Short biography. Bulgakov Mikhail

Short biography. Bulgakov Mikhail
Short biography. Bulgakov Mikhail

Everyone knows Mikhail Bulgakov as a famous writer and playwright. But not many people realize that in addition to this, he was also an actor, and even a producer. In this article, you are presented with his brief biography.

short biography of Bulgakov
short biography of Bulgakov

Bulgakov comes from an intelligent family. He was born in Kyiv in May 1891. Mikhail grew up surrounded by six other brothers and sisters.

Short biography. Bulgakov

Mikhail Bulgakov graduated from high school, and then entered one of the universities in Kyiv at the Faculty of Medicine. In 1914, the First World War broke out, so after graduating from the university, in 1916, he worked a little in field hospitals, after which he was sent to the Smolensk province to manage the hospital, and a year later he was transferred to Vyazma. Some time later, Bulgakov reflected this period of his life in Notes of a Young Doctor, which was published in 1926.

Starting from 1917, Bulgakov began to use morphine frequently. The reason for this is his fear of contracting diphtheria, as he saved a child with this disease. After that, he begins to get used to the drug. Mikhail struggles with addiction for two wholeof the year. In 1919, he was mobilized into the UNR troops, but after a few days he deserted. Later he becomes a doctor of the third Terek Cossack regiment.

Mikhail Bulgakov short biography
Mikhail Bulgakov short biography

Mikhail Bulgakov: biography and creativity (briefly)

In 1920, Bulgakov began working as a journalist, and later was the head of the theater section. In 1922 he published his feuilletons, short stories and novellas. Some of his plays have been staged in Moscow theaters.

In 1924 a novel called The White Guard was published, and a year later a collection of satirical stories called The Diaboliad was published. At the same time, Bulgakov was working on the plays Days of the Turbins and Zoya's Apartment. Then he began to write the story "Heart of a Dog". Performances of these works will go on the stages of theaters. And in 1934, a novel called The Master and Margarita was completed.

Short biography: Bulgakov and his personal life

The writer was married three times. The first time was on Tatyana Lappa, with whom he had been married for 11 years. She became the prototype of Anna Kirillovna in the story called "Morphine". As it turned out later, she had no acquaintances in literary circles, and Bulgakov left her, having met a more promising lady in this regard, Lyubov Belozerskaya. During his marriage to her, Bulgakov completed a novel called The White Guard. He dedicated “The Heart of a Dog” and “The Cabal of the Saints” to her.

Bulgakov biography and work briefly
Bulgakov biography and work briefly

Four years after the marriage, Bulgakov and Belozerskaya began to have difficulties in family life. And some time later, the writer meets Elena Shilovskaya, his third wife, who later becomes the prototype of Margarita in the novel called The Master and Margarita. She also became the guardian of the writer's literary heritage after his death in 1940.

This article only offers a brief biography. Bulgakov was a multifaceted and talented writer who left behind a huge literary heritage. We talked only about the main milestones of his life and work. Mikhail Bulgakov, whose brief biography actually takes a very short period of time, died at a fairly young age, but his works will live forever.
