Boris Bolotov. Treatment according to Bolotov

Boris Bolotov. Treatment according to Bolotov
Boris Bolotov. Treatment according to Bolotov

Boris Bolotov is a well-known modern scientist who has become famous in many branches of science. Most often, his name is associated with a unique system of cleansing the human body from old cells, which, according to his theory, not only allows you to rejuvenate the body, but also gives it immortality. He also developed a unique system for fighting cancer.

Boris Bolotov: biography

Let's find out more about who this person is. Boris Bolotov was born on November 30, 1930 in a small village in the Ulyanovsk region. He received a good education, first at the Odessa Electrotechnical Institute of Communications, then at the Moscow Postgraduate School. Here he was offered to stay and continue working at the department, but Boris Vasilyevich decided to return to his homeland, to the Kyiv Academic Institute of Electrodynamics, where he defended his doctoral dissertation.

Boris Bolotov
Boris Bolotov

Such a dizzying rise, unfortunately, ended in a fall. First - demotion, suspension from work, and, finally, the worst - arrest, a psychiatric hospital and imprisonment.

He was sentenced to 8years. Within the walls of the cell, he developed a facility for cold nuclear fusion, and 7 years later he was released early and rehabilitated. A year after his release, he receives the title of People's Academician.

Scientific discoveries (accepted and rejected)

Many important discoveries are associated with the name of Boris Bolotov, most of which are still not recognized by the scientific world:

  • Greatly expanded the periodic table, discovering a number of new elements and calculating all their chemical parameters.
  • Invented foams that are stronger than anything known to date. According to Bolotov himself, anything can be built from these materials, from a garage to a rocket launcher.
  • Another invention is paint for covering the bottoms of ships. It is believed to have unique bactericidal properties.
  • In the manufacturing process of some types of medicines, a unique pure sugar, also invented by Boris Bolotov, is used.
  • The seawater desalination plant, which is popular not only in the homeland of the scientist, is also the work of Bolotov.
Boris Bolotov. Treatment according to Bolotov
Boris Bolotov. Treatment according to Bolotov

Rejuvenation of the body

For a long time the complex human body was studied by Boris Bolotov. Treatment according to Bolotov is based on the beneficial properties of certain products. He came to the conclusion that properly organized nutrition and eating the foods that he advises can lead to the rejuvenation of the human body and even to its immortality. Toto achieve this, you must follow a few rules:

  1. Hundreds of cells die daily in the human body. It is necessary that these unnecessary cells are removed from the body, and completely new ones take their place. To achieve this, Bolotov strongly recommends that each time after eating, put a pinch of s alt under the tongue, dissolve it and swallow the resulting s alty saliva. In addition, it is advisable to add s alt to all vegetables and fruits eaten.
  2. The next step to eternal youth is the removal of all toxins from the body. According to Bolotov, acids, which are found in large quantities in all kinds of pickles, will serve as a good remedy here.
  3. The human body contains many s alts of different types. The bulk of them in one form or another is displayed independently. However, there are those that remain in the body, causing irreparable harm to human he alth. These are alkali acids. To get rid of them, you need to drink tea made from sunflower, watermelon peels or pumpkin tails.
  4. Having studied plant and animal cells in the human body, Bolotov came to the conclusion that he can only get sick from the first. This means that it is necessary to oxidize the body. For example, using pickled peas, oats, lentils or beans.
  5. The last principle of Bolotov is that only the person himself should want to fight his aging and sick body. Only in this case can certain positive results be achieved.
Boris Bolotov. Biography
Boris Bolotov. Biography

Boris Bolotov: cancer treatment

BRecently, more and more people began to talk about a unique system of healing people from cancer. This terrible disease affects everyone indiscriminately, regardless of age, nationality or social status. This suggests that the fight against cancer must continue constantly, it is necessary not to stop and look for more and more new methods of fighting tumors. This is exactly what the famous Ukrainian scientist is trying to do.

Cancer control tactics

According to Bolotov's theory, all diseases in the human body are provoked by violations in the work of housing and communal services. This means that the treatment of any disease should begin with the restoration of its work. Boris Vasilyevich Bolotov developed and scientifically substantiated a whole "scenario" for the treatment of cancer patients:

Boris Bolotov. Cancer treatment
Boris Bolotov. Cancer treatment
  1. Every morning you need to start with cake procedures. The pomace of vegetables and fruits have amazing properties - when they enter the human body, they are able to draw out even heavy metals and carcinogens, and also collect the remaining moisture in the stomach. All this has a positive effect on the restoration of the gastrointestinal tract. Having discovered an oncological disease, it is necessary to take cabbage pomace once a day for a month, about 3 tablespoons.
  2. The following procedure is designed to relieve inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to prepare a simple solution. In a 3-liter jar of water, mix sugar, celandine grass (in gauze) and sour cream (in proportions 1st: 0.5 tbsp: 1 teaspoon). Insist for a few days. Take half a glass half an hour beforefood.
  3. During meals, you need to take "Royal vodka" 1 tablespoon. To prepare it, you need to take 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of concentrated hydrochloric and sulfuric acid, 0.5 cups of grape vinegar and 4 tablets of nitroglycerin. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. After eating, drink tea, also prepared according to the recipe of Boris Bolotov. Take 2 teaspoons of a dry plant (raspberry, coltsfoot, linden, chamomile), pour boiling water, insist and drink.
  5. During the day, take a solution prepared from 1 tbsp. tablespoons of grape vinegar and 0.5 cups of water (yogurt, curdled milk or milk can be used instead of water).
  6. Take 0.5 cups of s alted cabbage juice in the evening before bedtime.

Books by Boris Bolotov

During his long life, Boris Bolotov became known as a writer. He has published a number of books in which he tells readers how to eat right so as not to get sick. Shares recipes for the treatment of various diseases with those who are already sick.

Boris Bolotov. Books
Boris Bolotov. Books

At present, Boris Bolotov, whose books and inventions are known all over the world, is alive and well. At 85, he is in excellent he alth and continues to write.
