Top best movies with incredible denouement

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Top best movies with incredible denouement
Top best movies with incredible denouement

Video: Top best movies with incredible denouement

Video: Top best movies with incredible denouement
Video: Top 10 Jean-Claude Van Damme Movies of All Time 2024, June

All viewers love to be involved in the events taking place on the screen, empathize with the characters, worry about their fate, be witnesses of someone's ups and downs, birth or death. Probably, this is akin to spying on others, which is characteristic of almost all people on the planet. It is hardly worth looking for some biblical foundations in this, allowing each of us to feel like a likeness of God, watching everyone and “knowing even when a single hair is moving on your head,” as the hero of actor Benicio Del Toro put it in an amazing drama "21 grams". Or maybe not without it…

But more than just peeping, people love to be surprised as well as the audience. After all, this feeling brings them back to childhood. Resets for some moments or hours, depending on the degree of the impact. And what can best surprise the viewer, if not films with an unpredictable denouement? And in the article we will talk about the best of them, make a list of hits from them and post all of themparticipants in chronological order, so that it is convenient to draw a certain pattern in their topics and issues raised, and at the same time find out what surprised the audience the most in different years.

Let's get started with 10 films with an incredible denouement, which are the reference in terms of the topic we have raised.


On the main photo of this article, it is not by chance that you can see a frame from the film "Seven", one of the most brilliant creations of director David Fincher. Or rather, a worthy fruit of his gloomy mind. Indeed, this movie, starring Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, Gwyneth P altrow and Kevin Spacey, filmed back in 1995, and rightfully ranked first in the top films with an incredible denouement, even today looks more than creepy. Almost throughout his entire narrative, it rains, which does not completely wash away the traces of ritual murders, terrible in their cruelty and sophistication, which are based on the seven deadly sins of mankind - gluttony, greed, fornication, envy, despondency, pride and anger. And if the reasons for punishing the victims of a serial killer for the first five named sins are explainable and understandable from the point of view of plot development, then the accomplishment of the last two deadly sins of pride and anger will be the final point in this whole wild story, and will not only shock you, but will remain forever in your heart, suddenly shrinking to the state of a constricted pupil…

It is noteworthy that the producers of the picture for a long time refused to put it into production precisely becauseterrifying ending, offering as many as five alternative endings. All doubts were resolved by Brad Pitt, who threatened to leave the set if the original version was corrected.

Sixth Sense

Image"Sixth sense"
Image"Sixth sense"

The second place in the top films with an incredible denouement belongs to "The Sixth Sense", a 1999 mystical thriller directed by M. Night Shyamalan and starring Bruce Willis and a young Hayley Joel Osment.

"The Sixth Sense" is a very sad picture. Sadness and loneliness emanates literally from every frame, which shows the sad life of a nine-year-old boy, Cole, who, unfortunately, has the ability to see the ghosts of people who died a violent death. The child's doctor and psychiatrist Malcolm Crow comes to the aid of the boy, trying with all his might to support his patient and find some way out of this situation. Malcolm is as lonely as Cole. Only he is an adult, and he looks at his problems in the family from a philosophical point of view.

Throughout the whole picture, the viewer will see the doctor's difficult struggle for the life of his little patient. But when the logical and quite happy end of this sad story already becomes obvious, the finale comes, deserving the title of one of the best incredible denouement in films. It cannot be called shocking, as in the thriller "Seven". No, it looks more like a stray bullet that hit you right in the chest. You were just alive… You were just…

And you can still for a long timesit with a lump in my throat, staring blankly at the screen where everyone is walking and the end credits are rolling…


Painting "Others"
Painting "Others"

In third place out of 10 films with an incredible denouement is Alejandro Amenabar's mystical drama "The Others", released in 2001. This dark and hazy painting, done in a gothic macabre style, tells the story of Grace, a beautiful and prim lady of noble blood, hiding in a country mansion with her two children, waiting for her husband to go to war.

