"Brokeback Mountain": movie reviews, plot, actors and their roles

"Brokeback Mountain": movie reviews, plot, actors and their roles
"Brokeback Mountain": movie reviews, plot, actors and their roles

Reviews of the 2005 film "Brokeback Mountain" are rather mixed. And no wonder, because this is one of the first paintings that touched on the theme of love between two men. As a result, it was perceived by the viewer very ambiguously. In the story, people are told about the complex relationship between a cowboy and an assistant rancher. The heroes meet and realize that they cannot exist without each other.


Film frame
Film frame

The action takes place in the USA, in the sixties. At a seasonal job, Del Mar meets Jack Twist. They both grew up on poor ranches. They were hired as simple sheep herders near Brokeback Mountain. In one night, the heroes drink a lot of whiskey. It was cold outside, and the characters decided to hide from the weather in a tent. In it, an intimate bond develops between Del and Jack. After that, the love relationship of the heroes begins.

After finishing their summer job, the couple breaks up. Delmarries his girlfriend, after which they have several children. Jack leaves for another state to compete in a rodeo. After that, the hero meets a girl with whom he has a child. However, family life weighs on him. One day, the hero receives a postcard from his ex-boyfriend. After that, a tense tale of impossible love between men begins.

The film "Brokeback Mountain": actors and roles

Brokeback Mountain Men
Brokeback Mountain Men

Initially, the director offered Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio to star in this work. However, the actors refused to participate in the filming. Since they felt that the movie would have a bad effect on their reputation. Actors and roles in the film:

  1. Jake Gyllenhaal. Played the lead role of Jack Twist.
  2. Heath Ledger. He starred as Del Mar.
  3. Minor characters. Graham Beckel played News. Randy Quaid in Joe. Michelle Williams was Del Mar's wife. Anne Hathaway played the role of Jack Twist's chosen one.

Thanks to this composition, the work received an Oscar award. Since the actors gave their best. In addition, they really got used to the role. As a result, the viewer perceives all emotions as truthful and wants to empathize with the characters.

Reviews from Russian viewers

main characters
main characters

For people who live in the CIS, the theme of a love relationship between two men is perceived negatively. However, there are viewers who liked this movie. Reviews of the movie "Brokeback Mountain":

  1. Opinion of girls. Majorityrepresentatives of the weaker sex reacted to the work tolerantly. They think the cast did a good job of portraying love between men. In addition to acting in the movie, good camera work. The creators showed nature on a large scale and selected the appropriate music for the picture. Reviews of the movie "Brokeback Mountain" from the girls are mostly positive. They were able to feel the atmosphere of forbidden love.
  2. The opinion of men. The guys believe that the work is worthy, but very difficult to understand. It is unpleasant to watch it because of the propaganda of homosexuality. Most Russian men have changed their opinion about actors in a negative direction.
  3. Some viewers were hooked by the picture so much that the guys began to regret watching the work. However, there are also positive reviews about the film "Brokeback Mountain". Because it had good cinematography. The creators perfectly displayed the character of the cowboy. Basically, everyone does not like the theme of love between men.

The film "Brokeback Mountain" in 2005 made a very vivid impression on the viewer. Especially on the public of the CIS. Despite the negative reviews, its rating on popular resources does not fall below 7 points out of 10. People who are tolerant of all orientations can watch the film.

Reviews from foreign viewers

Screenshot from the movie
Screenshot from the movie

Due to the fact that the work was released in 2005, a lot of people perceived it negatively. At that time, even foreign society was not ready for such films. However, he received more positive ratings. People believe that this work is able to amaze to the core. It can be reviewed several times. In addition, the actors got used to their roles well.

Viewers believe that it is not worth paying attention to the orientation of the characters. Since the film should be appreciated for other reasons. The director well conveyed all the landscapes and beauty so strongly that the viewer has a desire to be near nature.

Besides this, there are several unexpected turns of events in the work that evoke vivid emotions in the viewer. The film is about physical strength, friendships and love relationships. It conveys feelings that you never get in the real world.

The opinion of professional critics

Movie hero
Movie hero

Most viewers believe that the work has a very serious and complex history. Reviews of film critics about the film "Brokeback Mountain" emphasize that it is not at all about love relationships between men. Director Ang Lee showed a story that is very close to the reality of modern man. The creator said that the fate of the guys is doomed to hard work, family support and a hilarious routine.

However, not everyone can understand the complexity of the situation. Especially when the movie just came out. People in 2019 perceive the work easier. Since now the society is tolerant towards all minorities. In this film, the director showed what "forbidden love" can be. In addition, critics note that the acting in the work is at a high level. Also attracted criticsoperator. Again, for the way he perfectly captured the atmosphere and scenery of the area. Film critics rate the film 8/10.

Negative reviews

Main character
Main character

Some people are disappointed after watching this piece. Dissatisfied viewers believe that the significance of this work is overestimated by the public. It has nothing but the forbidden theme of love and a good cast. The film does not describe the serious experiences of the characters, it has no drama and deep meanings.

This is due to the fact that two men just came to work part-time. The director did not make any hints of a close connection between the two. Since the characters barely interacted with each other. They had nothing to bind them. There was not even a small friendship between them. However, this did not stop the heroes from making love. This is exactly what most intolerant viewers do not like.

The scenes shown in the film are not capable of touching. Heath Ledger didn't do well in his role. However, Jake Gyllenhaal succeeded. In negative reviews, people note that Michelle Williams played well in this work. It was the minor character who conveyed the pain of the love of men.


Not every person needs to watch this work. Especially if he is disgusted by the very thought of relationships between men. However, a picture in a person can evoke emotions that he never had. If the viewer has a well-developed sense of empathy, then he will be able to immerse himself in the whole atmosphere of this work.
