Therapeutic Prose: 7 Unusual Romance Books to Heal the Soul

Therapeutic Prose: 7 Unusual Romance Books to Heal the Soul
Therapeutic Prose: 7 Unusual Romance Books to Heal the Soul

We are angry. We get hurt. We hide in a room and weep, trying to make our souls feel better. Feelings must be lived, otherwise the pain will never go away. In this collection you will find seven unusual romantic books in which the heroes and heroines had to face disappointment and resentment, betrayal and the desire to never open up to anyone again. These books will help you understand how important it is to feel and live not only good emotions, but also those that make you bitter and scared.

Karen White, "When I fall in my sleep"

Karen White "When I fall in my sleep" Eksmo
Karen White "When I fall in my sleep" Eksmo

Larkin wakes up from terrible nightmares. She cannot understand their reason, because the past has left her - nine years ago she fled from her native Georgetown and settled in New York. But the sudden news of the disappearance of Ivy's mother forces Larkin to break his promises and return home. The girl will not only have to find her mother, but also find out why the house burned down, where she once lived with Ivy and with Sissy, who raised them both. It is Sissy who will help you find a way to the past, sort out your feelings and understand yourself. The woman will tell an unusual story, how once, in 1951, she and her friends decided to try their luck and go to the majestic oak, the Tree of Desires. Three girls wrote their most cherished dreams on ribbons and put them in a hollow. And their wishes really began to come true, but not at all the way they wanted. The past will help Larkin understand the present and change the future. It is she who is destined for the role of the one who can save the old dilapidated house and loved ones.

Virginie Grimaldi, "The fragrance of happiness is stronger in the rain"

Virginie Grimaldi "The scent of happiness is stronger in the rain"
Virginie Grimaldi "The scent of happiness is stronger in the rain"

In an instant, Polina's happy life shattered into thousands of pieces that bring pain. Her beloved kind husband demanded a divorce. Taking her little son, Polina moved in with her parents. But she did not leave attempts to return her husband. And now, when, it would seem, everything is lost, the girl decides to send letters to her beloved every day, where she describes their first meeting, thousands of days of joy and hundreds of difficult situations that they experienced together. Surprisingly, the husband begins to respond. Only his letters are full of grief and sympathy. Virginie Grimaldi tells the tragic story of the collapse of one family with a sincere intonation. This is a book about how to survive the loss, live the pain and find the strength to be happy again.

Lana Barsukova, “Happinesswalks barefoot"

Lana Barsukova "Happiness walks barefoot", Eksmo
Lana Barsukova "Happiness walks barefoot", Eksmo

A new collection of unusual stories about the search for happiness, but this time closer to the Russian-speaking reader, because the heroes of Lana Barsukova's stories are modern Russians and Russian women, our relatives and friends, friends and colleagues. A distinctive feature of Barsukova's style can be called, first of all, the soft irony with which she talks about all her heroes who rush forward without noticing anything around. Not noticing even the very happiness that draws bare feet, fearing that our hard heels would crush them. After all, happiness, insists Barsukova, walks barefoot.

Lucinda Riley, Sister of the Wind

Lucinda Riley "Sister of the Wind", Eksmo
Lucinda Riley "Sister of the Wind", Eksmo

Alli took part in dangerous yacht races - she is a professional athlete and started sailing almost before she could read and write. Alli is the adopted daughter of the traveler and sailor Pa S alt. More than thirty years ago, he adopted six girls. But now he is no more, and Alcyone inherited an envelope with the secret of her origin. Pa S alt left a letter that will help Allie find her real parents. Now her path lies not among the stormy waves of the southern European seas, but among the majestic expanses of icy Norway.

Anna Todd, The Brightest Stars

Anna Todd "Brightest Stars", Eksmo
Anna Todd "Brightest Stars", Eksmo

The world knows Anna Todd from the After series, which began as a small novel on the Wattpad platform, and eventually grew into, it seems,five books about the ups and downs of the relationship of one couple in love. Now Todd has started a new series about a completely different couple, and the setting promises something unusual. This is a story about Karina, a girl who grew up on a military base, and Kael, a young soldier who is withdrawn and apparently deeply traumatized by the war. His stubborn silence and a certain natural magnetism conquered Karina, who so needed stability after the deterioration of family relations. Kael is static, calm, reliable. Or did Karina come up with all these qualities for him, filling in the gaps in knowledge about him with conjectures? A quickly built castle in the air, of course, will quickly collapse, and Karina will have to unravel the tangle of lies and truth.

Sarah Haywood, “Cactus. It's never too late to bloom"

Sara Haywood, Exmo
Sara Haywood, Exmo

People like Susan Green seem like freaks from the outside. Prickly and intractable, they behave as if they do not need anything from anyone. Do not approach them. They also seem lonely, and they want to sympathize, but they won't let you. Susan has a job, even some kind of relationship, but she desperately avoids her little brother and tries to cope with everything herself. Her usual life routine is changed by two sudden news - the death of her mother and an unplanned pregnancy. And little by little something starts to change inside her. Susan ceases to be a "thorn", she becomes someone with whom you really want to be friends. The reason lies in an incredible secret from the past…

Rene Carlino, Darling

Rene Carlino "Sweetheart", Eksmo
Rene Carlino "Sweetheart", Eksmo

Mia Kelly, a young girl of twenty-fiveyears, completely unexpectedly learns that her father has died and left her a legacy of the family cafe "Kelly's" in New York. Mia has just graduated from university and has a very detailed and precise plan for life, which definitely does not include a casual meeting on a plane with the charming musician Will Ryan. However, Will very quickly infiltrates her café and later her apartment as a tenant. What to do? And should she do anything about it at all? Or maybe Mia's original plan for life wasn't so good and needs some changes?
