Wishes from the heart in simple words

Wishes from the heart in simple words
Wishes from the heart in simple words

How often we cannot find the necessary statements in a conversation with relatives and friends, and it is impossible to express sincere wishes to them from the bottom of our hearts in simple words, and even more so. How not to get confused and what to remember when preparing wishes for loved ones, we will learn further.

from the bottom of my heart in simple words
from the bottom of my heart in simple words

Magic of the word

It is unlikely that you will ever meet a person who would not be pleased to receive a greeting card on his holiday. Especially if it is signed by a special person important for the heart, and the wishes are from the heart, composed in simple words.

Of course, today the easiest way is to write off congratulatory words from any source, and put your signature under them. But in this case, we are talking about a simple formality, and not a pure sincere congratulation of a person.

But to write a good wish that can touch the soul, you need to make your own creative efforts. After all, template texts, overflowing with epithets and eloquent words, cannot replace even the most concise, but personally spoken words.

poetry from the heartin simple terms
poetry from the heartin simple terms

Stages of congratulations

To write a congratulation with your own hand, you need to follow a simple four-point instruction:

  1. Start with a greeting. In any letter (business or private) it is always necessary to say hello to the person. Also in the message written in prose. Greet the person using epithets (dear / s, beloved / s, respected / s and others).
  2. Compliment. Be sure to say before the wishes something pleasant to their addressee. Emphasize the features that really characterize a person that you consider to be his highlight (for example, it is customary for a woman to talk about her beauty, her ability to enjoy life, her wonderful children, and so on, while a man should be praised for his success, strength and courage).
  3. Wishes. Now you can tell the welcomed person what you sincerely wish for her, guided by your knowledge of what this person needs, based on his own desires.
  4. Parting word and signature. At the end of any speech, speech, letter, it is always customary to report who was the author of the statement. Name yourself at the end, but not tritely, but using the correct (to the place said) epithets: yours, yours, sincerely loving, etc.

Wishes in verse

A verse from the heart in simple words and from your face will certainly impress its addressee. And it doesn't have to be professionally written burlesque. You need to take as a basis a few important words that would characterize the hero of the occasion andcome up with rhymes for them. Further, the sentences themselves will form into a poem. But if it’s really difficult, you can always use a dictionary that will help you find consonance with the right word.

congratulations from the heart in simple words
congratulations from the heart in simple words

The main thing is that the verse should not consist of banality, and the congratulations should be from the heart. It is always easier to say the most important things in simple words. Therefore, the basic rule of wishes is not to abuse complex word forms in poetry, and only then will you succeed.
