Analysis of Tyutchev's poem "Fountain". Images and meaning of the work

Analysis of Tyutchev's poem "Fountain". Images and meaning of the work
Analysis of Tyutchev's poem "Fountain". Images and meaning of the work

Have you ever tried to read poetry? Not only in order to pass the test in literature, but for your own pleasure? Many intelligent people have long noticed that short poetic lines often contain peculiar encrypted messages about the meaning of being and about our place in this world. Even for those who frankly do not like poetry, it will not be out of place to think about why it suddenly appears for the second hundred years in a row in the anthology on literature: "F. I. Tyutchev. "Fountain"? And what is so special about these sixteen lines?

Fyodor Tyutchev's Riddles

In classical Russian literature of the 19th century, the poetry of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev stands somewhat apart from its main directions. Its images and expressive means are complex, multidimensional and ambiguous. In order to understand the full philosophical depth and power of Tyutchev's poetry, it is not enough just to read it. You have to work all your life to comprehend the meanings and images of the poet's works. Analysis of Tyutchev's poem "Fountain" is impossible out of contextall the work of this man. And creativity is inseparable from his life and biography. And if we continue the semantic sequence just a little, it becomes obvious that the biography and fate of the poet are inseparable from the fate of Russia.

analysis of Tyutchev's poem fountain
analysis of Tyutchev's poem fountain

Analysis of Tyutchev's poem "Fountain"

Let's think about what the great Russian poet wanted to convey to us with his rather small work. At least in the first approximation. You need to have a very high degree of naivety, so that in describing how the jet of the fountain flies up, and then under the weight of gravity, having reached the limit, it is refracted and falls down, not to see or feel anything more. And just silently admire how skillfully the glare of the sun's rays on a stream of water is described. But a thoughtful reader, having paid tribute to the skill of the poet, will not complete the analysis of Tyutchev's poem "Fountain" on this. Behind the depiction of this phenomenon in the mentioned work, one can easily see the global struggle of elements and energies. The impulse to rebellion and its doom to defeat. The inevitability of "returning everything back to normal", according to the Old Testament principles. And an attempt to overcome the initial determinism.

verse fountain tyutchev
verse fountain tyutchev

First Name Tyutchev: "Fountain". History of the creation of a masterpiece

For a deeper understanding of the poem in question, it should be correlated with the time and place where it was created. This work was published in 1836 in Germany, where the author wasin the diplomatic service. And in his work, among other things, he conducts a direct dialogue with the German romantic poets of that era and the idealist philosopher Schelling. And a simple analysis of Tyutchev's poem "The Fountain" suggests to many that in this way the poet responded to the teaching of Friedrich Schelling, which struck many contemporaries, about the "united world soul." According to the ideas of the Russian poet, it is equally embodied both in the inner life of a person and in the Nature surrounding him.

tyutchev fountain history of creation
tyutchev fountain history of creation

Russia and Europe

It is often customary to make fun of those Russian patriots who prefer to love their Motherland from afar and live in Western Europe at the same time. But the simple fact that the great Russian poet Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev lived a significant part of his life away from his homeland does not at all mean his remoteness from Russian life. In the capitals of Europe, Tyutchev lived for a long time, mainly due to the nature of his diplomatic service. The theme of Russia and reflections on its fate are dominant in the poet's work. What a comprehensive work - the verse "Fountain" by Tyutchev! It does not only tell about a single world soul. These sixteen lines relate to Russia in the most direct way. There are two opposing forces in the poem - the aspiration up and the earth's gravity.

analysis of the poem Fountain Tyutchev
analysis of the poem Fountain Tyutchev

On the edge of the dispute

For several centuries, the driving force behind the development of Russian thought has been the philosophical conflict between twobegan. The desire to crush everything and build something new on the resulting ruins and the desire to stand in the way of social progress at all costs and leave everything as it was before. This is a dispute between Western liberals and conservatives. A thoughtful analysis of Tyutchev's poem "The Fountain" makes it possible to detect in it the presence of this confrontation between two historical intellectual concepts. Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, without a doubt, was a representative of a conservative way of thinking. He was very skeptical about the possibility of changing something in the Russian fate. He was often remembered several decades after his death, when wars and revolutions approached Russia.

f and tyutchev fountain
f and tyutchev fountain

About the fate of the poet in public service

For a long time - and quite justifiably - the fate of the poet in Russia is considered to be tragic and doomed to death. But the biography of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, apparently, is an exception that confirms this rule. He lived a long and quite prosperous life. He made a brilliant career in the diplomatic and public service. His conservative convictions were entirely aimed at preserving the existing state foundations. The poet during his lifetime was heard and in demand. His services to the Russian state were widely recognized in monarchical circles. The poet rose to the rank of real Privy Councilor and was awarded many orders and regalia. For the last fifteen years of his life, he headed the Censorship Committee, that is, he had powerdetermine and decide what the Russian public should read and what it should be protected from.
