmas Duma.

In the spring of 1918, he moves with the Soviet government to Moscow, having received an apartment in the large Kremlin Palace. Here he settles with his wife, children,mother-in-law and nanny. Soon two sons are born to him - Dmitry and Svyatoslav.

During the Civil War, he is engaged in propaganda work in the Red Army. In the poems of those years, he often extols Lenin and Trotsky.

Miscellaneous success

Poems by Demyan Bedny
Poems by Demyan Bedny

The position of the poet at that time was contradictory. On the one hand, he seemed to others a successful and popular author. In the 1920s, his books were published with a total circulation of about two million copies. He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, compared with Gorky.

On the other hand, many criticized the work and biography of Demyan Poor. For many, his figure was unacceptable as a literary standard. He was irritated by militant idealism, superficiality, stereotyped speech and images, all kinds of lack of poetic skill.

In the internal party struggle in the second half of the 20s, he was on the side of Stalin. Due to this, he continued to enjoy the benefits from the authorities. He had a close relationship with the future generalissimo.

In addition to works on current political topics, he paid great attention to feuilletons and anti-religious propaganda. We can note his "New Testament without flaw Evangelist Demyan", "Baptism". The poet's satire was devoted to criticism of fascism and imperialism.


Writer Demyan Bedny
Writer Demyan Bedny

Speaking briefly about the most important thing in the biography of Demyan Poor, we note that in the early 30s he fell into disgrace. It all started with the condemnation of his poeticfeuilletons "Without mercy" and "Get off the stove", which appeared in Pravda. The author was accused of indiscriminately slandering everything Russian. At the same time, the last work spoke about the uprising in the Soviet Union and the assassination attempt on Stalin.

The poor complained to Stalin, but he sharply replied that the poet had gone too far in the necessary criticism of social processes, which turned into a slander on the past and present of the country.

After that, much has changed in the biography of Demyan Poor. Poems and fables of the poet became emphatically party and trustworthy. He began to regularly use Stalin's words as epigraphs for his works. Criticized Trotsky in the poems "Truth. Heroic Poem" and "No Mercy!".

In 1933, on the eve of his 50th birthday, he was awarded the Order of Lenin. At the same time, his criticism at the party level continued in parallel. In 1934, at the First Congress of Soviet Writers, he was accused of political backwardness. Shortly before that, he was evicted from the Kremlin apartment. In 1935, a scandal erupted when a notebook was found with offensive characteristics that Bedny gave to prominent figures in the government and the party.

In 1933, the poet divorced his wife. And in 1939 he married the actress Nazarova.

Criticism of works

Demyan Poor and Gorky
Demyan Poor and Gorky

In 1936, Molotov and Stalin were outraged by the comic opera Bogatyri, for which the poet wrote the libretto. The performance was condemned as unpatriotic.

In 1937In a letter to the editors of Pravda, Stalin calls another anti-fascist poem by the hero of our article "Fight or Die" literary rubbish, seeing in it criticism not of the fascist, but of the Soviet system.

At the end of the same year, a devastating article appeared in Pravda en titled "Falsification of the People's Past". The poor man was accused of distorting Russian history, which manifested itself in slandering the heroes and heroes of Ancient Russia.

At the end of life

Biography of Demyan Bedny
Biography of Demyan Bedny

In 1938, Poor was expelled from the Writers' Union and the party with the wording "for moral decay." He was finally stopped printing, and the objects that managed to be renamed in his honor were returned to their former names.

Caught in disgrace, the poet was in poverty. He continued to praise Lenin and Stalin in verse, but in private conversations he spoke negatively about the leader and the party elite.

When the Great Patriotic War began, it began to be published again. First, under the pseudonym D. Fighting, and then under the former name. Participated in "Windows TASS", collaborated with the Kukryniksy in the creation of campaign posters. His anti-fascist songs and poems were filled with appeals to remember the old days and praises of Stalin. But these verses remained unnoticed, he failed to return the former location of the leader.

On May 25, 1945, the poet died in a sanatorium. Diagnosis - paralysis of the heart. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery. Later, the poet was rehabilitated, in 1956 he was posthumously reinstated in the party.