Actress Nicole Kidman absolutely brilliantly embodied on the screen the dramatic image of the main character - a mother who is constantly on the verge of a nervous breakdown due to a mysterious illness of her son and daughter, as a result of which sunlight is harmful to them. Therefore, they cannot go outside, all the windows in their large house are curtained, and in order to open one door, it is necessary to close the previous one first.

Meanwhile, Grace's children are beginning to claim that there is someone else in the house besides them…

Until the very end, the viewer is sure that he is watching a completely different story, deliberately misled by the author of the picture. When the story reaches its climax, we are presented with one of the best films from thrillers and dramas with an incredible denouement, after watching the shocking ending of which it becomes very painful ….


Painting "Oldboy"
Painting "Oldboy"

The next place in the top ten films with an incredible denouement is"Oldboy", an inimitable 2003 South Korean film directed by Park Chan-wook. This movie is absolutely unlike any other work of cinematography, and it is absolutely impossible to break away from what is happening on the screen.

"Oldboy" is an interpretation of "The Count of Monte Cristo" - the story of one sophisticated revenge, the implementation of which took a long fifteen years. It is impossible to describe this picture. It is like a symphonic work, in which there are strings, wind and chamber instruments, supported by a choir and solo vocal parts. All this is in "Oldboy", as well as, in fact, the music itself, literally penetrating the picture, weaving into all its episodes with complete genius, and making it a truly epic spectacle.

When the main character of "Oldboy", the former exemplary family man Oh Dae-soo, played by actor Choi Min-sik, was suddenly abandoned for many years by his mysterious avenger in a solitary cage, and also unexpectedly released from it, having passed through many trials and shocks, it comes to the logical conclusion of the whole story, a monstrous finale comes, from which you want to scream …

Butterfly effect

Image"Butterfly effect"
Image"Butterfly effect"

The next among the best films from thrillers and detectives with an incredible denouement of our top list was the unforgettable picture of directors Eric Bress and J. Mackey Gruber "The Butterfly Effect", which appeared before the audience in 2004. Actors Ashton Kutcher and Amy Smart in this movie are toldthe amazing story of Evan, who inherited from his father the ability to turn back time and events in order to change the present with his actions in the past. Or rather, one of the many real ones.

Evan's attempts to change his fate revolve around the girl Kaylie, whom he has loved since childhood. But don't expect melodrama - there won't be any. Instead, the viewer will see all the terrifying stages of the possible reincarnations of the main character's life, ultimately leading Evan to a completely unexpected solution to his fate.

To date, the intricate, subtle and incredibly wise "Butterfly Effect" has long been a cult picture. It is noteworthy that in fact this film had four endings at once - the director's one, from which the audience was horrified, an open, happy ending, and the official rolling ending, familiar to most viewers.


Painting "Mist"
Painting "Mist"

The next must-see movie with an unpredictable denouement was the mystical thriller The Mist, directed by Frank Darabont, who gave us such imperishable masterpieces of world cinema as The Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile, based on the work of the famous Stephen King "Fog".

Starring Thomas Jane, Marcia Gay Harden, Laurie Holden and Nathan Gamble, this film tells the terrifying story of the inhabitants of a small town in the US state of Maine, caught in the trap of the supernaturalfog inhabited by monsters. Aside from the obvious line of a typical horror movie, The Mist surprisingly reveals all the nooks and crannies of the soul of a person who finds himself in a situation from which there is no way out.

Reveals ruthlessly and very believably. But, of course, that's not the point. It's about a completely impossible and terrible ending, tearing the viewer's heart to shreds and making the picture one of the best representatives of films with an incredible denouement in our top.

