"The Holy Family" by Raphael: a description of the painting

"The Holy Family" by Raphael: a description of the painting
"The Holy Family" by Raphael: a description of the painting

Raphael's "Holy Family" was created in Florence at that unique time when Michelangelo, da Vinci, and Raphael himself worked here at the same time. This painting belongs to the early period of creativity of the outstanding Italian painter and is considered to be one of the most subtle, filigree creations of the artist. In the same period, other famous sculptors, painters, and architects worked in Florence. Their works belong to the highest stage of development of art - the Renaissance.

Raphael Santi, self-portrait
Raphael Santi, self-portrait

The picture clearly shows the strong influence of da Vinci on Raphael. The Holy Family is depicted against the background of a stone wall with an arched window opening through which a characteristic landscape is visible. Facial expressions, the hairstyle of the Virgin, the posture of Christ are also similar to the paintings by Leonardo.

Raphael's "Holy Family" is in the Hermitage. This is one of two paintings by the brilliant artist left in Russia. An inept restorer tried to restore the canvas, but damaged it. Because of this, the picture failedsell and left in the museum.

Picture of Joseph

"The Holy Family" by Rafael Santi is called the "Madonna with the beardless Joseph". Most often, artists painted Joseph with a beard to draw attention to his advanced age. Santi decided to ignore this rule and acted differently. In his painting, Joseph looks respectable enough, but this effect is achieved through more complex and less obvious signs. His fluffy sparse hair reveals his skin, his forehead is receding. The face is covered with deep wrinkles. The hands rest on a wooden staff, which was usually used by the old people. At the same time, Joseph's shoulders humbly drooped, as if drooping under a heavy burden of responsibility.

Painting by Raphael
Painting by Raphael

Picture of Mary and baby

Madonna with newborn Jesus creates a sharp contrast with the figure of Joseph. Maria looks young, even young, as if shining from within. The woman is dressed simply, without frills. Her hair is braided and hidden under a shawl.

The curly-haired boy is holding on to his mother, turning, it seemed, to face Joseph. But from another angle, his figure looks like a baby looking up to heaven.

Holy Family with beardless Joseph
Holy Family with beardless Joseph

All three characters in the painting "The Holy Family" by Raphael form a characteristic triangle. However, instead of the traditional melancholy characteristic of icons and other religious images, the plot shows the usual earthly, quiet family happiness. The characters look at each other, and they look the same as other ordinary families. Thisthe gaze combines the three figures into a coherent composition. Mary turned her eyes to Joseph, full of calm thoughtfulness. The baby also looks at him, as if asking about something. Joseph looks at Jesus with sadness. Being the father of a newborn God is an honorable mission, but would he not like to father his own son…


Painting by Rafael Santi is made in soft, muted colors. Colors flow one into another smoothly, slowly. There are no bright accents, flashy spots, sharp lines. Everything seems softened: the poses of the characters, the features of their faces, the semicircles of windows, the trees, the peaceful landscape in the background. The halos of the saints above their heads look barely visible, almost transparent.
