Films with the devil: the image of the Evil One in the cinema

Films with the devil: the image of the Evil One in the cinema
Films with the devil: the image of the Evil One in the cinema

The devil appears on the silver screen quite often, much more than his eternal enemy from heaven. In whatever form, with the light hand of cinematographers, he did not appear before the audience: an elegant, refined oligarch in a stylish suit, a shocking one-of-a-kind in striped leggings, a real fire-breathing monster. As many films with the devil confirm, the unclean has a lot of disguises.

Traditional look

The classic old-school devil, gigantic and with impressive horns, the viewer can see in the tape "Legend" (1985) by Ridley Scott. Equally intimidating is Satan in the movie Spawn (1997) by Mark A. Z. Dippe. The image of the protagonist from Guillermo del Toro's Hellboy dilogy is interesting, although he is many times nicer than the prototype from the 2019 restart directed by Neil Marshall. Although these tapes can hardly be included in the category of "movies with the devil."

In the film directed by Peter Hyams "The End of the World" the lord of hell had a hard time. He was opposed by none other than Arnold Schwarzenegger, armed with a grenade launcher. How can one not recall the domestic film "Sea Devils". Seven membersspecial forces "Smerch" would have coped with such a threat in the event of its occurrence.

movies with the devil
movies with the devil

Style icon

Among the films with the devil, in which Satan appears in the image of "luxurious simplicity and elegance", the leaders are Alan Parker's Angel Heart, Taylor Hackford's The Devil's Advocate, Vladimir Bortko's mini-series The Master and Margarita and, of course, "Constantine: Lord of Darkness" by Francis Lawrence. Who would have thought that a fallen angel could go so damn well with a stylish suit. In the attire and habits of the evil one from these projects, high society bliss can be traced. However, even with apparent impressiveness, they will not allow themselves to be fooled.

movie sea devils
movie sea devils

Exception to rule

In the list of films with the devil stands out the tape "Blinded by Desires". In this picture, director Harold Ramis gave the part of the devil to the delightful Elizabeth Hurley. As a result, the main character had to resist the spell of the most seductive enemy of the human race in the history of cinema.

In The Witches of Eastwick by George Miller, the devil is a bastard and a villain, but an exorbitantly charming bastard! Although he will get nuts from three charming witches. Another confirmation that women's charms and the devil will be brought to the zugunder.

In Tony Scott's Deal with the Devil, the Prince of Darkness is so eccentric that he is just a bunch of positive shocking. Marilyn Manson appears in addition to him. As it turned out, there are such films with the devil.

the devil's haven movie
the devil's haven movie

Skins can be deceiving

In the Mexican-Chilean horror film directed by Guillermo Amoedo and based on his own script, the Tempter takes the form of an innocent child. And in the film "The Devil's Refuge", two sisters, Maria and Camila, who broke into the mansion of the influential senator Jose Sanchez-Lermontov to rob, tie up the owner and wife in order to obtain information about hidden treasures.

Having searched the estate, the girls stumble upon their daughter Tamara in a locked room. Not believing the words of worried parents, they release the child and soon realize that not everything in our lives is subject to the laws of common sense and logic. From the horror that comes from a seemingly innocent child, only the Bible can protect them. But this is not accurate.
