Miyagi and Endgame. Biography of rap artists

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Miyagi and Endgame. Biography of rap artists
Miyagi and Endgame. Biography of rap artists

Video: Miyagi and Endgame. Biography of rap artists

Video: Miyagi and Endgame. Biography of rap artists
Video: Getting Started with Hot Chocolate Fusion. 2024, July

Miyagi and Endgame are popular performers on the modern rap scene, who immediately won the hearts of many young people with their original tracks. The biography of Miyagi and Endgame is interesting because, in an amazing way, fate brought two young people from Vladikavkaz thousands of kilometers from their home.

It is worth immediately explaining to those far from the world of turnip, Miyagi and Endgame are the creative pseudonyms of two young people who united and began to work together to create and promote their creativity.

The way to the stage

Miyagi (real name Azamat Kudzaev) is a 26-year-old guy from Vladikavkaz. From early childhood, the boy showed himself in various fields, including music, and was also fond of martial arts. However, choosing a future profession, Azamat decided to follow in the footsteps of his parents and devote his life to medicine. Mother and father, of course, were delighted with this choice of their son and saw in him a continuation of their dynasty. However, already in the first year, the future musician recorded tracks and soon realized that he still could not live without music. His parents took his decision without much joy, but wisely: they blessed their son to go his own way and become the best in what he would do. Miyagi's first album was released in 2015year. By that time, the rapper already had his own music studio in St. Petersburg.

Azamat Kudzaev
Azamat Kudzaev

Rapper Endgame (Soslan Burnatsev) was also born in Vladikavkaz, but as a child he was more fond of football than music. I went to study engineering. Only in adolescence Soslan discovered his creative abilities. Like Miyagi, Endgame made the decision to connect his life with music in his first year at the institute. The rapper himself says that the unique style appeared under the influence of the reggae musical genre.

Before meeting Miyagi, Endgame released two albums, then the paths of young and promising performers crossed.

The biography of Miyagi and Endgame is similar in some aspects, but the main unifying factor of these two talented performers was the same views and preferences in music.

Miyagi and Endgame biography
Miyagi and Endgame biography

Joint project

The fateful meeting took place in St. Petersburg. The musicians were familiar with each other's work in absentia, so they did not postpone the matter indefinitely. Both musicians at that time had experience of performing in their hometown in local clubs, so they were not afraid of the stage. The rappers began to cooperate in 2016, and their very first record created the effect of an exploding bomb. In a short time, Miyagi and Endgame's album "Hajime 2" gathered a large audience of listeners. This record became the starting point in the biography of the musicians. It often happens that in an instant the fallen popularity destroys the performers, they never manage to surpass their first achievement andmeet the expectations of the public. But it was not so with these ambitious guys. With each next track they wrote, they proved that they were ready to maintain a high set bar and delight their listeners. The result was Hajime 2, released shortly after the debut. And 2017 pleased the fans with the release of the third album "Umshakalaka".

Miyagi and Endgame albums
Miyagi and Endgame albums

Thorny path

Miyagi and Endgame are an example of performers who really started from scratch and only on their own made their way to the top. The guys had no money either for expensive shooting of clips or for the promotion of their tracks, so their debut work was simply laid out on social networks and on YouTube. It was there that the first recognition came to rappers in the form of thousands of likes and downloads of tracks.

The biography of Miyagi and Endgame was not easy, but the guys overcame all the difficulties on their way to success. Thanks to their talent and diligence, they were able to win the hearts of numerous listeners in a short time. Tickets for concerts of performers sell like hot cakes. At the moment, the albums of Miyagi and Endgame are constantly at the top of the charts, and their tracks are heard by today's youth. The guys have a negative attitude towards music labels, they prefer to develop their creativity without assistants.

Soslan Burnatsev
Soslan Burnatsev

Private life

About the biography of Miyagi and Endgame, in fact, not much is known. Both musicians do not like to talk about their personal lives, it is only known that they are married. Despite their brutal stage image, in ordinary life they do not like noisy companies and clubs. Miyagi likes to spend his free time from music with a good book. The performer calls Oscar Wilde his favorite author. According to the musician, reading is not just a hobby for him, it broadens his horizons, replenishes his vocabulary, which also helps in writing tracks.


A terrible tragedy befell the Miyagi family in September of this year. The musician's one-and-a-half-year-old son died after falling out of a window on the ninth floor. The whole family is now united to survive the grief. Fans express condolences and write words of support on social networks. It remains to be hoped that the monstrous accident will not break the talented musician, and he will find the strength to recover from the loss and continue to delight with his work together with Endgame.
