Writer Eduard Uspensky

Writer Eduard Uspensky
Writer Eduard Uspensky

Eduard Uspensky is a famous children's writer, the author of wonderful books that we get to know from a very young age. The child does not yet know how to read, but the kind and sweet heroes of fairy tales already occupy his imagination, become for him the whole world and a kind of revelation. Who is Eduard Uspensky?

Edward Uspensky
Edward Uspensky

The biography of the writer, at first glance, is unremarkable, but very interesting. Even before starting his career as an author, he made a living writing scripts for children's cartoons. Gradually, Eduard Uspensky came to write exciting stories himself. So the first work was born.

Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat

The writer's initial book. He put a lot of mental strength into it, realized his sweet impulses and dreams. This is a story about a famous boy who was so striving for independence that he even preferred to leave home and settle in an unfamiliar village of Prostokvashino. The main characters of this work are Uncle Fyodor himself, the cat Matroskin and the dog Sharik. All three have different characters and ideas about life. CatMatroskin is a rather bright figure who stands out for his funny demeanor. That's who in the world will never disappear! Eduard Uspensky did a very good job on the character of his character and made him moderately economical, a little unrestrained, but extremely sweet and sympathetic.

edward uspensky books
edward uspensky books

I must say, the author's first book was a great success in Russia and abroad. Based on the fairy tale, an excellent animated film was shot, which was loved by millions of viewers and especially liked by children.

New order in Prostokvashino

At some point, Eduard Uspensky decided to create a continuation of the famous story about the boy Uncle Fyodor, the sensible cat Matroskin and the cute dog Sharik. So a no less famous work appeared, which is still produced in large numbers today. The heroes have new amazing events that, no doubt, affect their worldview. Friends again have to overcome various difficulties, solve emerging difficulties in order to live peacefully and happily. Sometimes they succeed, but there are also problems. "New Orders in Prostokvashino" makes little readers think about the fact that every action necessarily has its own consequences.

Favorite girl of Uncle Fyodor

The third book about the adventures of famous friends. This book is about how strong true friendship can be. The chapters are accompanied by humor, so that serious things are said in an easy style and understandable, accessible to the understanding of the child.words.

Uncle Fyodor unexpectedly meets a girl Katya, who fills all his free time. Friends - Matroskin and Sharik - begin to be jealous, because they do not understand how the society of an outsider, a strange girl, can be more interesting and important for a boy than their own. Eduard Uspensky talks about the problem of misunderstanding. The tales of tailed friends plotting and trying to win back their comrade are truly amusing and instructive.

Crocodile Gena and his friends

Who doesn't know this wonderful story about Cheburashka and his adult friend? They both wanted to be as useful to others as possible and sought to help the pioneers. On their own initiative, the heroes made birdhouses, built a playground for kids, proved to be disciplined and decent animals.

Edward Uspensky biography
Edward Uspensky biography

Crocodile Gena is a hero-philanthropist who wants to make the whole world happy. Cheburashka helps him in everything, worries when he is not noticed. The writer managed to create such a work that develops kindness, decency, openness, honesty and responsiveness in children. You can also re-read this book in adulthood: it becomes more understandable and surprisingly touches certain strings of the soul.

Coloboks are investigating

This is an unusual book in every sense. If only because the plot in it resembles a full-fledged detective story with its own plot and denouement. As with any such story, in each chapter of this book there will be a "guilty" in some mysteriouscrime.

Kolobok is the head of the investigation department, and he has an assistant named Bulochkin. Together they investigate dangerous and significant offenses committed by the most ordinary people. Fascinating stories will cheer up both children and adults. You won't be bored!

Edward Uspensky stories
Edward Uspensky stories

The true master of the pen is the writer Eduard Uspensky. His books are an incredible success at the present time. It is gratifying to understand that in the age of dominance of computers and tablets, an interesting book remains necessary and in demand. These works can be re-read again and again, each time making amazing discoveries and coming to unexpected instructive conclusions.
