Inspirational ballet quotes

Inspirational ballet quotes
Inspirational ballet quotes

Ballet is a special world that can be enjoyed endlessly. If you start to deliberately dive into it, you can find amazing feelings, manifestations and possibilities in your own soul. Quotes about ballet make you think a lot, rethink your everyday reality.

lovely dance
lovely dance

Those who have chosen this occupation in life for themselves understand that they need to work hard to achieve the best result. Nothing can be achieved here without perseverance. There is even such a saying: "The legs feed the wolf and the ballerina." This statement is precisely the meaning of this profession. Only incessant work will make you stronger, help you cope with numerous difficulties, overcome significant obstacles.

The need to look after yourself

Japanese cuisine is the perfect food for a ballerina (Maya Plisetskaya).

It's no secret that ballerinas should be slim and graceful. This is required by the standards of the profession, which cannot be simply brushed aside. Evena small weight gain is fraught with adverse consequences. If you stop taking care of yourself, then very soon you can lose your qualifications and acquired skills. Doing ballet is not as easy as it seems at first glance. It is necessary to constantly remember about self-limitations, to work for the future. Since Japanese cuisine is quite light, it is recommended for those who decide to devote themselves to this type of performing arts.

Real prospects

Dance is the poetry of feet (John Dryden).

The opportunity to express themselves, their own inner essence necessarily appears in those who are ready to try for an excellent result, to make maximum efforts. The more perseverance you put in, the better. Quotes about ballet carry a lot of positive and good energy. Sometimes, with the help of an amazing dance, you can convey the state of the soul, the movement of feelings. Some viewers are sometimes seized with such amazement and delight that they are unable to hold back their tears. If people would strive to express themselves more fully, there would be more creativity and extraordinary actions in the world.

The manifestation of individuality

The body never lies (Martha Graham).

With the help of gestures and facial expressions, we can tell a lot about ourselves and convey our state of mind. When a person dances, he cannot fake his emotions. It is as if he stands naked in front of the audience and confides his spiritual secrets to them. All kinds of impulses become within reach in an instant.

ballerina performances
ballerina performances

We can put on a mask whencommunicate with colleagues or sign an employment contract. However, if you behave like this on stage, nothing will work. Here you need to open your soul, act in accordance with your inner nature. Quotes about ballet confirm this eternal truth.

Fine plastic

Ballet is an opera for the deaf (Emil Krotky).

Lovers of this art form come to the theater to admire the beautiful movements. In this lies the possibility of recognizing the music of one's own heart. You can often hear from these people that they are able to perceive the surrounding reality so subtly that it becomes really interesting for them to look at the performances of ballerinas.

pair performance
pair performance

What is happening on the stage incredibly captures them, inspires them, gives rise to wonderful thoughts. At such moments, creative creation appears, a special mood arises, giving the opportunity to show their best qualities of character and practical skills.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, quotes about ballet have tangible benefits. Getting acquainted with them, we have the opportunity to plunge into the world of genuine art, to plunge into a reality that exists regardless of whether we believe in it or not. Maya Plisetskaya was just talking about the fact that you need to give all your strength to the profession as long as you can do it. Then your favorite thing will bring real pleasure.
