Poet Vvedensky Alexander: biography and creativity

Poet Vvedensky Alexander: biography and creativity
Poet Vvedensky Alexander: biography and creativity

Vvedensky Alexander for a long time was known to a wide range of readers exclusively as a children's writer and poet. Only a select circle knew that he had more serious and profound works intended for a completely different audience than small children.

Alexander Vvedensky
Alexander Vvedensky

Few people also know that the poet and playwright Vvedensky Alexander, who gained wide popularity, after graduating from high school, could not pass a simple exam in Russian literature. This fact, which happened in the youth of the outstanding poet, once again confirmed that not all children who do not cope with formal school assignments are stupid and hopeless. After all, it was during his school years that the future poet showed his writing talent and developed a pronounced craving for literature.

Poet's family

Vvedensky Alexander, whose year of birth falls on 1904, was born in St. Petersburg. We can say that his parents belonged to the intellectual elite of Leningrad at that time. His mother, Povolotskaya Evgenia Ivanovna, was successful and verya well-known obstetrician-gynecologist in the city. Vvedensky's father, Ivan Viktorovich, had a higher legal education and occupied a good position in the city. He devotedly served in the civil service for many years and was awarded the rank of State Councilor for his achievements. After the Soviets came to power, he began working as an economist, and his family miraculously escaped the Soviet repressions that threatened them due to their obvious intellectual origin and lack of direct ties to the working class.

Alexander Vvedensky: biography

At first, the parents decided to send their son to be raised in the Leningrad Cadet Corps, where the future writer and poet studied for a short time with his brother. But later, at the insistence of the mother, both of her sons went to study at the gymnasium. Lentovskaya. Alexander Ivanovich Vvedensky, whose photo can be seen in our article, graduated from this gymnasium in 1921. Then he decided to continue his studies at Petrograd University, choosing the Faculty of Law.

Alexander Ivanovich Vvedensky photo
Alexander Ivanovich Vvedensky photo

He did not study there for long and, realizing that he was not really interested in jurisprudence, Alexander Vvedensky, whose poems for children would become known to many over time, decided to transfer to the Oriental Faculty, or rather, to its Chinese department. But he did not continue this study for a long time and soon left the university forever. For a short time, Alexander Vvedensky was a clerk. He then worked for two years at Krasny Oktyabr, a local power plant.

The first formation of writer's views,futuristic

Vvedensky Alexander Ivanovich - a poet whose poems became quite popular, began to write his first works while still a high school student. And it was during this student period that the young man developed sympathy for the futurists, and he was also attracted to the work of the symbolists. Especially Vvedensky Alexander in his youth became interested in the legendary Blok. It is worth noting that the poems of Kruchenykh had a huge influence on the formation of him as a person. There is a story about how, as a high school student, he was a member of a literary association. Alekseev and Lipavsky were with him.

Alexander Vvedensky biography
Alexander Vvedensky biography

One day, three high school students decided to get an assessment of their early works from Blok himself. They collected their poems and sent them to Alexander Alexandrovich, but, judging by the preserved records from the archives of the great poet, he did not really like the poems of the young gymnasium students, he singled out only Alekseev separately. At the same time, it was Alexander Vvedensky who most likely initiated the idea to get a review from Blok, because his address was indicated as a return on the envelope. Despite such disappointment, his love and craving for literature did not disappear.

Meet Kharms

Fatal and largely determining his future fate for the poet was his acquaintance with Kharms. Vvedensky Alexander actively communicated in poetic circles and tried to expand his literary ties as much as possible. He was on fairly friendly terms with Kuzmin and Klyuev, and often saw them. And during one of these meetings he met Daniil Kharms, whosubsequently became his best friend.

poet and playwright Alexander Vvedensky
poet and playwright Alexander Vvedensky

Once Vvedensky was invited to listen to the works of young poets, and among the speakers, Alexander singled out one, in his opinion, the most talented - he turned out to be Kharms.

From this poetry evening they left together, and after talking a little, they found a lot of similarities in their views.

Joint activities of two comrades

Vvedensky and Kharms have become really sincere and devoted comrades. They shared the views of the left forces and were active in literature. From time to time, friends read their poems, speaking at literary evenings held by the Extraordinary Meetings of Friends meeting. They also joined the Union of Leningrad Poets. Wishing to unite writers with similar views, the comrades decided to create their own organization.

