"Gurren Lagann": quotes, plot, main characters

"Gurren Lagann": quotes, plot, main characters
"Gurren Lagann": quotes, plot, main characters

Gurren Lagann is an animated television series released by Japan in 2007. The painting has gained great popularity all over the world. The main idea of the cartoon is to show a future in which people are forced to live in caves underground due to natural disasters. About quotes from "Gurren Lagann", the plot and the main characters of the picture can be found in this article.

The plot of the cartoon

The plot of the painting "Gurren Lagann" tells about the distant future, in which people have been living underground for more than a hundred years. They do not imagine that somewhere there is another world, much lighter and brighter than this. People are forced to live in caves, they lead a monotonous lifestyle and fulfill their duties. They experience constant fear, because collapses and earthquakes very often occur in their world. However, there are those who believe that there is another world. Such people are the main characters of the cartoon "Gurren Lagann" - Kamina and Simon.

Main characters

Simon character
Simon character

The main characters of the cartoon Kamina and Simon are best friends and live in Earth Village. Simon is considered the best driller in the settlement. One day, the friends find a robot they call Lagann. Since then, everything has changed in their lives. With the help of Lagann, the heroes make their way to the real world. Here is one of the phrases from "Gurren Lagann" that Kamina says, once on the surface:

Beautiful Moon. It was worth getting out for this.

New acquaintance

Yoko and Kamina
Yoko and Kamina

On the surface, Simon and Kamina meet a girl from a nearby village named Yoko. The heroine is a sniper and perfectly knows how to shoot at targets. Yoko got to the surface earlier and helped Simon and Kamina get comfortable. Sympathy appears between Kamin and Yoka, but the characters do not immediately admit this to each other. Yoko always takes care of Simone and Kamina as they become family to her.

Fight the Spiral King

Soon, the main characters learn that the reason that all people live underground is not cataclysms at all. It turned out that they were driven underground by the Spiral King, who believed that in this way he was protecting humanity. Kamina decides to join the fight for the freedom of the people. He creates his own group to fight the Spiral King. Here is one of the quotes in Gurren Laganna that Kamina says to boost the morale of her comrades:

You must fight with a warm heart and a cold head!

Kamina and Simon

Kamina and Simon are best friends. When Kamina led the Anti-Spiral Squad, Simon supported him. Simon's is not so ardentcharacter, like Fireplace, but it is he who defeats the Spiral King. During the final battle, Kamina dies, and Simon becomes the head of a gang that fights for the freedom of mankind. Simon was very worried about the death of his best friend, this can be seen from one of his quotes in Gurren Lagann:

Enough with me! I'm tired of watching people die! If death is unavoidable, let it not be someone else's death, but mine!

After Kamina's death, Simon and Yoko continued his work, as they wanted to prove that their friend did not die in vain.

Reviews about the series

Kamina hero
Kamina hero

Many viewers are big fans of "Gurren Lagann" and know not only the main characters of the cartoon, but also some of the quotes. "Gurren Lagann" received a large number of positive reviews. Most fans of the series are teenagers, however, among adults there are those who enjoy watching this picture. According to the Kinopoisk rating, this anime has 8.44 points out of 10.
