2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
World architecture developed according to the laws of church dominance. Residential civil buildings looked quite modest, while the temples were striking in their pomposity. During the Middle Ages, the church had significant funds that the higher clergy received from the state, in addition, donations from parishioners entered the church treasury. With this money, temples were built throughout Russia. Examples of civil architecture of that time leave much to be desired. However, since the 18th century, the situation has changed radically. Churches and cathedrals were already built without excessive luxury, but the estates of the landlords, royal country houses and even buildings in the noble hunting grounds significantly added to the sophistication and beauty. Styles of houses, architecture of buildings, streets and squares were constantly improved. Architects were considered the most respected people.

Early Gothic style
Unique examples of ancient architecture -these are cathedrals that were built starting from the middle of the 12th century in the northern regions of France. The largest Gothic cathedral was built in Amiens in 1220. Later, the same Gothic cathedral was erected in the German city of Cologne, its construction was completed in 1248.
In parallel with the Gothic in the 12th - 14th centuries, the Romanesque style also developed in the architecture of the Middle Ages. Italian architects erected buildings with walls of incredible thickness, the houses were more like fortresses. Examples of Romanesque architecture are buildings resembling military fortifications. The lower tier was especially strong, fundamental, the second floor consisted of towers and turrets, round and rectangular in plan, large and small. All the towers had narrow, high windows, shaped like loopholes. The Romanesque style in the architecture of the Middle Ages corresponded to its time. The warring knightly clans needed effective protection from enemy raids, and family castles with fortresses were the best suited for this purpose.
Ancient architecture
In ancient times, much attention was paid to the construction of public buildings. These were grandiose structures designed to organize mass spectacles. Ancient Roman forums, designed for tens of thousands of spectators, ancient Greek agora, which were huge open areas filled daily with people, artisans and merchants. Ancient Egyptian architecture differed significantly from Roman architecture, primarily in that the Egyptians never gathered in a crowd of thousands in one place. Egyptian history goes back to 15century BC, when architecture was conditional. The buildings were built of shell rock or red baked clay. Nothing was known about styles yet, the ancient Egyptians were not concerned with the style of their buildings, but with how to build houses higher to avoid flooding from the flooded Nile.

Ancient Greek architecture was mostly focused on the construction of temple buildings, some of which have survived to this day. Gradually, several architectural styles emerged:
Doric order - different simple, powerful forms, even some of their heaviness. Doric columns have flutes on their surface, deep grooves running from the lower base to the capital. The horizontal tiers in the Doric order are an architrave that connects the columns at the level of the abacus; a frieze passes from above, consisting of two layers - a triglyph and a metope. All together forms an entablature, which crowns with a gezims, a cornice with a significant outward protrusion
Ionic order - in comparison with the heavy Doric order, it differs in lightness of proportions. The main sign of belonging to the Ionic order is the capital of the column, which has the form of a double volute, directed downwards with curls. The Ionic order is considered an architectural feminine style, as it is refined and embellished. An order appeared in the 6th century BC, in Ionia, in the northwest coast of the Aegean Sea. A century later, it spread throughout ancient Greece. Main building in Ionic style -this is the temple of the goddess Hera on the island of Samos, built in 570 BC and soon destroyed by an earthquake. And the most stylish building in the Ionic order is the temple of Artemis of Ephesus - one of the "Seven Wonders of the World"
The Corinthian order - the latest, differed from others in its special splendor. The columns in the image and entablature resemble the signs of the Ionic order, but the abacus and capital are completely different. The Corinthian style is rich in decorativeness, there are floral ornaments in its capitals, and two rows of acanthus leaves run along the perimeter. The capital also adorns many lily volutes

The beginning of the 18th century was marked by the emergence of a new direction in world culture - classicism. The regularity of forms, clear projections and proportions - these were the main criteria of architectural classicism. A faithful follower of the ancient style of temple architecture, the Venetian master Palladio, together with his student Scamozzi, substantiated his own theory of ancient classicism. The doctrine was called "Palladianism" and became widely used in the construction of private mansions. The style of "classicism" in architecture turned out to be technologically advanced and convenient in terms of designing and erecting buildings.
The decline of baroque architecture
As it turned out, the cost of buildings erected in the new style was significantly lower. The buildings were laconic, the "whipped cream" of the late Baroque was a thing of the past, classicism with itssymmetrically axial compositions and noble restraint of decorative decoration gained more and more admirers. European connoisseurs of architectural masterpieces were ready to abandon both baroque and rococo in favor of chamber, with notes of academicism, strict and elegant classicism.
At the same time, several mansions were built under the direction of Andrea Palladio, the most famous of which was the Rotunda Palace, near the city of Vicenza. The style of "classicism" in architecture quickly gained popularity. Paris was literally swept by a wave of construction. Under Louis XV, entire architectural ensembles were erected, such as Place de la Concorde. And during the reign of Louis XVI, "laconic classicism" became the main trend in urban architecture. After the execution of the French king and the overthrow of the monarchy in 1793, Paris was built up for a long time chaotically and inconsistently.