After watching the finale of "The Mist" you feel like a man who was hit hard in the chest with a heavy hammer. And nothing to breathe…


Painting "Substitution"
Painting "Substitution"

In 2008, Clint Eastwood's film "The Changeling" was released, starring brilliantly Angelina Jolie. It is dedicated to the story of a mother whose son suddenly disappeared. When the child was found by the police and returned to the heroine Jolie, it turned out that this was not her son, but just a strange boy very similar to him. However, further events, which simply had to follow the standard course of searching for the missing person and all kinds of assistance provided to the unfortunate woman, received a completely unexpected and horrifying continuation…

"The Changeling" is one of the films with an incredible denouement based on real events, consisting in the abductions and murders of boys that really took place in California in 1928.

The picture is incredibly heavy and sad. After watching it, a lump remains in the throat for a long time. Emotional and deepher performance in this film is the best of Angelina Jolie's career.

Shutter Island

Image"Shutter Island"
Image"Shutter Island"

One of the best thrillers with an incredible denouement is the 2009 film "Shutter Island" by director Martin Scorsese, which occupies the eighth place of honor in our today's top.

Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo and Ben Kingsley starred in this movie about the investigation of two bailiffs who went to a clinic for crazy killers on a distant island. "Shutter Island" is like a head of cabbage, in which, leaf after leaf, all the layers of the insane conspiracy of doctors against the hero DiCaprio are revealed. They stuff him with pills and convince him of abnormality, preventing him from conducting the investigation for which he came to this island. Surprisingly, even when only one leaf remains on a head of cabbage, the viewer is still watching a completely different film. And only after the opening of the last layer of mysteries opens a completely terrible finale of this amazing and gloomy story, completely changing the whole meaning of the previous story, confidently and deservedly ranking "Shutter Island" among the selected films with an incredible denouement.

Remember me

Image"Remember me"
Image"Remember me"

In March 2010, the premiere of the melodrama "Remember Me" directed by Allen Coulter took place, starring actors Robert Pattinson and Emilie de Ravin. In justification of its genre, throughoutThe picture shows the development of a romantic story that arose as a result of the selfish motives of the hero Pattinson in relation to the daughter of a policeman, in whose hands at that time lay his fate after participating in a street fight. However, after communication between young people, mutual sympathy arises, which very soon turns into real feelings.

It is noteworthy that despite all the frank melodrama and general predictability, which does not even hint that we have nothing but one of the best representatives of films with an incredible denouement, the picture itself is very interesting and easy to watch. Robert Pattison's acting is perfect and flawless. There is not a trace of the sugariness of "Twilight" in it. On the contrary, there is a real guy, of which there are many. He lives a real life and is not afraid to sort things out with his fists. Together with his co-star in the film, he creates an amazing duet that is interesting to watch. "Remember Me" would have liked a lot of people even without their last shots, which flashed just before the credits. But you won't be able to get rid of the look of Patisson's hero looking at you from the window of the building for a very, very long time, only at that moment realizing what actually happened in front of you all these almost two hours of screen time.

"Remember Me" is the kind of film that silences the world after watching…

Bad luck at the El Royale

Image"Bad luck at the El Royale"
Image"Bad luck at the El Royale"

The final picture of our today's top was one ofof the best films with an incredible denouement of 2018 - Bad Times at the El Royale. The author of this fascinating thriller, capable of drawing the viewer into an ongoing whirlpool of events and images from the very first seconds, was director Drew Goddard, who gave us, for a moment, such famous works as Lost, Martian, World War Z " and "Cabin in the woods".

This night in "El Royale" there are no main characters, and there is no one to trust either. Each of them is not who he claims to be, and is necessarily guilty of something. There are no good people among those present on the screen at all, just as there is nothing good in the entire El Royale hotel.

The roles of the main seven characters of the picture were played by actors Jeff Bridges, Cynthia Erivo, Dakota Johnson, Jon Hamm, Chris Hemsworth, Caylee Spaeny and Lewis Pullman. Each of the travelers who arrived at El Royale has its own secret. Each of them came with their own purpose. Each of them has only one night to atone for past sins. And one of them is the biggest sinner of them all…
