Vadim Glukhov. Life and death

Vadim Glukhov. Life and death
Vadim Glukhov. Life and death

In the history of the 90s, there was no domestic musical punk-rock group more popular than Gaza Strip. Sassy rhythmic songs, which reflected the whole naked truth of life, interspersed with funny cheerful tunes, spiced with a good portion of obscene language, quickly won the love and recognition of the people. Entire cities, districts came to the concerts of the Gaza Strip group, sang along with the soloist Yuri Khoi and enjoyed their favorite songs. The group was formed in December 1987 and during its existence has changed several lineups of musicians. The soloist and founder of the "Gaza Strip" Yuri Khoy chose talented people to participate in the group, who became good friends. Guitarists, keyboardists changed several times, but the success of the musical group did not weaken.

Composition of the group

The original line-up of the group included, in addition to soloist Yuri Klinsky, drummer Oleg Kryukov, bass guitarist Semyon Titievskiy and Sergei Tupikin. In 1991, guitarist Igor Zhirnov joined the band, and in 1992, Vadim Glukhov, a guitarist who replaced Sergei Tupikin, appeared in the group. Vadim and Yuri had known each other for several years, they often crossed paths at musical parties. At that time, Vadim Glukhov worked in the VoronezhPhilharmonic, was a professional musician. Yura Khoy invited Glukhov to play in their team, and Vadim happily agreed.

vadim deaf
vadim deaf

Guitarist biography

Vadim Glukhov has been studying music since childhood. In the middle school, he mastered the guitar, before his parents bought this instrument for their son, he studied violin at a music school for several years. The guitarist of the group was not married, had no children, Vadim Glukhov devoted his life to music - several years of work in the Philharmonic were replaced by almost a decade of participation in the Gas Sector collective. Vadim worked with Yura Khoi until the very last days of the musician, he was the last friend the soloist saw before his death.

Vadim Gluhlov guitarist
Vadim Gluhlov guitarist

Life after the tragedy

Vadim Glukhov, the guitarist of the last line-up of the band, took the death of his friend Yuri Khoy very hard. There is a long break in his career, but for the sake of earning money, Vadim plays as part of a team of one of the Voronezh singers, writes songs and music. These classes do not bring any special income. Together with former Gaza Strip members Igor Anikeev and Yuri Yapryntsev, Vadim is trying to recreate the old team and write new songs for the group, but the guys fail to succeed.

vadim deafness funeral
vadim deafness funeral

Recent years

Yura Khoy died in 2000 in Voronezh, and his friend Vadim Glukhov outlived the Gaza Strip soloist by 11 years. The guitarist in the last years of his life was in a severe depression, often quarreled with his family, could not findplace for yourself. After the death of Yuri Klinsky, many musicians of the group left this world. Vadim Glukhov disappeared in January 2011, the police, friends and relatives were looking for him. Members of the guitarist's family said that Glukhov disappeared suddenly, no one could name the reasons for his disappearance. The apartment from which the musician left was open, the home phone did not work. It didn't take long to find the missing person. His body was found only in April 2011 near the military airport in Voronezh. Bottles with traces of alcohol and vials of Corvalol were found next to the stiffened corpse. Doctors indicated the cause of death as poisoning with low-quality alcohol, although relatives claimed that Vadim did not drink alcohol. The last guitarist of the Gas Sector was buried at the Budenovsky cemetery. Unfortunately, this is not what Vadim Glukhov asked for. The funeral was arranged at the expense of funds raised by fans and fans of the group, and the money was only enough for a place on Budenovsky, and not next to Yuri Klinsky at the Left Bank cemetery, as Vadim asked, anticipating his death.