Empire architectural style
At the end of the 18th century, classicism began to decline, it took a renewal of the whole culture as a whole and architecture as its component part.
Classicism was replaced by a new style in art and architecture called Empire, which originated and developed in France during the reign of Napoleon I. The emergence of a new direction was caused to a large extent by political reasons. The government of Napoleon Bonaparte tried to impose its own, so-called "imperial" style in architecture, when it became clearthat classicism is already nearing its decline. Both the solemn and pompous Empire style and all other styles of architecture of the 19th century fit perfectly into the palace agglomerates, however, the emphasis was nevertheless placed on the "royal" direction.
In Russia, the architectural Empire appeared under Tsar Alexander the First, who was loyal to French culture and considered it worthy of imitation. No wonder the sovereign invited an architect from France, Auguste Montferrand, to build the famous St. Isaac's Cathedral. The style in architecture - Empire - was not uniform in its form, it was divided into St. Petersburg and Moscow and lasted until the middle of the 19th century. In addition to St. Isaac's Cathedral, built in 1858, in St. Petersburg there is another masterpiece in the "royal" style, this is Andrei Voronikhin's Kazan Cathedral, and in Moscow "Triumphal Gates". The Russian Empire style in architecture is a thirty-year period for the construction of genuine masterpieces.
Architectural sights of St. Petersburg
One of the most outstanding cities in the world in terms of architectural significance is the city of St. Petersburg, the northern capital of Russia. Thanks to the succession of Russian and Western European experience in urban planning in the 18th - 19th centuries, a unique conglomerate was created in St. Petersburg. Fifteen different architectural styles are represented in the city, the harmonious polyphony of which creates a unique picture of the reunion of several historical periods into one whole. The boundaries of the eras are not clearly marked, "blurred", but all signs of the past are present.

The architecture of St. Petersburg includes eight dominant directions:
- Baroque "Petrine", early 18th century;
- Baroque Elizabethan, mid 18th century;
- Gothic, second half of the 18th century;
- classicism, late 18th century;
- Russian Empire, early 19th century;
- Renaissance, mid 19th century;
- eclecticism, second half of the 19th century;
- modern, early 20th century;
Peter's baroque is a transformed Italian and French baroque. A somewhat pretentious style was welcomed by Peter I and his entourage. However, the time when the baroque flourished was turbulent, numerous wars devastated the treasury. The construction of new buildings was financed insufficiently, and this could not but affect their quality. The baroque style was indicated only on the facades, the main features of the architectural direction were emphasized: pediments, pilasters with volutes, spiers on the roofs. The interiors were stretched according to the enfilade principle, which significantly reduced the cost of construction. Peter's baroque dominated in St. Petersburg from 1703 to 1740, after the death of the emperor in 1725, the activity of European architects invited under the contract decreased, but work continued for another 15 years.
Ascended to the royal throne in 1741, the daughter of Peter I, Elizabeth, sought to centralize power, in addition, she was no stranger to luxury, splendor, magnificent festivities and balls. In the architecture of urban buildings during the reignElizabeth began to be traced pomposity and pretentiousness, thus the style of "Elizabethian baroque" itself arose. The main architect of that time was Bartolomeo Rastrelli, who created a masterpiece of architecture of world importance - the Winter Palace, located on Palace Square, which is also known as the Hermitage Museum.
List of architectural structures erected during the reign of the Elizabethan Baroque:
- Anichkov Palace (1741 - 1753).
- Elizabeth's Summer Palace (1741 - 1744), not preserved.
- The Great Peterhof Palace (1745 - 1762).
- Catheringof Palace (1747 - 1750), not preserved.
- Smolny Cathedral, built in St. Petersburg (1748 - 1754).
- Vorontsov's Palace, Petersburg (1749 - 1757).
- Travel Palace on the Middle Slingshot (1751 - 1754), not preserved.
- Catherine's Palace in Tsarskoe Selo (1752 - 1758).
- Stroganov Palace, Nevsky Prospekt (1753 - 1754).
- Nikolo-Epiphany Naval Cathedral (1753 - 1762).
- Shuvalov's House on Italian Street (1753 - 1755).
- Winter Palace (1754 - 1762).
- Yakovlev's mansion (1762 - 1766), not preserved.

