Pivars Inna: biography, filmography, photo

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Pivars Inna: biography, filmography, photo
Pivars Inna: biography, filmography, photo

Video: Pivars Inna: biography, filmography, photo

Video: Pivars Inna: biography, filmography, photo
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Inna Pivars - theater and film actress, widow of the famous artist and film director Alexander Kaidanovsky - for a long time after his death did not give interviews to journalists, did not tell the details of her personal life. However, at some point I decided to break the vow of silence. What the actress lives today, and what is happening in her personal life - this is our story.

pivars inna
pivars inna


Pivars Inna Yanovna is a theater and film actress of the Russian Federation, who was born in Riga in September 1968. Recalling her childhood years, the artist says that she was constantly in an atmosphere of love and care. She lived with her parents in an ordinary city apartment near the center of Riga. The city of childhood itself is small, and everything in it was within walking distance. Inna did not really like going to school, her favorite subjects there were only singing lessons and physical education. This is not surprising - Inna was involved in professional sports, and all her childhood memories are somehow connected with constant and sometimes exhausting training. Pivarsshe was engaged in athletics - she was given in the heptathlon, so outside of school she studied many things at the same time: high jump, javelin throw, shot put, long jump, run 100 meters with barriers and 800 meters without them. I must say that Inna's sport was very useful in her later life. Her endurance and perseverance, developed in childhood, did not disappear, but simply passed into another form and were useful in the profession. Today, Inna Pivars is happy to perform complex acrobatic stunts on the set, not allowing stuntmen to do it for her.

How I got into the theater

The actress got acquainted with the theater in her youth - Inna accidentally got into the folk music group of the House of Officers in Riga. Surprisingly, a completely different world opened up for her. It was polarly different from the life that the girl lived before. She was so captured by the scene that Inna began to attend all classes with pleasure.

inna pivars
inna pivars

Rehearsals, touring - everything was new and allowed you to take a break from sports, switch and relax. In addition, in order to survive, small groups had to constantly release new productions and present them to the audience. This kept the participants in the stream, did not allow to dissipate into trifles.

Once Pivars Inna was in Moscow with sporting events and was simply stunned by the scale of the city - compared to Riga, the capital seemed like an endless dangerous ocean. Then the moment came when it was necessary to determine your future - to stay in the sport ortry your hand at the theatre. After heavy hesitation, Inna made a decision and chose the theater. It was difficult, there was no person with whom one could consult. But the girl's heart said she was on the right path.

About the theater

In 1990, Inna Pivars, whose photo has already flashed on the posters of the folk music group, graduated from GITIS. Her first acting experience began with the Satyricon Theater, where the aspiring artist got thanks to Alla Sigalova. A beautiful and graceful girl was taken on the role of Panther Bagheera in the play "Mowgli". According to many colleagues, the young woman perfectly fit into this image like no other.

Once life gave Inna an unexpected gift. The actress, in company with her friend, went to “show” at Lenkom, and ironically, it was Pivars who offered the job in the theater, and not her companion. Inna recalls how venerable actors were sitting in the hall with Mark Zakharov - Oleg Yankovsky, Alexander Abdulov, Alexander Zbruev, Nikolai Karachentsov. Everything that happened was very exciting and resembled an exam. Later, Zakharov praised the girl for her talent and offered her the lead role in the play School for Emigrants. Inna was lucky to play on the same stage with many outstanding actors of our time. Today, the artist's repertoire includes participation in such productions as "Juno and Avos" (Conchita), "The Seagull" (Masha), "The Visit of the Lady" (The Burgomaster's Wife), "The Bremen Town Musicians" (Atamansha) and others.

pivars inna yanovna
pivars inna yanovna

Of course, today Inna Pivars, whose biography began with "Satyricon", is grateful to fate for the fact that in herlife is "Lenkom" - this is her home, her school. But the actress is of the opinion that everything in the world happens for a reason, and if some things happen to you without much effort on your part, then this is the right path, this is what should happen according to fate. The artist considers her way to Lenkom to be a given. Thanks to this theater, changes took place in the woman’s personal life at one time - in Lenkom she met her future husband.

