Gumilyov's biography - the story of the great path of a scientist in the dark

Gumilyov's biography - the story of the great path of a scientist in the dark
Gumilyov's biography - the story of the great path of a scientist in the dark

The biography of Lev Nikolaevich Gumilyov, as well as his "Theory of Passionarity", is published in all languages of the civilized world. It testifies that the fate of the scientist is tragic, like the fate of his parents.

Gumilev's biography
Gumilev's biography

Father, a great poet of the early 20th century, the brilliant Nikolai Gumilyov, was so popular and deified by his fans that even the "illegitimate" paternity of Nicholas II was attributed to him. In the 21st year, he was shot by the Soviet authorities as an “enemy of the people.”

Mother, the great, brilliant Russian poetess Anna Akhmatova, was almost always persecuted by the authorities. About the most terrible time of her life, when both her husband and son were imprisoned, and she stood in line for days in prisons to get news or convey something to them, she wrote the great poem "Requiem", which deserves a separate discussion.

In 1912, Lev Gumilyov was born into a brilliant family of poets who were at that time in Tsarskoye Selo. His grandmother was involved in his upbringing, since the marriage of his parents broke up after 2 years.

Othe uncommonness and extraordinary talent of the future scientist, that nature does not always rest on the children of geniuses, is evidenced by the following fact. Being completely deprived of access to higher education (first because of noble origin, then as the son of an "enemy of the people"), Gumilyov became a full corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, an academician, defended two doctoral dissertations in different fields - history and geography.

Lev Gumilyov biography
Lev Gumilyov biography

Gumilyov's biography tells of more than 20 years spent in labor colonies (condemned on false slander). Not being able to visit libraries, to engage in scientific work, Lev Nikolaevich was an encyclopedist. But his erudition never overwhelmed those around him.

Gumilyov's military biography also testifies to his courage and eccentricity. In 1944, he was sent to war and, as part of the Belorussian Front, reached Berlin, repeatedly showing personal courage.

In the 60s, his first publications saw the light, instantly attracting attention to him. At this time, thanks to the discovered talent, his lectures become unusually popular. Those who want to listen to an order of magnitude more opportunities for audiences. In the 70s, a series of lectures by Gumilyov was organized on television.

Gumilyov biography short
Gumilyov biography short

But true, worldwide recognition comes to the scientist-ethnologist and historian after the publication of his book "Ethnogenesis and the Biosphere of the Earth", which outlined the "Theory of Passionarity", or "The Passionary Theory of Ethnogenesis". Despite the considerable number of enemies (and there arelife has always been enough, as evidenced by Gumilyov's biography), this theory is gaining an increasing number of supporters. She is increasingly referred to, she is increasingly mentioned in the works of contemporary authors.

Of course, society is moving forward through the efforts of passionaries, to which Lev Gumilev himself belonged, the biography of his life testifies to this.

This unique scientist has made so many innovations in the scientific life of the whole world that it is very difficult to overestimate the importance of this figure. His life is hard and unique, and if someone decided to write a book: “Lev Gumilyov. Biography”- a short history of the whole country would eventually be published.