Gothic in St. Petersburg
The City on the Neva is one of the most unique metropolitan areas in the world with such a diverse culture. Gothic architecture appeared in St. Petersburg in 1777, it was the Chesme Palace and the Chesme Church. As in the case of the "Petrine Baroque", these buildings are not fullymatched the style. Gothic elements performed the function of external paraphernalia - facades, lancet arches, numerous turrets, high spiers. The supporting structures of the buildings were carried out according to a simplified scheme. In fact, it was pseudo-Gothic, however, a large number of churches and secular buildings were built in the 19th century.
The architectural style "classicism" was developed in the period from 1760 to 1780. Petersburg at that time was already ready for change. The buildings, built in the style of classicism, organically fit into the urban landscape. Among the most notable buildings are the following:
- "Imperial Academy of Arts", built on Vasilyevsky Island in 1764-1788.
- Yusupov Palace (1771-1773).
- Hanging Gardens of the Small Hermitage (1764-1775).
- Armenian Church (1771-1776).
- Marble Palace (1768-1785)
- Tauride Palace (1783-1789).
- Mining Institute of Empress Catherine (1806-1808).
Classicism was a harbinger of the emergence of Russian Empire in St. Petersburg. The change of direction happened imperceptibly. At that time, the Empire style of architecture was in demand in France as part of the rapid changes taking place in the country. It reflected the ambitions of Napoleon and became a symbol of new life for the French. And the Russian Empire came to replace classicism, nothing more. The architecture of St. Petersburg developed according to its own laws. French culture had a significant impact on its formation.

Architecture andphoto
Residential and sacral buildings, landlord estates and temples, prisons and government houses. Any structure related to public life had to have architectural features. Some houses were built in strict accordance with the rules of building aesthetics, while the architects often managed to achieve impressive results. Masterpieces of architectural art had to be sketched, since photography did not yet exist. Photo art appeared and began to develop only in the first half of the 19th century. However, it was not immediately possible to replace the drawing with a photo. Architecture is always a rather complex image, with many shades and halftones, and the usual daguerreotype did not convey them, only a flat spot with barely noticeable contours was obtained on the plate. And the artists continued to paint.
However, years passed, photography improved, and now the moment has come when it became possible to capture any building in a photo. Architecture, according to the apt expression of the classic, is "frozen music", and many people wanted to keep this music as a memory in the form of a photograph. People posed against the backdrop of their own houses or tried to shoot near some famous building. All sorts of styles of architecture, photos of which were considered good form to have at home, became popular. In the early days of photography, most shots were either family or building shots.
Architecture styles with examples
There are many examples of architectural styles, each of them has certain features that characterize the direction, typicalownership and time period in which this building was erected.
Specific examples can be given for some of the most famous styles of architecture:
- Empire - "Arch of the General Staff" in St. Petersburg, on Palace Square (1819 - 1829), architect Carlo Rossi;
- classicism - "Trinity Cathedral in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra" (1776 - 1790), architect Starov. Saint Petersburg;
- Gothic - "Sevastyanov's House" (1863 - 1866), architect Paduchev, Yekaterinburg;
- baroque - "Stroganov Palace" in St. Petersburg, on Nevsky Prospekt, (1752 - 1754), architect Rastrelli;
- renaissance - Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence (1417 - 1436), architect Brunelleschi;
- modern - "Singer Company House" in St. Petersburg (1902 - 1904), architect Suzor.
Examples of architecture testify to the development of certain genres over the centuries.
Original examples of today's architecture
Today there are enough creative architects in the world who are engaged in ultra-modern projects. Other projects are purely utilitarian in nature, but there are those that can be called original. For example, in Japan balloon houses have become fashionable. Since the Land of the Rising Sun is seismic, Japanese architects began to install houses on huge balls made of especially durable material. Thus, during an earthquake, the house simply begins to sway, the vibrations of the tremors cannot cause any damage to it.harm.
There are original buildings that are the fruit of creative design ideas. In the famous Spanish city of Barcelona, which rightfully ranks first in the world in terms of the number of original buildings, the architects have created another masterpiece. This is a house turned upside down. The building stands on the roof and pleases tourists with its unusualness.
Types of architecture: description. Styles of architecture

Architectural style reflects common features in the design of building facades, plans, forms, structures. Styles were formed in certain conditions of the economic and social development of society under the influence of religion, state structure, ideology, traditions of architecture and much more. The emergence of a new kind of architectural style has always been associated with technological progress. Consider some of the main types of architecture
What is architecture: definition, styles, history, examples. Architectural monuments

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