How to buy lucky tickets and win the lottery?

How to buy lucky tickets and win the lottery?
How to buy lucky tickets and win the lottery?

It's easy to agree that the world is driven by passion. The lottery is a lot, a lucky break. People buy tickets and participate in drawings not only because of the prize. The received emotions, adrenaline - that's the main thing in this process.

When, who and why invented this fun

The history of this gambling must be sought in the mists of time. Even in ancient China, 100 years BC. e., with the money received as a result of the sale of lottery tickets, they built the Great Wall of China.

In England, the historical lottery, which allowed the country to get out of the deepest crisis, was held in 1559. Thanks to the receipt of "lottery" money in the budget, such attractions as the London Aqueduct, the British Museum and others were subsequently rebuilt. Lottery funds successfully supported the first British settlements in America, built churches and schools, hospitals, colleges and libraries. Princeton and Harvard Universities were also created with the money received for "lucky tickets".

lucky tickets
lucky tickets

First Russian lottery experience

Held by CatherineII in 1764, the state lottery was financially miscalculated. The campaign failed, the treasury suffered losses in excess of 45,000 rubles. This money had to be paid to those who came to check the lucky ticket. For over 100 years, Russian tsars were afraid to use this method of “earning money”. However, already at the end of the 19th century, thanks to state lotteries, the government helped the peasants survive the crop failure. And in the First World War, money was sent to help wounded front-line soldiers.

lucky ticket raffle
lucky ticket raffle

Soviet lottery policy

Considering prize draws as a bourgeois relic, the Bolsheviks banned this type of activity. However, after a couple of years, the draw had to be returned. The lucky ticket was subsequently distributed on a voluntary-compulsory basis among the population of the Soviet Union. Remember the words of the incomparable Nonna Mordyukova: "… And if they don't take it, we'll turn off the gas!"? State lotteries and bonds were issued in large numbers and did an excellent job of filling the treasury. It was in Soviet times that the saying was born that it is useless to play games of chance with the state. After all, everyone buys, but only a few win.

What makes a person buy tickets?

lottery lucky ticket
lottery lucky ticket

Of course, when a person buys a lottery ticket, deep down he hopes to win. However, most people are attracted to those feelings that precede the process of drawing. How many emotions you can get while watching a live broadcast!Perhaps this is the true reason for the cost of an ordinary person for lucky tickets. After all, some year after year, month after month, regularly spend their money on buying pieces of paper with numbers. During this time, it would be possible to collect a huge amount in their accounts, putting aside these few coins weekly. But it's so boring! But to win is a completely different matter, it is a kind of "freebie". He seemed to be doing nothing but watching TV. And then - a lottery, a lucky ticket with a win! Yes, the prize is great! And let some part of the money have to be paid towards the tax. After all, the remaining amount is like that fell from the sky. A moment of happiness, one might say.

What happens to lottery winners

Unfortunately, sudden big money doesn't always make people happy. Most often, a person is completely unprepared to "communicate" with huge amounts of winnings. Lucky tickets bring money, not brains and real finance skills. Very often, the winnings are wasted in just a few years completely mediocre, without benefiting anyone. So, if you still want to get a big jackpot as a result of playing with the state, you should prepare well for this, first of all - mentally. Then we alth will be a joy, and happiness can come to the house.

Signs, advice and conspiracy for those who are ready to win

As a result of many years of observation and research, several "correct" ways to determine the winning lottery ticket have been identified. Here they are:

  • lucky ticket check
    lucky ticket check

    The sum of the first and last three in a six-digit number must be the same (Moscow version).

  • The sum of the odd digits of the number must be equal to the sum of the even ones (St. Petersburg version).
  • A symmetrical or mirrored number can be lucky.

On one side of a small green piece of paper write full name, date of birth. On the back, with a brown felt-tip pen, you need to draw the runes: Inguz, Gebo, Dagaz, Feu, Soulu. Place a red candle on top of the rune script and light it. When it burns out, sew the leaf into an orange patch with green threads. If you carry this winning talisman with you, all lucky tickets will be "in your pocket".

Winning cannot be predicted, but it can be attracted by applying simple rune magic.

Each person chooses the way to get strong emotions. Some go in for sports, while others buy lottery tickets. The main thing is that this activity brings happiness.