History of the creation of OBERIU

In 1927, Vvedensky, together with Kharms, acted as ideologists and creators of a kind of association of "real art", which entered the history and textbooks of literature under the legendary name OBERIU. This organization was part of the Press House as one of its sections. Their main interest in literature was in senseless phenomena. And also actively preached the direction of absurdism. For the most part, Vvedensky was an active figure in OBERIU, and Daniil Kharms acted as an organizer. In addition to them, there were several young poets, among whom were N. Oleinikov and N. Zabolotsky.

Basic activitiesliterary association

OBERIU was engaged in quite outrageous activities at that time. They organized theatrical concerts and performances, during which the poems of poets belonging to OBERIU were read, and very often such performances were accompanied by very eccentric antics. Concerts could be held under different slogans and illustrated with inscriptions, for example, "We are not pies." For St. Petersburg in the 30s, mired in a difficult post-revolutionary period, such inscriptions were too difficult to perceive, and very soon a flurry of criticism fell upon the activities of OBERIU. They were called scandalous, completely incomprehensible and alien to the Komsomol audience.

"Job" as a children's writer

Vigorous activity as the main ideologist and activist of OBERIU most likely brought Vvedensky moral satisfaction, but could not provide him financially. Therefore, when the poet received an offer from Sergei Marshak to write poetry for children's magazines, he did not refuse.

vedensky alexander ivanovich poet poems
vedensky alexander ivanovich poet poems

Starting from 1928, he actively writes children's poems, stories, and publishes almost all the time in magazines such as "Chizh" and "Ezh". Such work helped him make ends meet, and it was thanks to her that Vvedensky Alexander Ivanovich - a poet with pronounced futuristic views, an adherent of symbolism and the absurd - became known and went down in official history as a children's writer.

Suspicion and arrest

The activities of OBERIU have long been under scrutinythe control of local authorities, who could not afford the manifestation of such free-thinking in St. Petersburg. In the 30s, almost all "Oberiuts" fell under repression. They were accused of distracting Komsomol members from their main task - the construction of socialism. Vvedensky was no exception and was also arrested in 1931.

According to the official version, Alexander Ivanovich received a denunciation that during one of the feasts he made a toast in honor of Nicholas II. Vvedensky was charged with the fifty-eighth article, accusing him of counter-revolutionary activities. But at the same time, the special department of the GPU for "literary issues" was engaged in the poet's business. After the investigation, Vvedensky was sent into exile.


Initially, he was sent to serve his sentence in the city of Kursk. Alexander went into exile with his first wife, T. Meyer, whom he met while still a high school student, since they studied at the same institution. While in exile, he lived with Kharms for a long time, and then was sent to Vologda. He was released from exile in 1932, but there was a decree that forbade Vvedensky to live on the territory of 16 points of the USSR. For this reason, he spent three more years in Borisoglebsk.

Return to Freedom

Completely freed, Alexander Vvedensky returned to Leningrad in 1934. There he was immediately accepted into the Writers' Union. In this and the following year he writes his best poems, among which are "Four Descriptions" and "Invitation to Me to Think."

poet andplaywright Vvedensky Alexander
poet andplaywright Vvedensky Alexander

In order not to fall under the sight of the authorities again, Alexander Ivanovich writes a lot of pro-Soviet literature, as well as children's works and plays, including the popular Ivanovs' Christmas Tree. A few years before the start of the war, Vvedensky created a play for the legendary Obraztsov puppet theater. At the same time, he rarely speaks in public with his poems.

Alexander Ivanovich married for the second time, and Galina Viktorova became his chosen one. They became spouses in 1936, and soon the poet moved to his new wife in Kharkov, where she lived. A year after their marriage, in 1936, they had a common son, Peter.

Death of a poet

Unfortunately, the exact date of death of this most talented person is still unknown. There are several versions of his death, one of them says that in 1941, when the Germans approached Kharkov, Alexander Vvedensky, like all the inhabitants of the city, was preparing for evacuation. The train, on which the poet's family was supposed to leave Kharkov, was overcrowded, and the next one did not come. Two days later, Vvedensky was again accused of counterrevolution and presented with Article 54. Together with other "unreliable comrades" and "enemies of the people" he was transferred to Kazan.

According to the official version, the echelon cars were absolutely not designed to transport people. It was very cold on the train, and Vvedensky fell ill with pulmonary pleurisy and died on the way.

His corpse was left in one of the Kazan morgues, which belonged to the psychiatric clinic of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to some informationdeath itself occurred on the night of December 19, while in the rehabilitation document, which was issued much later, the date of death was indicated on December 20.

vedensky alexander
vedensky alexander

Alas, the exact place of his burial is unknown today. The poet and playwright Alexander Vvedensky died at a very young age. He was 37 years old.
