Analysis of the poem "Noon". Tyutchev: early work

Analysis of the poem "Noon". Tyutchev: early work
Analysis of the poem "Noon". Tyutchev: early work

First Name Tyutchev is a poet who tragically and philosophically looks at the fatal vicissitudes of life. His thoughts are occupied by social topics, love and nature, which he not only describes in a romantic way, but animates. We will analyze the poem "Noon". Tyutchev wrote it in 1829, when he lived in Munich and was already secretly married to his first wife. Their life then was full of peace - the same feeling breathes "Noon".

Midday landscape

Before us appears a summer day in all its charms. Nature, exhausted by the heat, lazily rests, not a single movement is conveyed in this miniature. She is embraced by "hot slumber". What do we see when we analyze the poem "Noon"? Tyutchev included, as he liked during those years, antique motifs in the last two lines: the great Pan, who is dozing in the cave of the nymphs. Pan represents the soul of nature.

analysis of the poem noon tyutchev
analysis of the poem noon tyutchev

The Hellenes believed that at noon a person, all deities and nature are seized with peace. What does the analysis of the poem "Noon" show? Tyutchev united their states with the word "lazy", using it three times, which gives sharpness to the statement. Noon breathes lazily, just the samethe river rolls and the clouds melt. Calmly dozing in Arcadia in the coolness of the cave of the nymphs, Pan creates a special mood: with him, after games, fun, and work, everything fell asleep.

Theme of the poem

What does the analysis of the poem "Noon" say? Tyutchev made the theme of the image of the southern landscape on the Adriatic. K. Bryullov's painting "Italian Noon" quickly comes up before my eyes and, oddly enough, a Russian village - everything froze in the motionless hot air and was filled with languor.

f and tyutchev noon
f and tyutchev noon

Nature is eternal and allows itself to be lazy, according to our human standards, it has no limit either in time or in space. Tiutchev indirectly described eternity and infinity in his miniature. Noon, the idea of which is indestructible peace, became sacred to the shepherds of Hellas, who were afraid to disturb Pan's rest.

Artistic media

The poem consists of two quatrains written in iambic tetrameter. The rhyme is simple and easy to hear and memorize - encircling.

The nature of the poet is spiritualized and animated. The inversion and metaphor “noon breathes” brings the breath of nature itself into the poem. In the first quatrain, inversions occur in every line: “the river is rolling”, “the clouds are melting”. In addition, amazingly accurate epithets are used to depict the heat. His afternoon is hazy, the blue is fiery and clear, the slumber is hot. The epithet "lazy" reveals the essence of this time of day.

F. I. Tyutchev reveals noon as a state of sleepy drowsiness with amazing expressiveness. Here again the metaphor is used.“like fog”: all nature was captured by slumber. Hazy Tyutchev noon allows you to see the hot summer air, over which hung a hot haze. At the same time, he saturates the poem with verbs that describe the state of a hot day: breathes, rolls, melts, embraces.

Tyutchev's early work

In the period of the 20-30s of the 19th century, the poetry of F. Tyutchev is colored with romantic notes. The whole world is alive and animated for him. At this time, he was fond of the natural philosophy of F. Schelling. At the same time, F. Tyutchev draws closer to the Slavophiles, who recognized the aesthetic views and romantic metaphysics of German literature.

tyutchev noon idea
tyutchev noon idea

The poet was most interested in the relationship between man and nature, man and the cosmos, the spiritualization of the Universe, the concept of the world soul. We meet echoes of his interests when analyzing the poem "Noon". Tyutchev, having created a picture of a sultry day, made it completely alive. For him, the river, and the azure sky, and the clouds floating on it, and the hot slumber have a soul. Forms of European romanticism and Russian lyrics are organically melted in his poetry.
