Theatrical living room: theater. V. F. Komissarzhevskaya

Theatrical living room: theater. V. F. Komissarzhevskaya
Theatrical living room: theater. V. F. Komissarzhevskaya

St. Petersburg is the cultural capital, which means that theatrical life is included in the circle of cultural components of the city. In St. Petersburg there is a huge number of theaters of different genres of productions, cast, traditions. There are also very young theatres. There are both large and chamber, well-known and not so well-known ones. Among the most famous theaters of the city with an interesting history is the Drama Theater of V. F. Komissarzhevskaya.


A trip to history

The history of St. Petersburg theatrical life goes back to the era of Peter the Great, when a public theater was opened on the Moika under the strange name of the Opera House at that time, although at that time in Russia very few people had heard of opera. This theater was in German and the German theater troupe invited by Peter I to Russia played there. Until 1824, another theater operated in St. Petersburg - the sister of Peter I Natalia Alekseevna. Hewas very popular, as the performances were in Russian, serf actors played in it and the themes were from the life of the Russian people. However, with the death of Natalia Romanova, the theater closed.

Under Anna Ioannovna, not only German, but also Italian groups arrived in St. Petersburg, for example, led by composer Francesco Araya. It was then that opera and ballet entered the life of the northern capital, and fairy tales began to appear more and more often as plots.

Under Elizabeth, a troupe from France also firmly established itself in the imperial capital, bringing comedies to Russia. And in 1756, Elizabeth signed a decree on the foundation of a Russian professional theater. The Yaroslavl theater of F. Volkov, a merchant from Yaroslavl, became its basis. And the first director was the head and actor of the theater of the Land Gentry Cadet Corps Alexander Petrovich Sumarokov, who himself wrote scripts and staged performances to the music of F. Araya.

Urban or Besieged

Theatre. VF Komissarzhevskoy appeared in the city already when he was Leningrad. Its history goes back to the City Theater, which opened during the Great Patriotic War and the blockade. The basis of its composition was the actors Alexandrinka and Len. Radio. Then it included the actors of the Youth Theatre. Bryantsev, artists of the propaganda platoon of the House of the Red Army. Due to the special role of the City Theater in the life of the townspeople, it was popularly called the Blockade Theater. The most famous actors from this troupe for many residents of the city were V. Streshnev, I. Sonne, K. Mironov, P. Andrievsky and others. And S. Morshchikhin became the head of the theater.

theater foyer
theater foyer

On stageDuring the war years, the Theater of the Musical Comedy staged its performances at the Blockade Theater, which is now located nearby, here on Italianskaya. This page of theatrical life was filled with cold, hunger, the howling of sirens and the roar of cannonades, and the eternal feats of artists, directors and, of course, the spectator - a unique Leningrad spectator who remained in an unheated building even during the bombing.

theater building
theater building

Since 1944, the theater has changed its name again - to the Leningrad Drama Theater. The directors in it changed for a long time, the performances in the repertoire as well. It did not have special weight among other city theaters. The most famous performances of that period were: "The Marriage of Belugin" by Ostrovsky, "The Freeloader" by Turgenev, Chekhov's "Three Sisters".

Leningrad Drama as a launch pad

Drama Theatre. VF Komissarzhevskaya, when he was at the Leningrad Drama Theater, gave rise to many well-known actors and directors in our time. From its walls came such masters of directing as A. Belinsky and I. Vladimirov. Started their acting career here: A. Freindlich, I. Dmitriev, S. Landgraf and others.

A peculiar start for the theater. VF Komissarzhevskaya there was a period when M. Sulimov became its main director. It was then that the Leningrad Drama Theater on Italian Street received the name of the famous Russian actress Vera Fedorovna Komissarzhevskaya. Its next stage began with a performance dedicated to the great actress - based on Maxim Gorky's play "Children of the Sun". It was Komissarzhevskaya who first played in itcentral role.

Vera Komissarzhevskaya
Vera Komissarzhevskaya

Under the firm hand of Agamirzyan

Seven years later, the theater. VF Komissarzhevskoy was headed by R. Agamirzyan. It was under him that the most famous historical productions were carried out. Gradually in the theater. VF Komissarzhevskaya formed a permanent repertoire, the main productions of which they became. He rallied into a single organism and a team consisting of representatives of several generations.

Over time, innovative performances based on the works of G. Gorin, M. Shatrov and others were introduced into the repertoire.


The Novikov era

History of the theater. VF Komissarzhevskaya in our time - the era of the new director V. Novikov. In our time, the director's staff of the theater has become quite different in age, and the repertoire has become even more diverse in genres. His team is open to new European and global trends. Participates in the NETA program. His tours are very extensive - Israel, Albania, Macedonia, USA, Germany, as well as in different parts of the Russian Federation.

Now the Komissarzhevskaya Theater is one of the most visited in St. Petersburg. It is also attractive because it is located on the second floor of the famous Passage building, built in the 19th century. according to the fashion of that time. If you look from the central alley of the store, you can see the foyer of the theater.
