Types of architecture: description. Styles of architecture

Types of architecture: description. Styles of architecture
Types of architecture: description. Styles of architecture

Architecture… There is a lot in this word. For centuries, architects have worked hard, leaving behind traces of their beautiful works. Many of their creations, unfortunately, are lost in the stream of time. But a lot has survived to this day and pleases connoisseurs of various types of architecture.

Definition of concept

There is quite a lot invested in the concept of architecture. First of all, it is construction. But the architect does not just build something, he constructs. He puts skill into creation, trying to create something new, unique. One ancient architect singled out three principles on which architecture is built: strength, utility and beauty. Another added the fourth principle - expediency. Of course, these qualities are manifest in every building, park or fountain that their creators have worked on.

Modern design center
Modern design center

But architecture isn't just about building. It is also the art of creating, designing somethingfor practical use by people, for beauty, strength and convenience. It surrounds us everywhere. Throughout the history of mankind, there have always been architects who loved this art and passed on their masterpieces to subsequent generations.

A brief review of the types and styles of architecture helps to see the world around us not just as a mass or group of figures, buildings, but as separate masterpieces. Let's take a closer look at this wonderful art and find out its features.

Main types of architecture

Architecture, as a part of art, has its own areas or directions. Urban planning, landscape and park architecture and volumetric, that is, large structures are the main types of architecture. Separately, we can also mention the design of the interior, the architecture of small forms and others. But most often the rest are included in one of the three main ones.

Urban planning

This view in modern architecture appeared relatively recently - in the middle of the last century. It includes the design and construction of new settlements: megacities, cities, towns. This is a vast industry that covers various areas of human life in a complex, that is, not only housing, but also everything necessary for life in society: schools, hospitals, shops, etc. This view considers not only construction, but also the territory for the location of the future settlement. It is worth noting that urban planning also deals with the reconstruction and preservation of old buildings, which are of great importance for cities.


This view plays a big role in architecture. This includes fortresses, religious buildings, residential buildings of various types and sizes, public buildings such as schools, museums, shops, theaters, stadiums, as well as industrial buildings, various factories, factories, stations. Architects consider, design and build the various buildings required by society as separate units.

Landscape architecture

Beautiful garden landscape design
Beautiful garden landscape design

Among the main types of modern architecture, there is one more, no less significant, type. It includes everything related to the improvement of the settlement, its comfort, aesthetics. Parks, boulevards, streets, squares, squares with their lanterns, monuments, fountains, shops, trees, bushes, fences, billboards are included in the concept of landscape architecture. Specialists in this field are engaged in landscaping areas, areas near houses and other buildings, as well as the design of gardens and parks, which are a wonderful decoration and a place of relaxation for their visitors.

Basic styles of architecture

As noted, there are different types of architecture. But we should not forget about the styles that have left their mark on everything that surrounds us for centuries. Visiting museums and art galleries, going on a tour of the ancient cities of different countries, we come across different eras manifested in architecture. Each of the styles is characterized by its own characteristics. Styles are usually classified according to historical periods. Herethe main ones are: Antiquity, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance or Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo, Classicism, Art Nouveau, Modernism and Postmodernism. Let's take a look at some of them.

Architecture in antiquity

First, let's say a few words about the pre-antique, that is, archaic style. It was characteristic of such ancient states as Assyria, Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. All buildings created before the fifth century BC are usually attributed to this style. What was typical for them? Simplicity, rather large stone buildings, observance of geometric shapes and proportions. However, there are differences in the execution of the pre-antique style. In Egypt, for example, there was a certain symmetry, while in Mesopotamia there was asymmetry.

Ancient temple in Athens
Ancient temple in Athens

Antiquity, as one of the types of architecture, or styles, primarily refers to Ancient Greece. This style was manifested in the construction of houses and temples. If we talk about religious buildings, then their features were thick walls, the absence of windows and the presence of a hole in the ceiling for light to enter the building. They are symmetrical and rhythmic. During this period, a certain system was founded, called the order system. She had three directions. The first, which appeared in the fifth century BC, is the Corinthian order. He was inherent in the presence of colonnades. The Doric order, which appeared a century earlier, was distinguished by features of massiveness and severity. And the last, Ionic, appeared relatively later than the others. Popular in Asia Minor, the Ionic order had a lighter, more elegantnature of buildings.

The Romans made the order system richer and more luxurious by adding decor and incorporating it into the construction of their temples and palaces.

Architectural Middle Ages

types of architecture, features and development
types of architecture, features and development

About the tenth century, a new style appears, called Romanesque in the 19th century. It lasted for two or three centuries. This period of history is characterized by the construction of castles, fortresses, temples and monasteries. They were based on designs that had the form of simple geometric shapes: a cube, a cylinder, a parallelepiped. Gradually, these structures were improved by adding various towers and galleries. The beginning of this period is characterized by its wall paintings, and the end - by stone reliefs on the facades. Monuments of this most peculiar of the types of architecture have survived in Europe to this day.

In the second half of the XII century, a new style begins to emerge - Gothic. It is characterized by the construction of a frame system with various arches and vaults. It predominantly dominated the construction of churches and cathedrals, which first began to appear in the northern part of medieval France. For example, a church in this style was built near Paris in the 12th century. Over the decades, Gothic spread to other countries: Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, Spain, England. Thanks to the Crusades, this style manifested itself in the buildings of Syria and Cyprus. In the 14th century, town halls began to be built, using the Gothic style for their decorations, and palaces instead of fortresses.

Renaissance interior
Renaissance interior

OnGothic is replaced by the Renaissance. In the 15th century, this style began to gain popularity. The Renaissance brings back the antique style, adding to it notes of its national traditions and views, as well as materials that were available during this period of time. For the construction of buildings, architects use the order system, as well as its characteristic symmetry, simplicity, proportionality, horizontality.

With the complication of structures and structures, the next type of architecture comes - baroque, which appeared at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries. Italy is the birthplace of the style. Baroque is manifested in the construction of palaces, cathedrals, public buildings. The main distinguishing features of the style are contrast, dynamism, majesty, the combination of illusion and reality, great attention is paid to decor and stucco elements.

types of architecture
types of architecture

Along with the baroque, the rococo style appears, which existed throughout the 18th century. Lightness and friendliness appear in forms, strict symmetry disappears, straight lines and flat surfaces practically disappear. The monuments of the Rococo style that have survived to this day attract us with their playfulness and easily transfer them to that era. The types of architecture of buildings acquire peculiar features.

Classicism, which appeared in the middle of the 18th century and existed throughout the 19th century, is again returning to ancient features: harmony, simplicity and monumentality.

Modern styles

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, a new style appears - modern. It greatly enhances the possibilitiesconstruction with the creation of new materials and technologies. There is a rejection of angles and familiar lines, everything is directed towards naturalness.

The next style is modernism, which existed in the 20th century. It includes various subspecies of architecture. It is inherent in the creation of everything new and practical, keeping up with the times.

Modern architecture style
Modern architecture style

So, as can be seen from the description of the types of architecture, this art has played and is playing a huge role in human life. Its practicality and aesthetics help us enjoy the works of architecture and understand how humanity has developed and improved over the centuries, expressing this in various details, features and figures.
