Russian opera singer Ildar Abdrazakov. Biography and interesting facts from life

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Russian opera singer Ildar Abdrazakov. Biography and interesting facts from life
Russian opera singer Ildar Abdrazakov. Biography and interesting facts from life

Video: Russian opera singer Ildar Abdrazakov. Biography and interesting facts from life

Video: Russian opera singer Ildar Abdrazakov. Biography and interesting facts from life
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In 1976, in the city of Ufa, the future talented singer Ildar Abdrazakov was born in the family of an artist - mother Taskira Nagimzyanovna - and a director - father Amir Gabdulmanovich. The singer's biography and further life with such parents was predetermined - only art.

Becoming a person

Ildar was born 7 years after his older brother Askar, who also became a vocal performer. From an early age, the boy participated in his father's productions, which were mostly musical.

Ildar Abdrazakov
Ildar Abdrazakov

The constant summer expeditions of the brothers with their father Amir Gabdulmanovich consolidated their character, contributed to the formation of Ildar's personality and had a positive impact on his future career.

In the Abdrazakov family, such a case once happened. At a general meeting after long races, Askar thanked his father, saying that he became a vocal performer thanks to him. At this time, Ildar intervened in the conversation, noting that he, in turn, became a singer, looking at his father and brother. Interestingly, Ildar's grandfather Gabdulman-agaiHe also sang quite well, while possessing a tenor voice. At the same time, the boys' father had a baritone, and Ildar and Askar had basses.

In 2010, Ildar's brother was appointed Minister of Culture of Bashkortostan.

The influence of mother and teacher on the development of the singer

Taskira Nagimzyanovna also played a significant role in the development of Ildar. After graduating from an art school, the mother of the future singers did not go to work as a designer, but devoted herself entirely to raising children. Possessing also a wonderful chest voice, she sang folk songs of Bashkortostan to Ildar and Askar.

Ildar Abdrazakov's teacher was Milyausha Galeevna Murtazina, beloved by both Askar and his younger brother. Each time, returning from any competition, performance, Ildar always comes to her, shares his impressions and joys. He does not miss the chance to practice vocals at such meetings, to receive important advice from his beloved teacher.

Abdrazakov Ildar Amirovich
Abdrazakov Ildar Amirovich

Career takeoff

Abdrazakov Ildar Amirovich entered the Ufa State Institute of Arts, after which he was accepted into the Ufa Opera and Ballet Theater.

The end of the 90s was very successful for the singer. He is recognized as the winner of many vocal competitions at once. Among these are the Grand Prize of Moscow, the International Competitions named after Elena Obraztsova, Rimsky-Korsakov, Glinka. The following year, Ildar Abdrazakov won first place in the Parma competition dedicated to Maria Callas. This last conquest brings Ildar fame not only inRussia, but throughout the world. In 2001, Ildar, as a debutant, entered the famous stage of La Scala.

Participation in world productions

The Russian singer is quite rapidly making his way to the top of his career, this is evidenced by the popularity and demand for his talent among opera basses. In total, upon reaching 25 years old, Ildar constantly participates in various productions, he is invited by the best opera houses in the world. Undoubtedly, participation on the stage of La Scala contributed to this. Among the famous world opera houses that invite him to their performances are the Vienna State Opera, the Bavarian State Opera, and the New York Metropolitan Opera.

Ildar Abdrazakov singer
Ildar Abdrazakov singer

Fans of the opera and the most famous critics in the talent of the Russian singer were struck by his clear, but at the same time powerful voice. An important role in this was played by the natural stage charm that Ildar Abdrazakov is endowed with. The singer's bass has won admiration and attracted many fans.

One of the most famous orchestras with which Abdrazakov had a chance to work was both the Chicago Symphony and the Vienna Philharmonic. The opera celebrity has also been invited to London's BBC PROMS Festival and Carnegie Hall.

Ildar Abdrazakov biography
Ildar Abdrazakov biography

Reviews about the singer

The authoritative newspaper The Independent put it this way about the singer: "Ildar Abdrazakov is a singer with an amazing bass, which has everything - an unforgettable timbre, great legato, a lot of professionalism."

Alexander Tchaikovsky, famous inRussian composer: “Abdrazakov is stunningly musical. Working with him is easy and attractive. Ildar perfectly feels not only the line that he has to express, but the whole phrase, the full score. I heard the music of Chaliapin in the same way.”

The New York Times, popular in the USA, published after the production of Attila: “Especially the expressiveness and impeccability of the performance, Verdi's tones create this disturbing feeling in the soul. Attila Abdrazakova combines in herself equally both the mercilessness of character and the bottomless moral discord.”

Private life

About myself, Ildar Abdrazakov, whose personal life, one might say, is classified, does not like to spread, so it is very difficult to find out any juicy details about him. It is known that the singer has two children. From his first marriage to Olga Trifonova, vocalist of the Mariinsky Theatre, Ildar has a daughter, Elvira Trifonova. The second marriage - also with the famous performer of theatrical roles Olga Borodina - brought the actor his beloved son Vladimir-Amir, named after both grandfathers.

Ildar Abdrazakov personal life
Ildar Abdrazakov personal life

The singer's children are friends with each other and are proud of their famous father. They also followed in the musical footsteps of their father - Elvira wants to become a famous rock performer, Vladimir-Amir is studying at a choir school, playing the violin.

More than two years ago, Ildar and Olga divorced, the children live with their mothers, but every time they take the opportunity to see their father. Now Ildar Abdrazakov is not married.

Couple of interestingmeetings

An interesting story once happened to Ildar in St. Petersburg. After the end of the concert, a banquet took place on Palace Square, in which the President of Russia and Silvio Berlusconi took part. Ildar noticed that Berlusconi, who was located next to V. V. Putin, smiles at the singer and calls him. Abdrazakov Ildar Amirovich decided that his eyesight was deceiving him, and Berlusconi's gaze was directed at someone else, so he remained seated in his place. Then Silvio Berlusconi himself got up and approached the singer in order to thank him for his excellent performance. Later, having got to Italy for an opera performance, Ildar received a huge vase of flowers from Berlusconi.

Another of the representatives of the ruling circles of Europe, who was struck by Ildar's talent, was the Spanish king Juan Carlos. Abdrazakov performed in Madrid at the production of the play "Rigoletto", and after the end of the Spanish king and Queen Sofia came to express their gratitude to him. Ildar even managed to take a picture with noble people.

Ildar Abdrazakov bass
Ildar Abdrazakov bass

Creative path

Ildar Abdrazakov during his work in the vocal art was able to participate not only in various international competitions, festivals and similar events. The singer was lucky to perform in many famous world performances. Among them:

  • Leporello's hero from Don Juan;
  • main role in The Marriage of Figaro;
  • Selim in the play "The Turk from Italy";
  • the title role in the play "Attila";
  • the role of Mephistopheles in Faust and"The Condemnation of Faust";
  • the hero of Banquo in Macbeth;
  • the main role in the recent play "Prince Igor" and many others.

The singer gave concerts in almost all opera arenas in the US and Europe, and in 2011 he was awarded a Grammy for creating a joint disc with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Verdi's Requiem was recorded on the disc. The recording also featured a choir led by Riccardo Muti.

It is worth noting that Ildar is engaged not only in creative activities, but also manages to take part in various charity events.
