The life and work of actress Liva Krumini

The life and work of actress Liva Krumini
The life and work of actress Liva Krumini

Liva Krumina is a Latvian film actress. She has only two films to her credit. Many Russian viewers know Liva thanks to the main role in the comedy film Hottabych. You can learn about the biography and creative activity of the actress from this article.

Biography and work of the actress

creative activity of the actress
creative activity of the actress

Liva Krumina was born in June 1981 in the city of Riga. From early childhood, she aspired to popularity. But after graduating from school, Krumina entered the Riga Business School as a marketer.

The debut work of the actress in the cinema was the film "Obsession", released in 2004. Liva Krumina played the minor role of the Latvian Ilze in it. In 2006, a picture with her participation called "Hottabych" was released, where Liva played one of the main roles. The actress was predicted to have a successful future in cinema, but after filming in a fantastic comedy, the girl stopped her creative activity. According to the latest data, Liva works as a manager in London. Photos of Liva Krumini can be seen in this article.

Main movie role

actress biography
actress biography

"Hottabych" - Russian comedyfilm that premiered in August 2006. The directors of the film are Petr Tochilin and Veronica Wozniak.

"Hottabych" is based on the novel of the same name by Sergei Oblomov "Old Man Hottabych's Media Jug". The story revolves around the programmer Gena, who managed to hack into a Microsoft server. His girlfriend Lena has a negative attitude towards his activities, making fun of the guy in every possible way.

One day she asks him to steal a kettle. Instead, the programmer steals a rare jug from the auction. It turns out that a strange gentleman from Switzerland is hunting for this lot. Hottabych, who spent many years there, is imprisoned in the jar. The genie is ready to fulfill any wishes of Gena.

Liva Krumina played the role of hacker Annie in the film. This work brought the actress popularity and recognition. Together with her, such artists as Vladimir Tolokonnikov, Marius Yampolskis and Mark Geykhman took part in the filming.
