Knights from literature or courtly mannerism

Knights from literature or courtly mannerism
Knights from literature or courtly mannerism

Everything has its time and its era, fashion trends change in life, art, literature, and only a chivalrous attitude towards a lady does not go out of fashion.

Courtly lyrics, meaning the chanting of love, has been around since the time of the troubadours, that is, from the 11th century. And what is mannerism and courtly mannerism, how these genres of art and literature in particular differ, we will understand in this article.

courtly mannerism
courtly mannerism

Mannerism in literature or aesthetics of contrasts

The word "mannerism" comes from the Italian word for manner. So, for example, the manner of writing, characteristic of the literary works of this style, is distinguished by the sophistication of the syllable, the complex expression of thought through allegories or using grotesque, contrasting juxtapositions.

Some Mannerist works were overflowing with an artificially pretentious style, so it is no coincidence that it is considered an early phase of the Baroque.

The work of writers of various times andnationalities are united by a desire for mannerism: Shakespeare and Cervantes, Calderon and Montaigne, Dryden, Spond, Du Bartas and others. Talents of different size and importance, united by style, created new genres based on mannerism, such as tragicomedy, ironic or comic poems.

courtly mannerism poems
courtly mannerism poems

Miscellaneous influence

As mentioned earlier, the Mannerist style was controversial and distinguished by its power of influence on various aspects of human and social life.

On the one hand, he contributed to the honing of a refined, refined culture, far from the real life of the "rabble", distinguished by special manners of behavior, thereby anticipating the emergence of a new artsy style in art - "rococo".

On the other hand, esoteric currents in Mannerism contributed to the development of the sacred baroque. In addition, by means of mannerism in art, eroticism sparkled with new colors, reaching its most striking development in this style.

Art studies note the existence of a certain overlap between postmodern culture and Mannerist works. There is a certain dependence or software secondary caused by the "cultural baggage" of predecessors.

Thus, the famous American art critic Jerry Sals highlights in art a new artistic movement "neo-mannerism", which, according to the critic, uses ready-made and bright clichés of previous eras in a new way in the 21st century.

in the mannerist style
in the mannerist style

Courtly lyrics

Courtly art arose in the 11th-13th centuries, and was based on the Code of Knightly Morality with the obligatory cult of the Beautiful Lady.

Characters are divided into bad and good depending on how they relate to the object of love. Because in courtly lyrics - love is always joy, and the absence or inability to love is boredom.

The cult of the Beautiful Lady arises. The place of the juggler, shpilman, osprey was taken by another poet, educated, serving at the court of the feudal lord. At this time, a reform of the literary language and versification took place. The poets of this time were called troubadours.

On the basis of courtly lyrics, new poetic forms and genre features were honed:

courtly mannerism in literature
courtly mannerism in literature
  • canzona is an exquisite form of a poem containing a declaration of love;
  • sirventa is a poetic composition that touches on morality and morality, reflections on political topics;
  • crying - poetry that conveys sadness or loss in connection with the death of a loved one or loved one;
  • tenzona is a poem written in the form of a dialogue and dispute between various hero-characters;
  • pastorella describes the love of a knight and a shepherdess against the backdrop of nature;
  • alba (the parting of lovers is sung in the morning after a secret date)

Courtoise Mannerism in Russia

At the end of the eighties a poetic group arose in Russia, which was called the Order of Courtly Mannerists. The group of poets finally took shape on December 221988 and the first edition, published in 1989 under the sign of the Order, was a collection of poems "Magic poison of love"

The name of the Order uses the two terms discussed above, and the poems, created in the style of courtly mannerism, were distinguished by refinement of form and harsh, frank humor, not without a share of cynicism.

Here is an example of what courtly mannerism looks like in Vadim Stepantsov's poetry:

We sailed in an underwater boat

To the big North Pole, And the captain of this boat

I adored with all my heart.

But he didn't love me for long, He dropped me off soon

On the huge North Pole

In the midst of an arctic day.

what is courtly mannerism
what is courtly mannerism

Composition of the Order

When the Order of Courtly Mannerists was founded, it included:

  1. Grand Master - poet Vadim Stepantsov.
  2. Alexander Bardodym - Black Grand Constable.
  3. Commander - poet Dmitry Bykov, who left the Order in 1992.
  4. Magic Fluid and Commander-Ordalymeister of the Order - Konstantin Grigoriev (one of the founders of the Moscow rock band "Bakhyt-Kompot".
  5. Grand Prior of the Order - Andrei Dobrynin, poet, translator, writer.
  6. Archicardinal of the Order - Victor Pelenyagre, now the author of more than 20 books of poetry, known as a songwriter.

Later, Alexander Skiba (commander-proceptor of the Order), poet Alexander Tenishev and writer, journalist, critic Alexander Vulykh were admitted to the Order of Courtly Mannerists.

Program, goals, manifesto

The Order, as befits any self-respecting new formation in literature or politics, issued a manifesto that defines the tasks and goals of courtly mannerism in literature.

The authors of the manifesto, or a group of poets belonging to the order, stated that the notion that life is beautiful is limited to the assertion that it is amazing.

Then followed a short digression into the history of society, describing in an original and humorous way the social background of the emergence of courtly mannerism in Russia.

