Pavel Volya. Biography of the colloquial genre artist

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Pavel Volya. Biography of the colloquial genre artist
Pavel Volya. Biography of the colloquial genre artist

Video: Pavel Volya. Biography of the colloquial genre artist

Video: Pavel Volya. Biography of the colloquial genre artist
Video: MTV - главный канал нашего детства / The best channel of our childhood 2024, June
Pavel Volya biography
Pavel Volya biography

A famous showman, TV presenter, actor, Comedy Club resident and Russian language teacher is Pavel Volya. The biography of a young and incredibly popular artist in Russia and the CIS countries is curious and multifaceted. In his years, Pavel has achieved a lot, but he still remains a cheerful guy "from our yard" for both friends and fans.

Pavel Volya, whose biography has many secrets, only seems to be forever cheerful and carefree. In fact, this young man achieved fame and recognition of the people solely due to his determination and strong character. In his younger years, the current participant in the popular TV show played in the KVN team, representing the city of Penza. Thanks to KVN, he met the guys who later founded the Comedy Club, in the creation of which Pavel "Snezhok" Volya also took part. Tash Sargsyan and Artak Gasparyan, now influential people in Russian show business, were once members of the New Armenians KVN team. It was they who became the ideologists and foundersa show of a new format that managed to compete with Full House and KVN itself.

pavel volya biography real name
pavel volya biography real name

What is Pavel Volya hiding from his audience? The biography of the actor has "black holes". So, for example, there is still no official information about his relationship with Leysan Utyasheva and her child, whose father is allegedly a resident of Comedy. In general, Pavel does not like to tell the public about his personal life, preferring to remain a womanizer and a bachelor. However, viewers still talk about his past with designer and TV presenter Marika. Masha Kravtsova and Pasha were together for several years, friends and fans were sure that the lovers would get married, but fate decided otherwise, and the young people broke up.

What was Pavel Volya like in his youth? The biography of a student at the Penza State Pedagogical University was the same as that of most Russian youth. The future showman with a silver medal graduated from high school and decided to go to study as a teacher. At the same time, he worked part-time at a construction site, worked as a DJ on Russian Radio and played in KVN. The Valeon Dasson team played only one game in the Premier League, but, nevertheless, the bright and charismatic Pavel was remembered by the public. After moving to Moscow, he managed to work for Muz-TV and Hit-FM.

pavel volya biography personal life
pavel volya biography personal life

Pavel Volya. Biography. Real name

There are a lot of rumors on the net that the real name of the showman is different from the stage one. So, according to some sources, his name is Denis Dobrovolsky, according toaccording to others, he is Pavel Dobrovolsky. In fact, the TV presenter and actor performs under his real name given to him at birth, so all these rumors are wrong.

Now the artist is actively engaged not only in the Comedy Club project, but also acts in films, sings, performs on stage with his benefit performances. Pavel recently released his solo album Respect and Respect. Among other things, the "glamorous bastard" is a DJ, composes songs, produces films - such is he, the multifaceted Pavel Volya. Biography, personal life of the artist for the most part remain behind the scenes. The public does not know much about their idol, but perhaps we do not need extra information about the character, hobbies and life positions of the presenter and musician. Viewers should enjoy creativity, not gossip.
