Shemshuk Vladimir Alekseevich: biography of the writer and scientist

Shemshuk Vladimir Alekseevich: biography of the writer and scientist
Shemshuk Vladimir Alekseevich: biography of the writer and scientist

Vladimir Alekseevich Shemshuk is a writer and scientist whose books surprise the reader with their content. In his numerous works, Vladimir writes about world history, drawing the reader's attention to those things that can change anyone's view of the world. However, despite his fame, little is known about the biography of the scientist - the date of birth of Vladimir Alekseevich Shemshuk cannot be found exact. And there are no facts of life even on his personal website.

Biography of Vladimir Alekseevich Shemshuk

This great scientist was born in 1950 on the territory of modern China. It so happened that the father of Vladimir Alekseevich Shemshuk, whose biography can surprise from the very beginning, was sent to serve in China. Upon returning to their homeland, the Shemshuk family lived in the Perm region.

Shemshuk Vladimir Alekseevich biography
Shemshuk Vladimir Alekseevich biography

Today, the scientist lives in Moscow, where he conducts his observations and scientific activities.


One of the most important elements in the biography of Vladimir Alekseevich Shemchuk was the education of a scientist. It was in Perm that Vladimir received his highereducation, graduating from the faculty of biology, and later history, which then played a major role in his choice of life path and career.

Getting Started in Science

The first step, which is noted in the biography of Vladimir Alekseevich Shemshuk, was the scientific work, which was entirely given under his responsibility. Working on a question that needed to be revealed to Vladimir Alekseevich, he discovered many new and interesting historical facts that a person who does not study history in depth does not know about.

shemshuk books
shemshuk books

Field of activity

Vladimir studies not just history, but the question of the appearance of man and life in general on Earth. While doing his work, Vladimir Alekseevich discovered many interesting facts about the evolution of all life on the planet. The main discovery for the writer was the presence of other creatures who, like people, have a mind. Vladimir himself began to notice signs of the presence of alien races in the modern world. It was after completing this scientific work that Vladimir decided once and for all to connect his life with the study of anomalous phenomena that occur on our planet every day.

The author reinforces his beliefs in books with the help of arguments that he cites from other sciences. Such sciences became for Vladimir Alekseevich physics, chemistry, but mainly history, because it was from its study that the writer had doubts about human origin. Studying historical documents, Vladimir Alekseevich noticed many inconsistencies, which forcedhim to think: was it really so? Digging even deeper, the writer began to notice that already in ancient times there were many strange things that even today science could not explain.

date of birth of Vladimir Alekseevich Shemshuk
date of birth of Vladimir Alekseevich Shemshuk

Begin writing

Everything that Vladimir Shemshuk discovered, he wrote down. For many years he kept records, and writing became the main thing in the life of a scientist. He began to professionally record the discovered facts, and Shemshuk's books began to be published. Soon other people became interested in his work. It was from this moment that fame came to Vladimir Alekseevich Shemshuk. But along with the positive moments comes criticism of the activity of the scientist, which, despite the fact that Vladimir Alekseevich does not pay attention to it, still repels many - both scientists and ordinary people.

Vladimir's activities

Today, Vladimir Alekseevich Shemshuk, whose biography is really surprising, not only writes scientific books about other societies that exist in the Universe, but also conducts seminars in Russian cities. On them, he actively talks and answers all the questions of those present, who, just like him once, were interested in the theory of the origin of the world thanks to space, other universes, claims that man was very closely connected with other dimensions and worlds, being still not so reasonable. However, in the books, Shemshuk also writes that the more intelligent a person became, the stronger he felt a connection with other worlds.

Shemshuk Vladimir Alekseevich reviews
Shemshuk Vladimir Alekseevich reviews

Vladimir is not going to stop in scientific development. And today he visits various interesting places where anomalous phenomena were observed, talks with the Old Believers, studies old documents. All this together gives a lot of questions that Vladimir needs to find the answer to.

Shemshuk Vladimir Alekseevich: reviews of his activities

All reviews of the writer's work are divided into two main groups: those who are delighted with his activities and scientific discoveries, and those who believe that Vladimir "suffers from nonsense." It is impossible to say unequivocally what exactly is considered true, because how many people - so many opinions. Perhaps this division of reviews is due to the fact that even in the modern world, the professional study of anomalous activity is a dubious scientific direction.

Cult of the Ancestors

Shemshuk Vladimir Alekseevich cult of ancestors
Shemshuk Vladimir Alekseevich cult of ancestors

The book by Vladimir Alekseevich Shemshuk "The Cult of Ancestors" is a study of human roots. In addition, the author clearly explains to each reader about the existence of another world into which a person enters after death. He supports his explanation not only with the stories of people who have experienced clinical death, but also with the laws and theories of such a science as physics. To prove that the other world actually exists, the author writes about all the manifestations of life "after" that have been observed on Earth for many centuries.

Vladimir describes in detail all the conditions under which a transition to another dimension is possible. All thisthe work was written by Vladimir Alekseevich in order to prove to people that the ancestors of each of us, being in distant and forgotten antiquity, could travel and move around other worlds and parallel universes.
