Best wishes for games

Best wishes for games
Best wishes for games

Everything, absolutely all people love to play, regardless of age! The difference between a child and an adult is only in the rates. If children most often play for slits, chips, sweets and similar trifles, then adults are unlikely to engage in such nonsense. They are already interested in adult games: for money, for undressing or for desire. The last option is the most common, because if money can ruin internal relationships, and naked bodies are not suitable for every company, then desires for games can be invented for each other even in a circle of almost strangers.

Fanta: the rules of the game

Fanta is the most common wish game after cards. Its rules are easy to remember, but they can be modified depending on the imagination and capabilities of the players; no one bothers to propose something new and make adjustments to existing provisions. The main difficulty lies in coming up with high-quality and worthy desires for games; everyone understands that sometimes fantasy refuses to work at the most inopportunemoment. So, there are two main types of forfeits.

1. Playing with papers

Wishes for the game of forfeits
Wishes for the game of forfeits

Each person writes a task on a piece of paper / cardboard / card, and when everyone is done, the sheets are shuffled and re-distributed to the players. What's got is what needs to be done. The desires for the games can be anything, but the danger of writing a task that is too tricky is that you can get your own piece of paper, so each participant needs to think three times before making a frank trick, because the chances of returning their own task, although small, are there.

2. Game with hosts

First, one thing is taken from each player and the presenter - a phantom - and hides, for example, in a hat. It can be anything, but the more valuable, the more interesting: a mobile phone, an earring, a ring, a watch, etc. After that, the leader turns his back to the participants, and they take turns taking out one forfeit and asking what the person should do, whose item is in the player's hands. The host must come up with a task that the owner of the item must complete, while keeping in mind that he himself may be the owner of the thing that the participant is holding. Upon successful completion, the item is returned to the participant.

Wishes for games
Wishes for games

Assignments for playing forfeits can be varied, ranging from the most banal to truly unusual and original. In addition, most often they depend on how close the rivals are, because not in every company this or that task will be successful. Basic Desiresfor the game of forfeits are given below and divided into two directions.

Wishlist for "your" company

  1. Answer only "yes" to any given question for five minutes.
  2. Spoon feed all the players like a caring mom.
  3. With pronounced passion (maybe a little overplayed) talk about your love for fruit/furniture/clothes. The main thing is to show real sincere passion.
  4. Go to the neighbors and beg from
  5. Wish Games: Wish List
    Wish Games: Wish List

    somebody two balls.

  6. Kiss everyone in the game.
  7. Dance a striptease with a mop in hand.
  8. Imagine that flour is cocaine, make a path out of it and sniff it out, imagining yourself as a cool, solid and rich person.
  9. Put a sock or underwear over your head and sit for 5 minutes.
  10. Go out onto the balcony/lean out the window and yell something stupid but funny.
  11. Take a broom or a mop, go outside and “fly” past passers-by for five minutes, telling everyone: “I am Harry Potter.”
  12. Put on some very warm winter clothes and go shopping when it's hot outside (summer only!).
  13. Make up with women's cosmetics (only for the representatives of the male half of the population!).

Wish list for an unfamiliar company

  1. Draw a portrait of one of the participants in the game, preferably within a certain time.
  2. Pantomime one of the famous characters from a book/movie/cartoon, an animal or, more difficult, an object.
  3. Sing a famous song out loud.
  4. Approach all players and mirror every human movement for 20 seconds, including facial expressions.
  5. Depict the 7 deadly sins (anger, lust, laziness, gluttony, envy, greed, pride).
  6. Dance a joke dance (like the dance of little ducklings).
  7. Pretend to be an airplane and "fly around" the room with characteristic sounds.
  8. Predict the future of each player with the air of an experienced fortune teller.
  9. Yawn until another member automatically repeats this action.
  10. Prepare sandwiches and tea for all players.
  11. Pretend to be a football commentator and talk non-stop about what is happening in the room (e.g. someone smiled, looked away, scratched, yawned, etc. - you can talk about everything).
  12. Tasks for playing forfeits
    Tasks for playing forfeits


That's it. If the main problem - coming up with desires for games - is solved, you will feel more confident in any "competition" in any company. And of course, you will know in advance what to write or say if you got the role of the host, and you will be loved and respected for this. We hope you will have the most original and interesting wish games. The wish list will help you with this and become a useful guide to the world of fantasy and entertainment.