They declare themselves above the endless war of "frogs and mice", swear to serve beauty, love, refined and sharp words. And they sign as patricians of the spirit, merry knights of the Order.

At that time, it was quite bold, fresh and, most importantly, frankly. Later (in 1992) a film "Behind the Splash of Diamond Jets" will be made about the history of Russian poets of the Order of Courtly Mannerism and what kind of event or step it is that affects the development of Russian literature.

courtly mannerism in poetry
courtly mannerism in poetry

Followers and fans

The courtly mannerists had many imitators and followers. Many wanted to express themselves outside the box, with humor, in a word, using techniques not accepted in the classical understanding of poetry.

Here is how Konstantin Radzievsky's "Sonnet Without a Purpose" is written:

A sonnet without purpose is written then, To distinguish himself with a strange trick

And ensure relentless training

Poesogenerator systems.

You sit and glitch without problems, Eating potatoes with sour cream

Or just sticking around a little drunk

In the absence of a pen worthy topics.

So did the home front workers

At the front if the cable is interrupted

Brutal projectile bullshit:

Pliers chasing in pocket

But the guy is getting closer to fame, Closing wires with teeth.

Achievements of Courtly Mannerists

The Order was distinguished by quite fruitful creative activity. True, at present, its former members are mainly busy with their own creative growth and the group, as it were, has nothing in common.

Nevertheless, I would like to note the bibliography of the Order as a bright and non-standard campaign in search of new literature. Courtly mannerism in poetry is represented by the following collections:

  • Magic Poison of Love: Galant Album. Lyrics: The Order of the Courtois. mannerists. - M.: Prometheus, 1989. - 95 p. - 5000 copies. Contents: Poems: The woman at the mirror / V. Pelenyagre. “Wrong, friend Vadim, the Zoils are talking about us …” / A. Dobrynin; Cycles: Ten Beauties; Fireworks and other pieces / V. Stepantsov. Cyclops / A. Dobrynin. Pastime / V. Pelenyagre. Fin amor / K. Grigoriev. On further, as last Monday / D. Bykov.
  • Princess Dreaming's Favorite Jester: [Album galant. lyrics] / Order of the Courtois. mannerists; [Foreword. V. Stepantsova, V. Pelenyagre]. - M.: Capital, 1992. - 132 p. - 8000 copies. ISBN 5-7055-0905-7: Contents: The curse of makeup / V. Stepantsov. Tamer of goodness / K. Grigoriev. August / D. Bykov. Il Monstro / A. Dobrynin. Swarthy emissary / A. Bardodym. Moscow Cameos, or Scenes from Private Life / V. Pelenyagre.
  • Prisoners of Aphrodite: Galant Album. the lyrics of the poets of the Order of the Courtois. mannerism” / [Compiled by L. F. Kalinina]. - N. Novgorod: Ventus, 1992. - 111 p. - 20000 copies. ISBN 5-85096-001-5. Contents: Authors: A. Bardodym, V. Stepantsov, A. Dobrynin, V. Pelenyagre, K. Grigoriev.
  • The Red Book of the Marquise: A wreath on the grave of the world. lit.: Order of the Courtois. mannerists: [Sat. poems] / [After. F. Beauclerc, p. 247-284; Artistic S. S. Vodchits]. - M.: "Alexander Sevastyanov", 1995. - 303 p.. - 3000 copies. Contents: Authors: V. Stepantsov, V. Pelenyagre, K. Grigoriev, A. Dobrynin, D. Bykov, A. Bardodym.
  • Order of Courtly Mannerists: Sump of Eternity: Fav. prose/ [Art. E. Klodt]. - M.: "Bookman", 1996. - 591] p. - 5000 copies. ISBN 5-7848-0019-1. Contents: Novels: The sump of eternity / V. Stepantsov. Nega / K. Grigoriev. Notes of the seducer; Kitab al-Ittihad, or In Search of the Pentagram; Selected Letters on Courtly Mannerism / A. Dobrynin.
  • The Triumph of Impermanence: The Order of the Courtois. Mannerists: [Collection / Entry. Art. V. Pelenyagre; Artistic Kolpakova N.]. - M.: "Bookman", 1997. - 303 p. - 4000 copies. ISBN 5-7848-0048-5.
  • The Order of Courtly Mannerists: [Poems / Ed. Sokol G. F.]. - M.: Mosk. state Museum of V. Sidur, 1997. - 16 p.
  • Clients of Aphrodite, or Rewarded Sensibility/Order of the Courtois. mannerists. - M.: AST-Press, 1999. - 335 p. - 3000 copies. ISBN 5-7805-0425-3.
  • Delights of cyborgs:[Sat. poems] / The Order of the Courtois. mannerists. - M.: AST-Press, 2001. - 399 p. - 3000 copies. ISBN 5-7805-0731-7.
  • Songs of complex devices: [Sat. poems] / The Order of the Courtois. mannerists. - M.: Mainland, 2003. - 531 p. - 3000 copies. ISBN 5-85646-105-3. Contents author: Vadim Stepantsov, Andrey Dobrynin, Konstantin Grigoriev, Alexander Skiba, Alexander Vulykh.

You can say that poetry written in this manner still attracts the reader.
