Dinara Aliyeva: biography of an opera singer

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Dinara Aliyeva: biography of an opera singer
Dinara Aliyeva: biography of an opera singer

Video: Dinara Aliyeva: biography of an opera singer

Video: Dinara Aliyeva: biography of an opera singer
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To achieve something in life, you need to have ambitious goals. So says Dinara Aliyeva, an opera singer, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. That is why she went to conquer Moscow. Dinara was sure that everything would work out for her, and her intuition did not disappoint. Why did she decide to connect her life with music? Probably because her whole family was connected with this art. But first things first.


Dinara Aliyeva was born on December 17, 1980 in the city of Baku. Since, in her words, she absorbed music with her mother's milk, there was no doubt that music was her vocation. The fact that the girl is talented was clear from her very birth. That is why her parents brought her to the famous Azerbaijani school named after Bul-Bul, where she studied piano. After graduating from school, Dinara enters the Baku Academy of Music. Dinara's class is taught by the famous singer Khuraman Kasimova.

dinara aliyeva
dinara aliyeva

Memorable for Dinara Aliyeva were master classes held in Baku by Elena Obraztsova and Montserat Caballe. It was the master class of Montserrat Caballe that changed Dinara's whole life. The celebrity noted the girl as a "young talent." Dinara realized that she was going in the right direction, that she would become an opera singer, and that the whole world would talk about her. In 2004, Diana brilliantly graduated from the academy. Her career began in her native Azerbaijan at the Drama Theater of Opera and Ballet named after M. F. Akhundov. True, Dinara has been performing in this theater since 2002, while still studying at the academy. We can say that Dinara Aliyeva has a very happy biography. Family, music, opera, festivals, tours - that's what it is.

Soloist of the Bolshoi Theater

In 2007, Dinara Aliyeva was invited to the international art festival, directed by Yuri Bashmet. And in 2009, her debut was on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. Aliyeva performed the role of Liu in Puccini's "Turandot", and won over not only the audience, but also critics with her voice. The singer gladly accepted the invitation to perform on the day of memory of Maria Callas on September 16, 2009 in Athens. It was one of her favorite singers. In Athens, she performed arias from the operas "La Traviata" and "Tosca". Dinara Aliyeva's repertoire at the Bolshoi Theater includes the roles of Violetta from La Traviata, Donna Elvira in Don Giovanni, Eleonora in Il Trovatore, Marfa in The Tsar's Bride - you can't count them all.

Dinara likes Moscow and the Bolshoi Theatre, she says in her interviews that Moscow is the city that became her second homeland and gave her fame. It began her formation and professional path.

singer dinarAliyeva
singer dinarAliyeva

Vienna Opera

Smiling, singer Dinara Aliyeva recalls her debut at the Vienna Opera. This performance was like a test of fate. It happened like this: there was a phone call from Vienna with a request to replace the sick singer. It was necessary to perform Donna Elvira's aria in Italian. Dinara had already performed the aria, but it was exciting, because the audience knew this part very well.

The theater met Aliyeva very friendly. The theater building flooded with lights seemed to her a magical dream. She could not believe that she was at the Vienna Opera, and that this was not a dream, but reality. The performance went well. After that, more than once Dinara had invitations to Vienna. The capital of Austria impressed the young singer with the spirit of music that reigned everywhere there. Dinara was also struck by the touching tradition of the Viennese audience not to miss a single debut of an aspiring artist. Nobody in Vienna knew her, young, who came to replace the famous but ill opera diva, but people were in a hurry to take her autograph. This deeply touched the young singer.

Dinara Aliyeva opera singer
Dinara Aliyeva opera singer

About the tour of the singer

Everyone who serves in theaters is regularly on tour, and Dinara Aliyeva is no exception. The solo concert in Prague, which took place in 2010, was accompanied by the National Symphony Orchestra of the Czech Republic. Dinara made her debut on the stage of the Alter Opera in Germany in 2011. Success awaited her at New York's Carnegie Hall and at a gala concert in Paris' Gaveau Hall. The singer gives concerts on the stages of leading opera houses in Russia, Europe, the USA and Japan. She is always happytours at home and is waiting for a meeting with the city of his childhood - Baku, periodically gives concerts there. In this city, she happened to sing with Placido Domingo.

Diana Aliyeva's repertoire consists not only of chamber works, she is a performer of the main parts for soprano, vocal miniatures by composers Schumann, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov.

dinara aliyeva biography
dinara aliyeva biography

About plans and dreams

When Diana Aliyeva is asked about her dreams and their realization, she replies that her dream of becoming a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater has already come true. Trusting her intuition, she came to Moscow. However, the singer says that it is not enough to believe only intuition, it is equally important to believe that you can achieve what you want. When you achieve a goal or your dream comes true, there is something to which you go further. And Dinara's most cherished dream is to achieve such mastery that her singing will touch the souls of people and remain in their memory, enter the history of music. The dream is ambitious, but it helps to realize plans that initially seem impossible.

She is happy to share that she is married to her beloved and loving husband, and that they have a wonderful son. Since Dinara is a mother who works, it is difficult for her to devote all her time to the baby. In order not to deprive her son of her attention, she tries to take both him and the nanny who looks after him on tour or on concert tours. Dinara is very glad that her family understands her. She plans to replenish her repertoire with new parties. She also has organizational ideas for holdingfestivals, there are tours and contracts with opera houses.

dinara aliyeva biography family
dinara aliyeva biography family

Festival "Opera Art"

In 2015, the singer decided to hold her own Opera Art festival. Within its framework, concerts were held in Moscow. The festival tour included such large cities as St. Petersburg, Prague, Berlin, and Budapest. By the end of 2015, her new CD with the famous tenor Alexander Antonenko was released. In March 2017, another festival started, where meetings with interesting singers, conductors and directors took place.

The demand for Dinara Aliyeva as an opera singer, her participation in charity concerts and festivals - all this requires time, effort, desire. Where does she get such dedication from? Dinara explains this with her crazy love for opera art. She cannot imagine herself without singing, without a stage, without spectators. For her, the most important thing is serving the art of opera.
