How to draw a beautiful landscape?

How to draw a beautiful landscape?
How to draw a beautiful landscape?

Probably, every person in the soul is at least a little bit, but an artist. There is a sense of beauty in everyone, another thing is that in someone it manifests itself, in someone it is sensitively dozing, and in someone it sleeps soundly. And, of course, everyone, at least once in their life, gave free rein to this feeling. Drawn - at least in childhood - all. Someone on canvas, someone on plain paper, someone with a stick on the sand, but that's not the point. The most important thing is that at least one in a hundred turned the game into the meaning of life and became an artist.

Beautiful landscape
Beautiful landscape

Painting people can work in different directions. Some paint portraits, others - abstract figures. But the original basis of artistic art is the landscape. After all, it is he who demonstrates the skill of a person.

Painting a beautiful landscape is not as easy as it might seem. After all, for this you need not only to see the beauty of nature, but also to be able to highlight the main and secondary, to be able to feel the harmony of shapes and colors, to set a single style for the whole picture. And if there are no such abilities, then it is impossible to learn how to draw.

But let's assume that a beginner artist already has the most necessary qualities. How can he draw a beautiful landscape?

First of all, of course, he must choosespecific area of nature, which he will write. Of course, it's best to work with a real, living landscape rather than a photograph.

Beautiful oil landscapes
Beautiful oil landscapes

After that, you need to decide what exactly will be included in the picture, since it is impossible to draw everything visible. To do this, you can use the following technique: squint so that everything seems to blur, lose its clarity of outline; to determine which objects remained the most prominent. And sketch them out. It is they who will set the color scheme for the entire work.

After drawing the first plan of the picture, you can move on to the image of the details. It should be borne in mind that if the object being drawn is far away, then it is better to approach it and study it - this is the only way to write a truly beautiful landscape.

Of course, minor details should be done in a common color scheme.

Every landscape painter needs to know that painting trees is very difficult. It is necessary to study them for a long time: in winter or late autumn, in order to understand the "construction" of the trunk and branches, the nuances of the bark, and in summer or spring - since all the beauty and unusualness of the crown can be noticed only then.

The most beautiful landscapes
The most beautiful landscapes

By the way: the most beautiful landscapes in the world were painted by artists who can depict trees in great detail.

The choice of writing tool is also very important. Of course, it all depends not only on the preferences of the artist, but also on what he knows best. You can paint very beautiful landscapes in oils, but such paint requires skillful handling.and patience. But her paintings remain fresh and close to the original.

However, you can write a beautiful landscape with a pencil. The main thing is to be able to work with it and have a large number of different colors. True, the same can be said about any paint, whether it be oil, gouache or watercolor.

Try, learn, improve - and everything will work out! And the world's greatest artists were once beginners who took up a brush and palette for the first time!