Movie roles

Inna Pivars, whose filmography is filled mainly with episodes and small supporting roles, is not well known to the general public. For an actress, theater comes first, and filming a movie is a kind of opportunity to switch and diversify your work. In addition, Inna does not belong to herself - she is raising her son Maxim, and this takes a lot of strength and energy.

inna pivars photo
inna pivars photo

The actress openly says that after the birth of the baby she had to refuse many interesting offers - she tried to be an exemplary mother. However, looking back, she admits that she still could not fully devote herself to the child. The cruel truth of life is that the actress, whatever one may say, lives mainly for the stage.

In the filmography of the artist, work in the film "Escape" by Alexander Malyukov, shooting in the series "Gray Gelding", where the famous heartthrob Alexander Domogarov was a partner in the frame. In 2011, Inna Pivars starred in the film Black Wolves by Dmitry Konstantinov.

Inna Pivars does not follow the trail of a super-popular star of Russian cinema, howevereveryone recognizes not only her beauty, but also her talent.

About my husband

The personal life of the actress developed in different ways - there were ups and happy moments in it, but there were many sad days there. For a long time, Inna Pivars had a relationship with Viktor Ivanov, a director, stunt coordinator and stuntman. Victor is a purposeful person, and his plans have always been to work in Hollywood. Once life gave him a chance to reach his dream - Ivanov left for the USA for ten years, and Inna remained in Moscow. The romance ended and the couple broke up.

inna pivars biography
inna pivars biography

But a long decade passed, and they met again. Today, Inna and Ivan are a family that has its own continuation. The boy Maxim was born, a beloved son, a talented child. Victor periodically travels to America - he is invited there as a stunt director, Inna works in Moscow. Of course, every time she worries about her husband, she tries to persuade him to leave a dangerous profession and completely plunge into directing, but, on the other hand, she trusts her husband infinitely. Victor is a professional, he knows how to correctly calculate the trick and accurately perform the insurance. In the piggy bank of his trophies is a stunt Oscar for his work in the film The Bourne Supremacy.

Alexander Kaidanovsky

Inna's life was another very important man - Alexander Kaydanovsky, who left an unhealed wound in the woman's heart. In the period when Pivars Inna and Viktor Ivanov broke up, fate brought the young actress a meeting with a talented actor, screenwriter and director, an outstandinga personality, a multifaceted person - Alexander Kaidanovsky. In the life of a man, Inna Pivars was already the fourth wife. They met at the audition for the film Ascending to Earhart, on which the film director was working at that time. Fate did not give these people a chance to live a long life together. Alexander Kaidanovsky soon became seriously ill, suffered three heart attacks and passed away at the age of 49.

The relationship of a couple is difficult to adjust to any living standards. Everything was in their family. Inna Pivars, however, recalls this time as something extraordinary, comparing Kaidanovsky with a huge planet, from which one can simply draw energy and cannot tear oneself away. The actress says meeting the director turned her life around.

I love choosing gifts

Today Inna Pivars is absolutely happy. She plays performances in her native and beloved theater, acts in films if possible, and also takes care of her family with pleasure. The actress says that the greatest happiness for her is the birth, and then the upbringing of her son Maxim. The boy was born when the woman was already in adulthood - at the time of birth, Inna was 35 years old. And the actress claims that, although the life situation seemed absolutely conscious, it was still not easy - fears and wild tension were present in her life for some time. However, everything passed, the difficulties receded, and today parents, looking at their son, experience only incredible joy and pride.

inna pivars filmography
inna pivars filmography

The actress admits that she loves to pamper not only her son, but also her husband. Everyone triestime to please them with gifts - it doesn’t matter, on occasion, or just like that. Inna shares that she loves to give gifts and every time she chooses them with trepidation and soul. And then she watches with delight how close people smile - it is always pleasant and joyful to receive bundles with a surprise.
