The film "Three Fat Men": actors and roles, the history of creation, the plot of the picture

The film "Three Fat Men": actors and roles, the history of creation, the plot of the picture
The film "Three Fat Men": actors and roles, the history of creation, the plot of the picture

The image of ruthless despotic rulers is reflected in the story "Three Fat Men" by Yuri Olesha. The names Suok, Tibul and Tutti have become household names. In 1966, the fairy tale was filmed, and it is this film adaptation that is considered the best. In this article, you can learn about the actors of the film "Three Fat Men", about the plot and the history of the creation of the picture.

The main character and the actor who played the role

character Tibul
character Tibul

Soviet cinema star Alexei Batalov acted as the main director of the film, and also played the main role in the film "Three Fat Men" - tightrope walker Tibul. This work required the artist more than a year of preparation, and he played all the difficult scenes with walking on the wire on his own. Alexey's wife, Gitana Leontenko, was a circus performer. She helped her husband master the art of balancing act. And she also acted as an acrobatics repeater for the rest of the actors in the film "Three Fat Men".

Before filming this movie fairy tale, Batalov long nurtured the dream of directing"Three Fat Men" on stage. But at the Moscow Art Theater he was repeatedly refused, citing ideological reasons. The names of the actors of the film "Three Fat Men", who also became the performers of the main roles in the film:

  • Lina Braknite;
  • Petya Artemyev;
  • Evgeny Morgunov;
  • Sergey Kulagin;
  • Boris Khristoforov.

The main characters of the picture and the actors-performers

Baby Suok was played by a young Lithuanian Lina Braknite, who at the time of filming was only 12 years old. A thin girl with big expressive eyes immediately fell in love with both the film crew and the moviegoers. Ten-year-old Petya Artemiev masterfully coped with the first and only role of Tutti's heir in his film career. Tolstyakov were played by cult artist Yevgeny Morgunov, Honored Artist of the RSFSR Sergei Kulagin and Boris Khristoforov. For the latter, this role was the debut.

It is interesting that, despite the impressive proportions of the actors, they had to be enlarged with the help of overlays on costumes in order to achieve a caricature effect. Photos of the actors of the film "Three Fat Men" you can see below.

three fat men
three fat men

Sub-characters and actors

Also took part in the filming of the fairy tale: Valentin Nikulin as Dr. Gaspard, Rina Zelenaya as Aunt Ganymede and Alexander Orlov, who played the clown Augustus. In addition, you can meet Pavel Luspekaev in the frame. He played the role of General Karaski. And Nikolai Valiano appeared in the guise of a chancellor.

Many great artists took part in the filming process, receiving episodic, but brightand memorable roles. For example, in the film Three Fat Men, actor Georgy Shtil played one of the courtiers, and Irina Zarubina became the pianist accompanying the dance teacher. By the way, the role of the dance teacher was played by Viktor Sergachev.

History of the painting

baby Suok
baby Suok

The script of the film was written by the director himself, and the brother of Alexei Batalov, Mikhail Olshevsky, co-authored the script. He simplified and shortened the original text of the tale, shifting the emphasis towards the revolutionary and adventure component. When the script was ready, the film crew of the film "Three Fat Men" and the actors went to Peterhof, where a film set was set up in the building of the Imperial stables.

Movie plot

film frame
film frame

The plot of the film as a whole repeats the leitmotif of Olesha's original fairy tale. In a fictional fairy-tale land, the people rise up in revolt to get rid of the despotic rulers - the Majesties of the Fats. The main revolutionaries were the tightrope walker Tibul and the gunsmith Prospero. The uprising, of course, was easily suppressed, and the revolutionaries were arrested.

At this time, a spoiled boy lives in the palace in bliss and luxury, who is brought up by fat people. This is Tutti, confident that the best quality for a ruler is an iron heart and cruelty. The only character the child was allowed to interact with was a mechanical doll. During the riot, the doll was damaged, and then completely disappeared, and Tutti's heir was terribly upset because of this. Here it turns out that the broken toy is surprisingly similaron a small acrobat from the troupe of a traveling circus - the girl Suok. Dr. Arnery and the tightrope walker Tibul replace the missing doll with a living girl. She infiltrates the palace to steal the key to the dungeon, rescuing Prospero, who is locked there. The whole plan falls apart when the dance teacher Razdvatris finds the missing doll and decides to return it to the heir.
